Lower lippin' it

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  • alex
    • Jul 2007
    • 226

    Lower lippin' it

    So I've been snussing for quite a while now, and until today I have never placed a pris in my lower lip. Holy shit I am feeling this General like never before :lol: Anyone here use their lower lip regularly?
  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    I've done it, not regularly.

    Messy. Turns mushy on me real quick. I end up swallowing too much of it.
    All in my teeth. Can't drink with a pris in.

    I'd say snus is too fine and moist to stay together with all the spit that ends up in my bottom lip.


    • Jason
      • Jan 2008
      • 1370

      Portions: almost all the time.

      Loose: Never tried it, because I know what would happen. If I ever did, it would have to be something really coarse, like Grov...


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        I quite rarely bottom-lip portions, when I get the feeling that my upper gums need a rest, once a week maybe and yeah, it really works - no problems, but normally I find the traditional upper-gums-method more convenient.

        With loose, I've never tried it. I just don't believe that it could work. The loose-brands that I use, are hard enough to manage in the upper-lip. With brands like Offroad Longcut maybe the bottom-lip would be more convenient, but I've never tried these new brands.

        Alex, did you really manage to bottom-lip General loose? How long did the pris last?



        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          I tried it once with some phantom (which typically holds together like glue) and within just a few mins the stuff had settled around my entire lower jaw. I had to rinse my mouth out with water and was still finding snus in my teeth hours later.


          • alex
            • Jul 2007
            • 226

            Originally posted by chainsnuser
            Alex, did you really manage to bottom-lip General loose? How long did the pris last?

            Last night the pris of general lasted about 45 minutes (it's was hug and kind of molded onto my teeth in about 20. Today at work, I loaded up a 1 notch on the icetool pris of Skruf Stark in my lower and it stayed together from 10 until I left for lunch at 10:50!

            It seems to me that I take a huge nic hit from lower lippin' los. I've never tried it with portions though :?


            • exexpat93
              • Jul 2008
              • 76

              Lower Portions All the Time

              With Portions, I only do lower. More flavor. Better control. Invisibility.

              I have not done Loose and could not imagine it could be lower jawed. I imagine it would get messy quick and I'd have to carry a toothbrush.


              • alex
                • Jul 2007
                • 226

                So I've been using in my lower lip for a while now, and I don't know if I could go back to the upper with los (Portions will be upper lip, as always). I bake a much smaller pris by hand and it lasts about an hour. The nicotine delivery i excellent and by the time it falls apart I am satisfied. The satisfaction keeps me from chain snussing which is pretty nice.

                half sized pris and half the usage - it's really nice to see my can of Skruf stay full this long

