new at this thing

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  • jn
    New Member
    • Jun 2008
    • 6

    new at this thing

    Hi guys!
    Im new to this snus-thing and i wonder if you guys can help me figure it out..

    im a woman, and im not sure what snus that fit me the best, since i dont smoke or anything.. ive tried the mini portion mocca mint, and yeah im not sure im doing it right or whatever... do anyone have any suggestion for a good starter?

    And then...
    I put this thing under my lip, and then..? should i taste anything or get a nicotine rush? the first time i just had it under my lipe, pretty dry, didnt taste anything and didnt get dissy or something.. read that i could tip my tongue at it and yeah got a taste, and got a bitt dissy after awhile.. is that the "thing"? i know i just get dissy cus im not use to this, but.. you know.. am i going the right way..?

    ops: ops:
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    The mocca minis have one of the lowest nicotine contents of any snus. You won't feel a rush from them. They are also a white portion, so the taste is more muted and slow to come on.

    I'm not sure how to respond otherwise, as I came to snus from cigarettes, as I think 98% of the folks here did.

    I guess my best suggestion is try a few out and see how they make you feel. Try both flavored and more traditional snus. Whites and original. Just stay away from the strongs. With no baseline nicotine use on your part, I suspect they would make you feel very sick. Be prepared to not like some of them. But snus is such an individual taste, no one will ever have the exact same tastes as another person.

    Welcome to the forum btw. I am curious why you are interested in snus, as you haven't (yet) built up a nicotine addiction? Know that if you keep using, that will probably happen.

    Sounds like you are doing it right, you just picked a snus that doesn't kick or give a strong flavor right away.


    • mwood72

      JN - Not sure what to advise you as far as taste and nicotine delivery go as you're not coming to snus from cigarettes and echo sagedil's concern as to do you really want to start using nicotine if you haven't before but if you do would you be looking for a tobacco or candy-like tasting snus? Also would you be looking for a long steady buzz or a quick intense one?


      • jn
        New Member
        • Jun 2008
        • 6


        the thing is that most of the peepz i hang out wid smoke or use snus, n dont misunderstand, i dont feel the pressure from them.. but yeah it do affect me alot. most of them are kind and know i dont do either, and often ask if its okey to smokein front of me an so on.. but i think im just curios.. and since i dont wanna start smokeing, i figure out i could at least try out snus. ive been warned and maybe i dont really understand what its all about and i dont really know what im looking for.. but im keen to try, and if i like it, i think what the hek. So ive not thought it through alot.. :roll:


        • Subtilo
          • Dec 2006
          • 524

          Nothing wrong with being curious - if this wasn't a mechanism in mankind we wouldn't have gone as far as to the moon etc.

          But, building up an addiction just because one feel adventurous, that's stupid in my humble opinion. Yeah, go ahead and try the stuff ... but know that an addiction to nicotine is damn hard to get rid of. Ask most of the people in here. As Sagedil said; most of us are former smokers ... we've just found another and not quite as harmful way to get our poison.

          I'm not trying to sound all finger-pointing and fatherly; it's just a friendly heads-up :wink:


          • jn
            New Member
            • Jun 2008
            • 6

            I appreciate that i really do...
            It makes me think about it (my choice) more...


            • MN_Snuser
              • May 2008
              • 354

              Originally posted by jn
              I appreciate that i really do...
              It makes me think about it (my choice) more...
              Whatever you decide, please just don't start smoking cigarettes. Just my .02


              • jn
                New Member
                • Jun 2008
                • 6

                i hope i wont..


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Keep in mind too that the addiction can sneak up on you. When I started smoking, I could binge smoke over a weekend, and not smoke again for a long time. I wasn't unusual for me and my buddy to smoke a carton of cigarettes between us in 2 or 3 days, then that would be it for awhile. Well, you start smoking more and more, the breaks get shorter, then suddenly you can't easily stop.

                  I really dig cigarettes. I love the sight, smell, and manual manipulation of them. I think the people that say they now dislike cigarettes after quitting are just deluding themselves. They've just tried to convince themselves so they don't start smoking again ;^)

                  I guess what I'm trying to get at in a round about way, is you may really like tobacco also. It's better to not even start, because you'll be much better off in the long run without it.


                  • Stargazer
                    • Aug 2007
                    • 225

                    if you are absoluttely sett on making the stupid choice
                    of starting snusing, then start with general or a more
                    mid profile snus before you go crazy with the tastes.

                    a general regular portion is what I and most of the people I know
                    got started with.


                    • desirexe
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 1170

                      jn...are you younger? As in 20 years old or less??? I started smoking when I was 16, just because of all my friends doing it. I have now quit smoking but picked up snus. It really sucks being dependent on nicotine. Even though the cancer risk from snus is extremely low, a risk still exists. If it is an 'image,' 'everybody else is doing it' type deal, you should grab some of the nicotine free snus, nobody but you would know. Just my opinion...not trying to tell you what to do, just sharing my experience.


                      • Xobeloot
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 2542

                        I started smoking (regularly) when I was 10. Stealing my fathers cigarettes. By 12 I had done weed, been drunk many times, and was starting to get into acid and other psychadelics. by 15 I was locked away in rehab for cocaine. I have the most addictive personality of anyone I have ever met. If I could start all over again... I woulda never gotten involved with nicotine. I am now 29 years old and my nicotine is my only vice.

                        I sound like a bad after-school special :lol: But seriously, get into some sorta crazy sport. Adrenaline is way better than any drug. And if you do go the route of getting into nicotine, just know... "I told you so!"

                        "Thanks Mom" :roll:


                        • spirit72
                          • Apr 2008
                          • 1013

                          Originally posted by lxskllr
                          Keep in mind too that the addiction can sneak up on you.
                          Jackpot. I never dreamed that I was addicted to cigarettes until the first time I decided to stop smoking them. That quit lasted about an hour.

                          I think the people that say they now dislike cigarettes after quitting are just deluding themselves. They've just tried to convince themselves so they don't start smoking again ;^)
                          For some, perhaps, but I can honestly say I loathe the things now.

                          I've been off them for 6 months now. I was out last month with some of my old college buddies, and figured I'd pick up a pack of Camels just for old times' sake and to see if I still had an affinity for them. Nope. Over the course of the evening, I smoked about half the pack, and believe you me, it sucked. Each one was more disgusting than the one before. At the end of the night, I gave the rest of the pack away and went home. My first snus the next morning was the best I've ever had.

                          Since then, I have not even entertained the idea of smoking a cigarette. Never again. I can't believe I smoked those things for 15 years.

                          I guess what I'm trying to get at in a round about way, is you may really like tobacco also. It's better to not even start, because you'll be much better off in the long run without it.
                          To the original poster, I guess I would just echo what others have said. Consider the reasons you want to start using tobacco. If you're Hell Bent For Leather about it, then you've certainly come to the right place---Snus is probably the most enjoyable form of tobacco use I've found, along with maybe pipe smoking. It is most certainly the least harmful form of it as well. The risks are minimal, but they are present.


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Originally posted by Xobeloot
                            I started smoking (regularly) when I was 10. Stealing my fathers cigarettes. By 12 I had done weed, been drunk many times, and was starting to get into acid and other psychadelics. by 15 I was locked away in rehab for cocaine. I have the most addictive personality of anyone I have ever met. If I could start all over again... I woulda never gotten involved with nicotine. I am now 29 years old and my nicotine is my only vice.

                            I sound like a bad after-school special :lol: But seriously, get into some sorta crazy sport. Adrenaline is way better than any drug. And if you do go the route of getting into nicotine, just know... "I told you so!"

                            "Thanks Mom" :roll:
                            LOL, so now I understand why I like you so much, We have much in common my friend.

                            I started smoking when I was 9, got drunk a bunch very early, didn't do weed until I was 14, At 16, I was going to Gamblers Anonymous for a bad gambling problem already. I too got into LSD and psychedelics, but at a much older age, about 22. And had a bad meth problem between 22 - 24, then just walked away.

                            So yeah, I have an addictive personality too. :twisted:

                            I am mostly clean except for pot. Although not even doing that at the moment. I was 22 when I almost killed myself after getting drunk depressed, and decided that alcohol was a mostly bad drug. Started smoking pot more, and at 25, decided to do it every day. And I did until a couple of months ago. I am 43 now. I will still do psychedelics any time I can get my hands on them, about every 3 - 4 years. But that is all. I have largely learned to harness my addictive personality now for the power of good. Was very handy 5 years ago when I lost 70 lbs, and I have not put it back on.


                            • Xobeloot
                              • Jan 2008
                              • 2542

                              I often wish I could smoke some weed and enjoy it. The stuff (as of about the past 10 years) has a real bad reaction in my body. Makes my throat close up and like clockwork, makes me throw-up blood. Now strangely enough, that is only if I burn it. If I eat it, i find it quite enjoyable. BUUUUUT... My job is quite manual with frequent equiptment operation. Not worth losing my job because I sneeze while on the forklift and accidentally bump a rack and have to take a "pop-quiz". So, as is... I snus more than any human should, and a 6-pack of beer often lasts mer 2 weeks (unless I visit friends which is typically a few times a year... then it's on! but they dont allow me to do shots anymore... shots lead to bumps, bumps lead to piles... you know the drill).


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