So I've been snussing for quite a while now, and until today I have never placed a pris in my lower lip. Holy shit I am feeling this General like never before :lol: Anyone here use their lower lip regularly?
Lower lippin' it
I quite rarely bottom-lip portions, when I get the feeling that my upper gums need a rest, once a week maybe and yeah, it really works - no problems, but normally I find the traditional upper-gums-method more convenient.
With loose, I've never tried it. I just don't believe that it could work. The loose-brands that I use, are hard enough to manage in the upper-lip. With brands like Offroad Longcut maybe the bottom-lip would be more convenient, but I've never tried these new brands.
Alex, did you really manage to bottom-lip General loose? How long did the pris last?
Originally posted by chainsnuserAlex, did you really manage to bottom-lip General loose? How long did the pris last?
It seems to me that I take a huge nic hit from lower lippin' los. I've never tried it with portions though :?
So I've been using in my lower lip for a while now, and I don't know if I could go back to the upper with los (Portions will be upper lip, as always). I bake a much smaller pris by hand and it lasts about an hour. The nicotine delivery i excellent and by the time it falls apart I am satisfied. The satisfaction keeps me from chain snussing which is pretty nice.
half sized pris and half the usage - it's really nice to see my can of Skruf stay full this long