I just got back from a camping trip with my kids school. I brought along some Gellivare and Granit but was afraid to use them as most of the schools here have a very strict no tobacco policy. I ended up using nothing but Northerner/Oomph for the entire 3 days as it is very easy to conceal. I am truly grateful that I no longer smoke as it would have been a total pain in the you know what to try and sneak in a smoke. Also, it is very easy to smell cigarettes long after you have had one and I most certainly would have been known as that evil parent who uses tobacco. I did get sick of Northerner after a while but it did help to keep me from jonesing the entire trip. I was so glad to stick in a big fat pris of Gellivare on the way home. I think it may have been the most satisfying pris ever! I also think that it is much easier to try and go without snus than smokes for a period of time in any situation.