is it supposed to burn?

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  • godfather4109
    New Member
    • Jun 2008
    • 6

    is it supposed to burn?

    ok so i know this has been asked a thousand different ways and with a thousand different brands but here is my question...

    i am an american, just bought my first can of Snus and its called Triumph mint, it is portioned and it is black, not white.. it actually looks like a dip pouch or a bandit, much like a skoal mint bandit actually. anyways i saw that i said no spitting and im usually a smoker/dipper so i jumped on this bandwagon immediately, so heres my question.

    it says no spitting so i tried swallowing the juices, but it burns and makes me feel a but queezy just like if you swallow dip juice, and it actually tastes alot like mint dip. so im wondering is it supposed to burn? and is it actually bad for you to swallow the juice with this brand? i really hope the burn is just something that goes away after a can or two. but the first 10-15 minutes it hurts like hell and makes me feel like im going to get sick. i really want to be able to do this at work, and around family unnoticed, but i cant deal with work and heat while snusing or it makes me feel too sick. and also is there an easy way to make it less agitating to swallow? like a shortcut or a secret that will help me get used to it faster?
  • Doc Robot
    • Apr 2008
    • 24

    Re: is it supposed to burn?

    Originally posted by godfather4109
    ok so i know this has been asked a thousand different ways and with a thousand different brands but here is my question...

    i am an american, just bought my first can of Snus and its called Triumph mint. i saw that i said no spitting and im usually a smoker/dipper so i jumped on this bandwagon immediately, so heres my question.

    it says no spitting so i tried swallowing the juices, but it burns and makes me feel a but queezy just like if you swallow dip juice, and it actually tastes alot like mint dip. so im wondering is it supposed to burn? and is it actually bad for you to swallow the juice with this brand? i really hope the burn is just something that goes away after a can or two. but the first 10-15 minutes it hurts like hell and makes me feel like im going to get sick. i really want to be able to do this at work, and around family unnoticed, but i cant deal with work and heat while snusing or it makes me feel too sick...
    First off, welcome to the family!

    Now then...

    And please forgive the novel I'm about to type...

    The burn you're experiencing is from the pH level of the snus, created normally by an amount of baking soda and table salt, used as freebase agents to aide in the absorption of nicotine. (Compare to "ingredients" such as ammonia, found in American products, to achieve the same effect. Lovely, eh?)

    It's nothing to worry about, and after a week or so of regular use subsides, often never to return. Quite a few folks actually miss it, as many claim it lets them know it's "doing something" for them.

    The nausea you're experiencing could be a number of things, depending on what you've told us in your post. Let me try to cover these for you now...

    The obvious culprit is simply the conditions most new users experience in the first few days. Until your upper lip area (which I'm assuming you're using) is a little more "seasoned" from regular use, and you've a bit more practice with snus, you'll have both burn and difficulty keeping the portion/pris dry enough to prevent an abundance of juice. This is normal.

    After time, you'll have much less juice even over longer periods of time. And, you'll reach a point where swallowing the juice no longer induces the fun times most new users have including nausea and hiccups.

    The other possibility, although less likely, is based on the details of your post. If you're experiencing nausea (sometimes with headache) you might be overdosing on nicotine. I suggest this because you mention that you're a smoker as well. OD'ing on "Old Nic" is a most unpleasant experience. Just something to keep in mind.

    The key here is just to keep at it for a little while, and all should "click" for you. Snus really is safer, more enjoyable, spit-free, convenient, discreet, and less expensive than smoking or using American snuff. Give it a fair chance, and you just might be a smoke and dip free convert!

    Moving on...

    Are you using loose? Portions?

    Often times, using regular portions (or white, if you prefer) makes everything much more easy and discreet. Many folks never move past using portions, as they're convenient, discreet, and often not as messy as loose. YMMV, of course.

    A white portion is going to be very dry and easy to handle when you're first learning the art. They tend to take a little longer to "get going" in both the flavor and nicotine department, but work quite well. Many folks use nothing but white portions and enjoy the experience. I'd recommend this to you, for now, as you should experience much less nausea and sickness.

    A regular portion is going to be moist, even on the surface of the pouch. These get going rather quickly, and can sometimes be a little hard to manage when the juices start flowing for new users. This might not be an issue for you, but it is for some.

    Loose is going to take some work to get down pat. Constantly work on perfecting the amount you're using, your handbake technique, and keeping the pris dry when it's parked doing it's thing. The experience can be made easier and cleaner with the use of prilla tools like the Prismaster and Icetool. To be honest, getting loose down to a science is well worth it. It's often not the most discreet or clean way, but man is it enjoyable! Again, YMMV.

    It's also worth mentioning that certain products contain a higher than normal amount of nicotine. You'll find these products available in both loose and portion format. Unless you're accustomed to these levels of nicotine, or use the product in moderation, you're going to have some serious nausea and headache issues. Two brands of note would be Skruf Stark and Nick & Johnny. Tread with caution.

    I'm not sure what products are available to you locally, or at what price, but you might seriously look at purchasing the good stuff online. Places like and are great companies, and you'll find the prices much nicer when compared to the taxes most folks in the US have to pay when purchasing locally. You'll find everything you need at either of these sites: snus, sampler packs, pris tools, the whole nine...

    Ok, I think I'm going to shut up now.


    I hope all this helps, and let us know if there's anything else!


