In the fridge to keep it moist?

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  • thatguyjeff
    • Jun 2008
    • 103

    In the fridge to keep it moist?

    My first order from BuySnus is on the way.

    I've been doing all sorts of reading about storing snus. The consensus is definitely in the freezer (inside freezer bags) for longer term storage and the refridgerator for shorter term.

    I have a question about storing snus in the fridge. I've been reading and most of the comments seem to revolve around the flavor. Sounds like snus (some brands anyway) just tastes better when it's stored in the fridge. I've also read some comments about how the fridge also helps keep the snus from drying out? This seems counterintuitive to me. One of the things the fridge does is remove all the humidity from the air in there. How does a dry environment (inside the fridge) help keep the snus from drying out? I would think a humid place (a humidor maybe) would be a better choice if someone were trying to keep something from drying out.

    Can someone enlighten me? Is fridge storage really for keeping the snus moist or is it more about something else?
  • eli
    • Apr 2008
    • 243

    It's more about keeping fresh. While many enjoy the more subdued flavor ramp-up) that comes from starting with cold snus, the truth is that the pasteurization -> salting mode of preservation used for snus just can't keep a room temperature can of snus from the effects of decomposition. I've also read articles where tobacco that spends long durations in heat (40-140 degrees Fahrenheit) increases its TSNSA levels.

    Now in my experience the resilience of snus to moderate temperature exposure is higher than some folks let on, mine stay out of the fridge during the workday but are back in the fridge at night and have never suffered any ill effects... a can of knox spent a hot day in the truck (and the following warm evening) and were so awful the next day I had to toss the remainder.


    • MN_Snuser
      • May 2008
      • 354

      Truth be told, I like my snus after it has warmed a little. I feel you get the full flavor right off the bat. Sometimes, when I go from fridge to the upper lip, it's some burn, with no flavor for about 5-10 mins. But I always keep any portions I am not gonna use for the day in the fridge. Like Eli, the portions I take to work with me, stay un-refridgeratorated all day. No drop in freshness, and they taste just fine. My .02


      • reshumate
        • May 2008
        • 94

        I've heard that in Sweden retailers keep them refrigerated. When I used to work at a convenience store, we kept our dip in a refrigerator. I noticed many places now don't do this.

        Question I have is, if refrigerated, about how long can you expect an open can of snus to stay fresh? I try to not open multiple cans, but it's not easy. I'm not a heavy snuser, so I'm using maybe 1-2 portions at most of 2-3 different snuses per day.


        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388

          Originally posted by reshumate
          Question I have is, if refrigerated, about how long can you expect an open can of snus to stay fresh?
          4 weeks at least, without any problems. I've never had any tin open for a longer time, not even those I hated. Just keep the tins in a plastic-bag to prevent that they get dry.



          • Snusophile
            • May 2008
            • 531

            You can keep your snus out of the fridge for up to one week and it will still be fresh. Fridge about 3-4 months. Freezer: 1 year or more


            • Shrewd
              • Feb 2008
              • 118

              I guess I keep it simple. Every order goes right into the freezer. Then as needed I take one out and use it. It never sees the freezer or refridgerator again. I've never had any problems.

              I do have different rules for strong portions. With those I only have one in the morning for the drive to work, or heavy drinking. I keep those in the refridgerator (usually only 1 tin) and I raid it every morning before work - then back in to the fridge. The rest of the strong portion tins stay in the freezer until it's their turn to go to the fridge.

              I do find that once opened staying in the fridge does tend to dry them out a little. Although, maybe it's just me, but I just don't care. The TSNA's shouldn't be building up due to the temp in the fridge.


              • sagedil
                • Nov 2007
                • 7077

                And fwiw, going on 16 months using, I have never bothered with freezer bags in the freezer. And I have never had a problem with my snus. They are relatively well sealed in the can, and I have never found ice crystals or that sort of thing. I keep about a 3 - 4 months supply in the freezer, and some cans may sit up to 6 months before I get to them. Never any issues just popping them in the freezer.

                And what other people have said about keeping it in the fridge....ditto.


                • KarlvB
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 681

                  Seems that even when not kept in the fridge snus keeps quite well.

                  See page 23 and 24 of this report


                  Obviously, it is best to keep refrigerated or frozen for long term storage as suggested


                  • Jegara
                    New Member
                    • May 2008
                    • 9

                    Snus more harful than other tobaccos - Is it true?

                    Originally posted by KarlvB
                    Seems that even when not kept in the fridge snus keeps quite well.

                    See page 23 and 24 of this report


                    Obviously, it is best to keep refrigerated or frozen for long term storage as suggested
                    Can some one with more knowledge please comment on the PDF report. The report (produced by BAT) apparently indicates that SNUS compares unfavourable with other tobacco products in terms of Nitrosamines..


                    • KarlvB
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 681

                      Jegara, have a look at the figure on the right hand side of page 19

                      This ranks the various forms of oral tobacco according to the level of TSNAs. Only hard tobacco has less TSNAs

                      If you search for TSNAs in this forum you will find a few discussions around this issue and links to internet sources.

                      What I thought was interesting was the minimal changes in the TSNA levels, even in unrefrigerated snus


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