Make your own snus from rolling tobacco

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  • precious007
    Banned Users
    • Sep 2010
    • 5885

    can't watch the video now, I'm on a mobile connection but I'll definitely have a look.

    Rolling tobacco sounds convenient, I can purchase a pack for as low as $3. Snus has been getting more and more expensive to the point where I don't afford it as I used to before.

    Maybe GN is kind to share his EXTREME recipe - and we'll make it out of roll tobacco


    • ctee
      New Member
      • Dec 2012
      • 14

      Thank you for the comments

      @squeezyjohn: The tobacco I bought was without additives and did smell like tea like you said, I did not mean the "cigarette/smoke" smell of cigarettes and cigars, or for example smoke aroma some people put in their snus to make it taste like "tobacco".. It still have the ammonia smell, but nothing close to storebought snus, when I open the batches I make, I really smell the ammonia and I almost threw up once because I was making 1 kg haha.. My girlfriend got mad because the oven was smelling for 2 days and we could not make any food hehe.. But again, the finished cured product is much less ammonia smell and more flavor

      Like you said, the best way to mix sodium carbonate is to premix it first with water, but I've also had good results from putting it right in the mix.. I did it that way on this video actually.. I just make sure to shake my batch of snus sometimes to let it mix in.. But the best method is by far to premix it.. BUT, this is also a smaller batch than big ones, so when going bigger than this, premix is the thing to do..

      Thank you for the tip, we learn something new everyday

      Here is the update I wrote on youtube:


      The snus might be to strong with the taste of salt for some people, try to use 2 grams instead if you do not like strong taste of snus.. When it hits the tongue, it's like salty licorice, but when you have it under your lip, it tastes really good as it enhance the flavors..

      I got about 65 grams of snus from 40 grams of this rolling tobacco Still a profit for me, the store charges 12 euros for one box of 45 grams of snus when this cost 5 euros for tobacco and mix it with water and salt..

      And thank you for the like!


      • MrMalmsten
        • Dec 2013
        • 22

        A tip is to use a tobacco that is not flavoured. Many of the raw tobacco sorts for smoking is flavored with tobacco flavor.
        Dedicated snus head. Making my own snus, growing tobacco, mixing natural flavors and running a snus shop


        • saberz
          • Feb 2012
          • 66

          Isn't rolling tobacco worse for snus use?

