Has this ever happened to anyone?

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  • Snus Boost
    • Jan 2011
    • 640

    Has this ever happened to anyone?

    On St. Patricks day I did what most people do and hit quite a few bars. I met a girl that I could actually spend more than a day with (that doesn't happen to me that much) anyway after about 3 hours she I guess get's drunk enough to say what she's been thinking. "You do something weird with your lips" I just laughed and tried to explain it was because of the snus but that just led to more explaining. Now that she mentioned it I do "do something weird with my lips" I am always messing with the portion and that does look pretty strange. The point is is there any way to stop this? I tried to bottom lip it and that is just as bad. I noticed when I swallow the juice my lips move.
    I know the obvious answers are just don't move your lips and forget her. I have already tried just not moving my lips and I always say forget her well now quite in those words and I also always end up with girls I don't even like.
  • Lord Spencer
    • Feb 2011
    • 38

    To answer the question It's never happened to me. I'v never been found out snusing anywhere, and I dont move the portion. You can try folding the portion in the middle, or longways in the middle, to make it thicker and easier to hold on to. But other than that you just gotta break bad snusing habits of moving it if it really bothers.


    • c.nash
      Banned Users
      • May 2010
      • 3511

      Hm.. Just try not to move your lips lol.

      Snus is never really noticeable for me unless I have a monster prilla up front and center.


      • LincolnSnuff
        • May 2010
        • 676

        St. Patricks day isn't until Thursday.... so.... this happened last year? or you are anticipating this series of events in a few days?


        • timoteo
          • Dec 2009
          • 583

          I say do what makes you happy. I **** with my portions at the bar like all the time. I get looks. I dont care. I bet alot of people do wierd things with there lips!


          • WickedKitchen
            • Nov 2009
            • 2528

            ya beat me too it Lincoln.

            I was gonna say you musta been pretty dunk as hell to think a time machine had actually be created. Or you slipped through some sort of wormhole and your lips got stuck a little. It's ok. I wish I could still do that.


            • snusjus
              • Jun 2008
              • 2674

              I have a habit of poking portions with my tongue. Sometimes people will ask if I'm dipping.


              • Snus Boost
                • Jan 2011
                • 640

                Originally posted by LincolnSnuff View Post
                St. Patricks day isn't until Thursday.... so.... this happened last year? or you are anticipating this series of events in a few days?
                they had the parade and celebrated it here on Saturday I guess since the clocks were set back and we got an extra hour at the bar


                • EricHill78
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 4253

                  Originally posted by Snus Boost View Post
                  they had the parade and celebrated it here on Saturday I guess since the clocks were set back and we got an extra hour at the bar

                  You actually lost an hour


                  • GoVegan
                    • Oct 2009
                    • 5603

                    Originally posted by Snus Boost View Post
                    On St. Patricks day I did what most people do and hit quite a few bars. I met a girl that I could actually spend more than a day with (that doesn't happen to me that much) anyway after about 3 hours she I guess get's drunk enough to say what she's been thinking. "You do something weird with your lips" I just laughed and tried to explain it was because of the snus but that just led to more explaining. Now that she mentioned it I do "do something weird with my lips" I am always messing with the portion and that does look pretty strange. The point is is there any way to stop this? I tried to bottom lip it and that is just as bad. I noticed when I swallow the juice my lips move.
                    I know the obvious answers are just don't move your lips and forget her. I have already tried just not moving my lips and I always say forget her well now quite in those words and I also always end up with girls I don't even like.
                    Just tell her you are a lickmaster and you are practicing for her.


                    • rickcharles606
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 2307

                      Originally posted by LincolnSnuff View Post
                      St. Patricks day isn't until Thursday.... so.... this happened last year? or you are anticipating this series of events in a few days?
                      AHAHA, when I reading the OP I was saying to myself, "St. Patrick's Day isn't until Thursday....WTF?". Maybe he's dropping acid instead of snus ;-)

                      I've never had anyone say that I do something funny with my lips, but I have noticed that instead of doing the "lip clench" or whatever you call it...I just poke a portion or prilla with my tongue. I'm sure it's somewhat noticeable, but like I said, no one's ever called me out on it. I'd tell em to **** off anyway.....


                      • Kstolen23
                        • Feb 2011
                        • 281

                        My lip only shows when using loose, as far as I'm concerned I don't do anyhting wierd with my lips unless people are just being polite, what snus do you use?


                        • Snus Boost
                          • Jan 2011
                          • 640

                          Nevermind 1 when I posted this I was still in an alcohol induced haze and 2 I ended up getting the girl anyway.


                          • Snus Boost
                            • Jan 2011
                            • 640

                            Now that it is St. Patricks day WTF are you clowns that taked S*it crying about? God forbid it isn't celebrated on the correct day. You act like it's sacreligious to do it any other day. Guess what it wasn't the internet it was real life and it wasn't numerically correct so the F*ck what? On Earth things happen that aren't controlled by Binary code. No one even answered my question. By the way I am pretty F**kin drunk and alcohol makes me a D**k I am aware of that and the fact that I will wake up regretting this.
                            Edit this isn't directed at evreyone that responded. My nature is to go directly to the problem but at the end of the day I don't want to end up booted so I'll keep it movin'.


                            • precious007
                              Banned Users
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 5885

                              So did you like the girl or not?

                              I mean who cares if she likes the fact that you're snusing? She'll get used to it :^)

                              Usually all girls noticed me snusing and didn't say it's weird or something... they even saw like 50 cans on my desk many times .... One of them asked me if it's Leather Cream, loooooool and what was I doing with so much Leather cream... hahaa

                              As far as portions go, you can't notice that I'm snusing..... well yeah I do move my lips a lot and change the location of the portions a lot ...... but who cares :^)

                              I mean a lot of chicks have to learn a lot from me ..... "To switch from smoking to snus" ..... :^)


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