Travelin' Snus

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  • Snus Boost
    • Jan 2011
    • 640

    Travelin' Snus

    We all know about snus storage and rehydrating. I am wondering what snus travels best? As well as whats not so good. I find that every day when I leave the house I have two cans. One can with Thunder Frosted Regular Mini and Long+. They all hold up very well not being refrigerated and it actually seems to improve it sometimes. The other can is a general WG can with a divider. On one side is Jakobssons WG and Thunder WG on the other Jak Mint. It seems like the Thunder hold up fine but the Jaks dries out in a few hours. I like a variety but I don't want to carry too many cans around. Any Ideas? Basically
    Great traveler: All V2 even loose
    Good: White portions (they would rank higher I just don't especially like white portions)
    Bad: Jakobssons, Odens
    What do you think?
  • Veganpunk
    • Jun 2009
    • 5381

    I take about 8 cans with me to work in a ziplock bag. They just stay in my lunchbox uncooled until I get home where they go back to the fridge. I've never really had a problem with them drying out or whatever.


    • Mykislt
      • Sep 2010
      • 677

      loose snus actually dries out slower than portions. That is SM's justification for cardboard cans for loose.


      • Veganpunk
        • Jun 2009
        • 5381

        Man I HATE those cardboard tins. Once I tried Offroads los, I haven't touched a SM los since.


        • Roo
          • Jun 2008
          • 3446

          I don't refrigerate snus anymore, because I've been using Thunder and Jaks Strong from the VIP deal exclusively. Thunder is fine, in fact I think better if left out. I leave cans out for a couple weeks and they are fine. I agree about Odens, I took the last of my stash to Paris then Malaysia and man, it did not do very well, especially once I got to the tropics. It was pretty gross. I still used it though. Anything I don't use often I keep in the fridge, but my current go-to open can stays out, as well as a couple others that I use a few of per day and keep open for a week or more.


          • precious007
            Banned Users
            • Sep 2010
            • 5885

            Originally posted by Veganpunk View Post
            Man I HATE those cardboard tins. Once I tried Offroads los, I haven't touched a SM los since.
            that's what the icetool boxes are for :^)


            • BNSFsnusHauler
              • Jan 2011
              • 542

              When away on weekends or short vacations I have good experience with Thunder frosted minis and GR minis just laying in the suitcase or pocket for up to a week and still is tasty!


              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Gotland products seem to dry out faster than average, It doesn't really bother me. I travel with the snus I want. If I were going away for a week, this would be my loadout...

                Gotland Gul lös
                Gotland Grå lös
                Ettan lös
                Some minty portion Jaks IceFruit, Metropol Pepparmint, or Catch Eucalyptus I don't have any, but Jaks mint also
                Some bergamot or plain portion
                Maybe a licorice portion

                You could keep your snus in a cooler if convenient. I use a square 2l bottle filled with water that I freeze for an ice block. That works pretty well in a cooler. It isn't essential, but I prefer cold snus when possible.


                • WickedKitchen
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 2528

                  In the Northeast it's fine to keep a can or two in the can for at least half of the year. The winter is of course the best, but I usually keep a can of Grov White in the car except from mid June to mid September. That's one less can to grab going out the door and should I forget the other can all together I'm not SOL. It's saved my ass many times. I also keep a tin of snuff stashed in the car. Sometimes a few of them. Never know...I'd rather be prepared.

                  White portions do fare better. I don't leave los out. It takes me three to four weeks to go through a tin so I can notice the wear on it towards the end of the can even with packing it into the sides constantly. It's negligible though 'cos I keep it in the fridge in the butter area. If I am going for a time I'll take a cooler and usually keep them cool. Hotels have fridges and if I'm somewhere without a fridge for a time I'll probably have a cooler with ice so they go there in a Tupperware container.

                  Always travel for a time with

                  Grov White
                  Grov portion or Ettan portion
                  1 Sterk (usually N&J or Thunder Orig)
                  1 los which ever is open.

                  If I'm gone more than a week then all bets are off. I take a WAY more than I need.


                  • Ansel
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 3696

                    I'm interested in travellin' snus too. The 6mg Northerner Citrus and Menthol, in the spec bit says it can be either refridgerated OR kept at room temperature.


                    • EricHill78
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 4253

                      I'm leaving for a trip for two days today. I haven't traveled since I started using snus. I decided to bring a can of gen mint, op, general los, a couple portions of jaks wintergreen, onyx, and gen extra sterk. Im also bringing a bullet of whisky honey, lime toast and a tin of fubar grunt. Only thing I'm worried about is the los because I've never had it out before allways in the fridge


                      • Ansel
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 3696

                        Originally posted by Ansel View Post
                        I'm interested in travellin' snus too. The 6mg Northerner Citrus and Menthol, in the spec bit says it can be either refridgerated OR kept at room temperature.
                        Double up to 12mg and it's still cheaper than cigarettes...


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