No Cojones found on blog

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  • bondzai
    • Apr 2008
    • 362

    No Cojones found on blog

    No cojones: Speaking of cleaning up Stockholm… So, I’m on the crowded train coming home from class last Tuesday night. Across the aisle from me sits a middle-aged, rather cool, in-crowd-looking, English-speaking guy. Some time later in the trip I see him stealthily take the packet of snus out of his mouth and flip it onto the floor beneath him. Yuck. Disgusting. And littering. He just stopped looking cool.

    And here’s the rub. No matter WHAT he looked like, or if he had been a she, old or young, if I had had any cojones whatsoever, I would’ve said something like “I’m sure you’re a nice person, but is that REALLY the example you think a grown man should set for others?” But I sat speechless. Pissed off and speechless. Not a proud moment for me.

    Oh!!! It just occurred to me...! Here's what I could've done without having to say a WORD to him. I could've simply taken a tissue out of my purse, made my way over to him, bent down and grabbed the disgusting pack of tobacco from under his feet, and then put it into the trash can that was 3 feet away from him. Yes! HE would've gotten the point for SURE. I would've felt I made my point. Peacefully. On the other hand, everyone around would've thought I was nuts because I don't think any of them noticed what he had done. Hmmm....
  • Juxtaposer
    • Dec 2007
    • 94

    Still...not as bad as the cigarette butts that litter the earth.


    • Shrewd
      • Feb 2008
      • 118

      When I was a smoker I used to HATE it when I would see a cig butt fly out of a car window. It really made all of us smokers out there looks like a$$holes. Same applies here, and maybe it's just me, but I'd find a used snus packet on the ground more disgusting than a cig butt. Then again, I've never met anyone else in MN that snuses so I doubt I'll ever actually see that (unless I left it behind - VERY unlikely).


      • bondzai
        • Apr 2008
        • 362

        Well I was debating throwing a skoal pouch out of my car window today. I think they use cope and skoal up there with all those swedes


        • jamesstew
          • May 2008
          • 1440

          I was initially skeptical when I noticed most of the brands coming out with the combi-lids for holding used portions but they have come in handy more than a few times. Although much of the time when using regular portions I use it to stash a few N&J's or Skruf Stark portions.


          • Starcadia
            • May 2008
            • 646

            Yeah, the combi-lid came in useful today. First day at a new job doing orientation. Had to be tactful. I love that in the pic they took of me for their intranet I had a tight portion of GR#2 in and had that typical snus lip going, the one where the bottom lip comes up a little further than usual to create a seal.


            • exexpat93
              • Jul 2008
              • 76

              Me too...

              It is too easy to dispose of portions without littering. I can hit a trash can discretely at 6 feet away when no one is looking with portions.

              I use the lids to store the next line up of portions I'm going to take. Worse case I'd use it to store a used "tea bag" until I could dispose of it properly. Heck as long as I keep the portions in I could wait another hour until I could dispose of a portion properly. Just because it looses it's flavor does not mean it goes rotten immediately.

              Just think. If Singapore banned gum because idiots were sticking it under the seats on their subway... It would not take much for Snus to get banned there quickly. All it would take is a few idiots.

              I lower jaw mine and I don't like people watching me pull them out because I don't want others to know I Snus - just don't want the stigma from the nutters. Got enough of that for a lifetime when I smoked. So I quickly learned to dry "Spitball" them into the trash.


              • Starcadia
                • May 2008
                • 646

                In Sweden used portions are littered all over like cigarette butts.


                • exexpat93
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 76


                  Used portions all over the place! That might actually be worse than cig butts everywhere!

                  Then the main health risk from Snus - and I hate to give the nutters this - is TB. :x


                  Come on Sweds! I know you guys are better than that!


                  • ponysoprano
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 562

                    hey at least loose and portions probably biodegrade pretty swiftly, unlike the treated cotton or fiberglass butts that get flicked out!


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