Ettan, Proper Pronunciation

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Ettan, Proper Pronunciation

    As the topic says, how is this pronounced? I pronounce it like Eh-tahn, kind of French, but I'm almost certain this is wrong. Do any of you know the correct way?
  • Asquar
    • Mar 2008
    • 256

    I can't help you, but maybe we could have a thread devoted to proper pronunciation of snus-related terms in general.

    I wasn't sure whether pris should be said French style (silent S) or not, but found a Swedish language site where I could hear an audio presentation of the word, and apparently the S is pronounced.


    • Kennet Klotkuk
      New Member
      • Oct 2007
      • 10

      Kinda depends on what language you speak, even for English you might pronounce words in very different ways. But I'll try to describe it anyway.

      The E is pronounced kinda like the EA in BREAKFAST.
      The TT is a sharp T sound like in COTTON
      The A is a short A sound like the first A in CALCUTTA
      The N is simply a N sound like in any word, pronounced clearly though

      Hope that helped you out somehow. It would sure be easier if I could upload a sound somehow, just don't know how to do it


      • Mariner
        • Feb 2008
        • 21

        Pris in Swedish rhymes with please.

        Ettan sounds similar to at on, spoken as one word, with the 'at' in the style of a British newsreel commentator from the fifties slash friendly Kiwi ('et' like in 'jet'), and the 'on' in a contemporary American style ('a:n'). As if that made any sense at all. :lol:

