Snusing at the beach

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  • Jegara
    New Member
    • May 2008
    • 9

    Snusing at the beach

    Hi all,

    I have been following this forum for a month, and have used snus for the same period. I am loving it. Finally I can use my main vice anywhere. As I did not seriously contribute before to pay you all back for the tips, here is my first attempt:

    I live pretty close to the beach. First thing I do in the morning is to look out of the window to see if the sea is calm or windy. Calm always leads to a morning swim.. meaning a fitness swim, not just sloshing around in the water.

    As you would guess, I tried to swim while snusing. I have tried several types of snus.. and would say from experience that the best one to use is (I know some won't like it) Elyxir.

    That is, flavoured snus lose their taste pretty quickly in the unavoidable sea-water-in-the-mouth. Elyxir, having the hardy wintergreen flavor, does not easily lose its taste, but just gets milder. The added simulants in this snus are invigorating for a morning swim, too.

    Any one else tried beach snusing and recommends other types during a swim?

    Have a nice day.
  • Kerprodo
    • Apr 2008
    • 138

    Just got back from the beach, Gotlandssnus Green goes well with salt water 8)


    • Jegara
      New Member
      • May 2008
      • 9

      Originally posted by Kerprodo
      Just got back from the beach, Gotlandssnus Green goes well with salt water 8)
      Thanks. Just came back from the beach. I have to agree. Gotland Green is great for sea swimming, better than any that I have tried so far (I have tried probably 8 ). I will still use Elyxir, though, but only for those sloggy mornings when a guy needs the extra caffeine kick on top of the nicotine one. Sea water does make Elyxir taste a bit less foul


      • surfing_64
        • Jan 2008
        • 82

        I paddle out for a surf with a snus in most of the time, it usually last about 10-15mins after i get in the water til they get too wet and flavourless.


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