Best way to place portion, and how long to use?

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  • snusy
    New Member
    • Aug 2012
    • 3

    Best way to place portion, and how long to use?

    So. I have been using Snus for a while, but I have a few quick questions...

    Whats the best placement for Snus? (I generally use General)...Like where in mouth will it fit the most comfortably, last the longest, and deliver the most nicotine?

    How long can you leave a General Snus pouch in? This is more or less just out of curiousity...I don't leave them in long and am worried about breakage...but how long could I leave a General Snus Mint Pouch in before it would break or just become useless in terms of nicotine delivery, taste, etc?

  • Grim
    • Jun 2008
    • 850

    This def a personal choice answer because there is no wrong or right.

    Sometimes I keep a portion in for 15-20 mins or an hour or more.

    Just the other day I handbaked a pris of Ettan Los and left it in over 2 hours.

    I find certain portions can become slimey or bitter then I toss them out, others will still be good and you spit them out because you get bored.

    As far as placEment goes just experiment.


    • mistahARK
      • Aug 2012
      • 56

      I'm rather new to snus as well, but I've noticed that the nicotine release is a lot slower and steadier in the top lip, and the flavor lasts longer too. In the bottom lip, you salivate alot more, because thats where the salivary glands are. So you might get a faster nic release, but the flavor will wash out of the pouches faster and you'll have alot of excess saliva.

      I haven't graduated to Los yet, but from what I've heard you don't want to use Los in your bottom lip. It'll turn to 'mud' really fast, and migrate around your mouth.

      I usually leave a portion in for no less than an our, and after that I flip it, or move it to the other side of my upper lip. Personally, I've never had a pouch break open, ever, so I wouldn't worry about that.


      • enojy
        • Jul 2010
        • 150

        The further back in the mouth you place a portion, the quicker it'll get saturated and start dripping/leaking. If you want a portion to last its longest, place it in the front of the top lip, to either side of the cartilage in the center of your gums/lip.


        • squeezyjohn
          • Jan 2008
          • 2497

          I don't think you need worry about a portion breaking or dissolving in your mouth! I've never had that happen in 5 years of snusing unless the portion was damaged before it went in the mouth.

          As for placement - what everyone else said: top lip at the front to one side is the normal way and the best way to get the no-spit benefits of snus - but you can experiment with all over the mouth. Generally speaking if the portion leaks more then the nicotine will be released faster.

          I tend to keep mine in for 20-40 mins on average but there are no hard and fast rules.



          Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


          • muddyfunkstar
            • Aug 2010
            • 967

            I keep mine in for 30-60 minutes. Sometimes longer if i forget about it, and it doesn't get uncomfortable/slimy/tasteless. I have had them in for two hours on occasion, there's still some flavour left, but all the nicotine has gone.

            I read somewhere once (can't remember the source, though) that most of the nicotine from snus is absorbed in the first 15-20 minutes of use, so technically there's no real reason to keep them in for much longer than that.


            • stubby2
              • Jun 2009
              • 436

              A recent study shows that the nicotine from snus peaks in about an hour.


              I know it is popular in Sweden to get rid of a snus long before that, but the science is telling us snus can last a good deal longer then what many people think. Two hours for me is not uncommon for me, but it can lose a lot of flavor by then, depending on the band.


              • Ansel
                • Feb 2011
                • 3696

                I have always put mine in upper middle. Keep it in for about 60 minutes.


                • whalen
                  • May 2009
                  • 6593

                  I usually leave a portion in until it is ready to take out, about an hour, a lot shorter time than that during rag weed season, then I get to play find the portion!
                  wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                  • Skell18
                    • May 2012
                    • 7067

                    1 hour + for me, when the flavour goes I bin it.


                    • CoderGuy
                      • Jul 2009
                      • 2679

                      Hour plus for me too, upper middle and I switch sides with each portion.


                      • Rattlehead
                        New Member
                        • Sep 2012
                        • 4

                        I tend to keep portions in at work for about an hour and a half. Guess cause I'm busy I just kinda forget about it, then notice there's no more taste, so I chuck it and start again. At home I use los, and keep it for close to 2 hours. I kinda start agitating it about an hour in to get more flavor, and kill it at about the 2 hour mark.


                        • billfrombyron
                          • Jun 2012
                          • 41

                          I have on occasion left them in place for 2hrs or more when I get preoccupied with work and covered in hydraulic oil all over my hands. I use general now as my go to snus, and when the flavor starts to fade, and I am not in a position to remove it, I just move it around a bit until I can.

                          Only had a general onyx break open on me and go slimy on me. The regular general portions were just fine and dandy for extended portions. The wintergreen seems to fade after a while though and taste funny at about the 2hr mark.



                          • Brian74
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 46

                            I often keep portions in for 3-5 hours when I am at work. I keep the portion in my right upper lip. It really depends on the brand as I find some lose their flavor and nic effect sooner than others. A can of strong generally lasts me 6 days on average. If I am drinking alcohol its a different story and Im usually going thru a portion an hour. When I dipped US tobacco I went through a can every 2 days. Snus seems to give me a much steadier, longer release of nicotine and flavor than US dip ever could. Not sure why that is, but I certainly enjoy it better and not having to spit is a huge plus.

