Another New Snuser: Introduction

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  • Wholesome
    • Jun 2008
    • 65

    Another New Snuser: Introduction

    Hello, all! Please forgive this first post as I know that there are several others just like it... I have been lurking on your fine forum for a few days now, and have decided to take the plunge. I'm 27 years old and have been smoking 1-2 packs of cigarettes a day for the last 12 of those years. I have never tried to quit. A few things have piqued my interest with this whole snus thing. First off, I really would like to stop smoking. Its terribly unhealthy, unsightly, smelly, expensive and banned in public places in Illinois etc. Time to give it up. Also, the History Channel ran an episode of Modern Marvels on tobacco and the segment on snus was really interesting, and finally, I saw the Camel Snus for sale at a liquor store and decided to look into it (but did not buy).

    After doing some research on the Camel Snus, I ran into as well as this forum, and decided to forgo the Camel. I am pleased to say that I am expecting 5 different tins from Sweden any day now! I do have a bit of experience with smokeless tobacco (I chew Cope in the winter time to avoid the frigid smoke breaks) and enjoy the flavor, but could do without the spitting.

    In conclusion, I'm really excited to have found this board (you all seem like a swell group of people and supportive of those trying to quit the smoking) and cannot wait to suck some nicotine! Thanks for listening to noobie repetition!

  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Welcome Wholesome.

    Don't apologize for the post, I love reading newbies. All of us here, at least from the states, were newbies to snus once. I love reading about new experiences cause it reminds me of when I first found snus

    Definitely post once you get your package from Buysnus. And my best advice about switching from cigarettes to snus is don't stress it. If you feel like having a smoke, have one. I smoked my first couple of weeks using snus. But over time, I just liked the snus more and more, and the cigarettes less and less.


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      Welcome to the forums!

      Just like sagedil says, dont feel you need to just stop smoking. In time, you'll find that you have just lost the desire to smoke. I still occasionally buy a pack, but it is because I want to, not because I need to.

      What 5 cans did you order?


      • Steel Blue 91
        • May 2008
        • 163

        Let me add my welcome to the above.

        I'll echo the above posters in that you don't have to feel you need to put down the smokes all at once. If you hit a stressor during the day and want one - go ahead. No harm, no foul. You'll find over time that you won't you will reach for the snus instead of the smokes. I smoked and snused for a few weeks then found I really preferred the snus.


        • Wholesome
          • Jun 2008
          • 65

          Wow! Thanks for the supportive replies and the advice. The 5 I ordered are:

          General Onyx
          General Portion
          Nick and Johnny Portion
          Ettan White portion
          Skruf Strong Loose

          I feel like the proverbial kid in a candy store! I have little doubt that I will enjoy the snus given my fondness for American dip (not to mention a hefty nicotine tolerance), and snus seems to have so many more choices available too. American dip seems somewhat one-dimensional to me while Swedish snus appears to be much more multi-faceted. Just what I need...another hobby!



          • chainsnuser
            Senior Member
            • Jan 2007
            • 1388

            Not a bad first order!

            Don't expect too much from snus. I only expected to get enough nicotine and I wasn't disappointed. It takes some time to get used to snus. Most members from America say, that snus is much better than dip, but you shouldn't expect more than that it is just different.

            I came to snus from cigarette-smoking, so my transition was maybe more difficult than yours but it certainly wasn't a disadvantage for me, that I never had tried any smokeless tobacco before, except from some pinches of nasal snuff in my early youth.

            Skruf Stark Portions made me a snuser within 10 minutes. It just was a revelation to me, better than cigarettes from the beginning. Skruf Stark Lös is even better. I'd say, that either Skruf Stark Lös or N&J Portions should be your start. You may be disappointed by the taste of snus at first, but the nicotine-kick from these brands is great from the beginning.

            The experience is certainly different for everyone, so I just wish you good luck!



            • Wholesome
              • Jun 2008
              • 65

              Well, I've had my first portion (General) in for about half an hour now and...........................................I am loving it! Citrus and tea says me. Tasty.

              I also have been trying to cut back a tad on my smoking these last few days so I'm getting a bit of a buzz too. Salivating a little, but no too bad and swallowing the juice isn't making me feel queasy. I think we may have something here! I wish I would have found this stuff sooner.



              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542

                Good to hear! Keep us posted on your thoughts as you try the others.


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  I smoked since I was 9, and found snus when I was 41. Just makes me appreciate it all the more. Glad you are liking it so far.

                  Again, don't stress about the cigarettes. In fact, don't even think about it. If you want one, have one. I promise, soon, you won't want one.


                  • Wholesome
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 65

                    Only had one smoke today (but that may change after I finish this first Red Hook IPA)! So far the Skruf Stark Los is my favorite. My first pris while a little small, seemed to hold together alright. Zero's video is indispensable. The others are pretty similar to my undeveloped/dulled palate with the major differences being that the Onyx made me drool like a lobotomized St. Bernard and the Ettan Vit just doesn't taste very good to me. The most exciting thing is that there are so many more to try! Thanks to all of you for the advice and encouragement.


                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      I got as wild hair up my ass yesterday. I ate some dinner, bought a pack of smokes... Proceeded to chainsmoke all 20 from dinnertime to bedtime. Woke up this morning, popped some snus and in no way felt guilty for my cigarette binge

                      If you want to burn one, go for it.


                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        LOL, so you went for it finally. But damn man, even I don't smoke them that fast when I buy them. The few times I have done that this year, the pack lasted me about a day and a half.


                        • Wholesome
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 65

                          Man, Xobeloot! That is some impressive smoking that rivals my own! After the 4th beer, I have been known to light the next one off of the last until the end of the night. Hell, at band practice I can kill a pack with no problem.

                          I would have no qualms about smoking on occasion and will probably do so for a long time to come, but breaking the cigarette addiction is a plus that I can see happening. The snus is nice!



                          • Xobeloot
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 2542

                            Yeah. I can burn 2-3 packs in a day with no trouble

