My portions keep getting dry in my fridge

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  • postjack
    • Feb 2012
    • 46

    My portions keep getting dry in my fridge

    So I keep about 6-7 cans of open snus in my fridge, and I just started keeping sealed cans in my freezer. I didn't realize how dry the portions in my fridge were getting until I pulled a can of Thunder Frosted out of the freezer. I left it in the fridge for 24 hours, and when I opened it up and poppped once it, I immediately noticed how much wetter the portion was, and the nicotine hit was also substantially stronger, as was the flavor.

    I read about people keeping opened cans in their fridge for weeks, even months at a time without it getting too dry, and my portions are definitely getting too dry. Maybe its a subjective thing, I don't know. Can anyone suggest any rehydration methods? I've heard of putting a piece of apple or something similar in the can with the snus, but won't this affect the flavor?

    I'd appreciate any experience or insight you can offer.
  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9758

    waters pretty moist. a few drops will help. don't keep so may tins open if you can help it. If not then just chuck the open tins in the freezer. no need to let them defrost just use em frozen and in about 5 seconds they are defrosted with no harm done. good luck

    Originally posted by postjack
    So I keep about 6-7 cans of open snus in my fridge, and I just started keeping sealed cans in my freezer. I didn't realize how dry the portions in my fridge were getting until I pulled a can of Thunder Frosted out of the freezer. I left it in the fridge for 24 hours, and when I opened it up and poppped once it, I immediately noticed how much wetter the portion was, and the nicotine hit was also substantially stronger, as was the flavor.

    I read about people keeping opened cans in their fridge for weeks, even months at a time without it getting too dry, and my portions are definitely getting too dry. Maybe its a subjective thing, I don't know. Can anyone suggest any rehydration methods? I've heard of putting a piece of apple or something similar in the can with the snus, but won't this affect the flavor?

    I'd appreciate any experience or insight you can offer.
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • postjack
      • Feb 2012
      • 46

      Originally posted by Premium Parrots
      waters pretty moist. a few drops will help. don't keep so may tins open if you can help it. If not then just chuck the open tins in the freezer. no need to let them defrost just use em frozen and in about 5 seconds they are defrosted with no harm done. good luck
      i never knew you could just pop in a frozen snus, that sounds awesome. going to give it a shot.

      i'll give the water a shot as well, thanks!


      • SnusoMatic
        • Jun 2009
        • 507

        i live near you up north, same state, off 65, on triver, city starts with d. be careful about ordering snus in the hottest part of the year. heat can shorten its life and cause it to dry faster. most will tell you i am full of crap. i've been doing this for 6-8 years. in short, stock up and freeze during winter. the hotter it gets outside is when not to order. skip ordering june-sept months.

        also a trick i use is when i open a can that i won't use up fast..... I cut the top off a zip lock bag, dump the snus into it, twist the top of bag and put bag and all back in can.

        re-hydrating is personal choice. one person says this way is better and another says that way is better. if i do it I use these little metal buttons they sell to keep smoking tobacco moist. About the size of a quarter with little holes. sort of like this

        I soak one in bottled water and put it in a can of snus. Not dripping wet. leave it a day or two. it does ok. some just pour water in the can.

        gomer says hey

