My friend bought a can of Offroad Long Cut Wintergreen in February 2011, he used it a few times and then just kept in in his drawer since he loves portions too much and never really got into løs. It's like 2/3 full. Anyways hes giving it to me tomorrow, would it still be good to use? I really hope so because I know this snus is discontinued and I'd really like to have it once more!
Would this snus be 'stale'?
*jumps up and down immaturely*
Good to hear! I'll be looking foward to putting a pris of that in tomorrow to celebrate the end of a long week at school...or a wad rather, as it is a long cut. More good news, my friend is also giving me an unused can of Lucky Strike Bold (the only type of Lucky Strike not in my refridgerator at the moment)...he says hes also not into starks these days since he's just getting back into snus after a summer+autumn of abstinence like myself.