I can't get a nicotine rush from snus

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  • LronHoover
    New Member
    • Mar 2008
    • 1

    I can't get a nicotine rush from snus

    Hello. I ordered a sample box of portion snus and have tried several brands. I dip and since it's a nasty and dangerous habit I would really like to switch to snus. But I can't get anywhere close to the nicotine buzz I get from a dip. I've tried three pouches at once (of a large portion) and still nowhere close. Is there a brand that packs more of a punch than the others? Does loose snus hit harder? Any comments would be appreciated - I really wish this would have worked!
  • ['nju:bI]
    • Dec 2007
    • 29

    As far as nicotine content goes, the strongest brand available is skruf stark, the portions having more nicotine/gram than the loose variant.
    When talking about loose, you have to keep in mind that you can take whatever amount pleases you, as opposed to portions, which are by nature coming in (usually) 1 gram steps.

    American dip IS stroger than Swedish snus, most definitely. However, you should be able to fight the cravings with it quite effectively. It's a very satisfying nicotine delivery system (as opposed to NRTs) and it shouldn't take you too long to never wanna go back again once you get the hang of it.

    I'd say try Skruf Stark portions - if they don't give what you need, you're probably the worst case I've ever encountered

    Good luck!


    • Jason
      • Jan 2008
      • 1370

      Did you get the Swedish Match try-out box? I don't think there is anything really strong in there except for N&J; you should try that one if you haven't already. And definitely Skruf stark as stated before, or the Offroad strong flavors....I don't see how anyone can handle more than one portion at a time of that stuff. :wink:


      • Dead Rabbit
        • Mar 2008
        • 315

        Yeah..the skruf stark portions are very strong. It has to have more nic then Kodiak dip or Cope, thats for sure. I thougt N&J would be the nic champ. I was wrong.

        I would put Skruf loose up there with Cope or Kodiak. N&J and General loose maybe just a tad under.

        On another note, I never crave cigarettes anymore. Not even in the bar. I never in my wildest dreams thought that was possible.


        • Asquar
          • Mar 2008
          • 256

          Originally posted by Dead Rabbit
          Yeah..the skruf stark portions are very strong. It has
          On another note, I never crave cigarettes anymore. Not even in the bar. I never in my wildest dreams thought that was possible.
          Yeah, same here, and I was a 2+ pack a day smoker of strong, unfiltered tobacco for many years.

          Snus does have enough nicotine. I think your problem with switching from dip to snus is more one of perception than anything else. We tend to learn to associate the nicotine hit with the experience of the delivery system. It's a Pavlovian thing. When I first quit smoking, it didn't feel as though snus was delivering enough nicotine to quell the cravings, but I've since realized that this was because I associated the feel and taste of the smoke with the nicotine relief. Similarly, because snus doesn't have the same burn as dip, you don't feel it happening. Once you get used to it, and get over your need for the dip delivery experience, you'll be fine. That's my guess anyway.


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