    • godfather4109
      New Member
      • Jun 2008
      • 6

      in the area i live in the only thing i have seen available is the black portions of Triumph, which like i said look just like skoal bandits or dip pouches. i have put some thought into buying some online, and im sure i could find some at the tobacco stores around town. the only problem with buying it online is my wife HATES smokeless tobacco, which is half the reason i swithced to snus lol, so i can do it without her even knowing im doing it! also why i need to get the whole swallowing thing down pat. the only real problem im having is that burn in my throat and the slight sicknes it gives, not so much nausea as just makes it feel like it is coming back up ya know? kinda of makes me burp to lol. so all ive tried is the triumph portions which i guess are wet since they are black and not white, may consider checking the local tobacco stores for some dry though. thanks for the help


      • Jason
        • Jan 2008
        • 1370

        The mint ones tend to burn a little, anyway...even if you've been snusing for a while. That's why I order mint from time to time just so I can feel that burn. I wish Buysnus still had the Metropol peppermint; that one was my favorite... :cry:


        • Starcadia
          • May 2008
          • 646

          godfather - It sounds like you're getting too much juice from your portions, which might have something to do with your placement. Traditionally snus is placed in the front upper lip where saliva is not generated, but where the nicotine can enter the skin of your gums. Pretty much anywhere other than that and you're going to generate lots of saliva mixed with tobacco juice that you'll either have to swallow or spit, and in the case of the former will cause that nasty sensation in the throat.

          Also, if I'm not mistaken, a black portion is just like a white portion, only a different color. That's the case with General ONYX, anyway, and should be likewise with Triumph.


          • darkwing
            • Oct 2007
            • 415

            Try folding the portion lengthwise and inserting it under the top lip at the front. Then just leave it alone, no squeezing, nudging, and it will release nicotine and it won't leak juice for 45 min. to an hour. With snus, especially portions, the juice is not really meant to be swallowed, and no spitting.


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              The triumph portions are made on the same production line as General Onyx. The snus in the portion bag is pressed into a little wedge to make that fancy spiral inside the can. If you take the portion and loosen up/spread out the snus throughout the portion, it will not be as hard on your gums. Also, I have found that when I use an Onyx or a triumph portion, I prefer to leave it compressed as it tends to make the juice run a bit more rich.
              Just like the others have mentioned, place it further towards the fromt and it will definately run less. There is no rule to using snus. If you need to spit a bit while you get used to the taste, positioning, etc... dont feel like its a bad thing. You can work up to the no-spit thing if needs be.



              • Gideondark
                • May 2008
                • 33

                The first real snus I tried was General, and I hated it. Made me throw us, and the taste was nasty. Then I realized that the nic level was .8. I had smoked for years and so didnt even think of it. Instead of giving up i tried the mini white portions that have about .4 nic. then after a couple months my body could handle the stronger ones, and now I enjoy General and several others, like anything from Gotlandsnus.

                Good luck and welcome to the Snus Brotherhood/Sisterhood!


                • godfather4109
                  New Member
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6

                  yea, i guess i can try moving it to the front of my mouth. I really didnt want to, right now i keep in... i guess my upper cheek, close to the back, but its mainly because im going for that descreet thing. i can handle it a little better now, as long as i have a drink or something at first when its really strong, still burns my throat a little and feels like its going to come back up. makes me burp to.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    I have been snusing for 15 months, and I still keep mine in back. Just preferable for me. Just give it a bit of time, and I suspect you will no longer have any issues. The first week, the "juice" was a bit much for me. Now, never a problem.


                    • jamesstew
                      • May 2008
                      • 1440

                      Methinks the best way to go is to put in towards the front and get it up as high as possible. This way it is hardly noticible, at least no one notices when I am doing it. This way it hardly runs at all, just leave it there and don't mess with it for a while. Then I sometimes move the portion a little further back and sometimes flip it over. Furthermore I sometimes find minty portions a little more irritating and usually stick with more natural flavors. If you're worried about concealment still you may want to try the Mocca + brand. They are mini portions but with as much nicotine as a large portion. I haven't tried them myself but have heard a lot of good things about them.


                      • godfather4109
                        New Member
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 6

                        mocca? sounds pretty good, who makes it? i think im gonna place an order on buysnus just so i can kind of expand my horizons a little, get a taste of the real stuff, not just the American version. what are some other good kinds for a beginner?


                        • jamesstew
                          • May 2008
                          • 1440

                          Mocca+ is made by F&L, here is the site:
                          They also make Granit (a great lower priced snus) and Retro (moderately priced but IMHO very good). For a beginner I would definitely try General, which is the most popular brand in Sweden and a great all around snus. I also really like Nick and Johnny (original in the round tin) which is a higher nicotine snus, I usually start out with it in the morning and then switch to a regular strength snus later in the day. Knox is an awesome budget snus and has a great ratio of value and flavor. Ettan has a nice clean tobacco flavor as does Gotlandssnus Gul (yellow label, and currently my favorite overall snus). For Los I'd go with Roda lacket, has a nice flavor and is easy to bake a portion. Lucky Strike has a well rounded flavor, unexceptional but a great all-day session snus. Well that's my suggestions, I'm sure you'll here some other good ones form the other posters. Also Buysnus and Northerner have try-out boxes, there are boxes that represent the best Swedish Match products (they make General, Ettan, N&J, etc) and Buysnus has what they call the mix which is a shipment of eight tins of random products, just make sure you tell them not to put any Offroad products in the mix, horrible stuff IMHO.


                          • Zero
                            • May 2006
                            • 1522

                            Gideon nailed it - if it's making you feel sick you're simply getting too much nicotine, mate. Snus is quite potent stuff - buy some minis and be thankful your tolerance is so low. :idea:


                            • godfather4109
                              New Member
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 6

                              alright guys, thanks alot for all your help, i think i got it down. now the only problem i got is my damn gums are gettin sore from doin it, but i know thats just cuz im only just starting. and my teeth are stainin pretty bad.

