Snus juices.

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  • pens86
    New Member
    • Jul 2008
    • 9

    Snus juices.

    I snus General, I bake the pris very soft, to a barrel shape.
    I throw it in my mouth, turn on 'Friends' and relax... chill!

    But I get no juice, I WANT THE JUICE, I NEED THE JUICE :P
    And the snus ain't dry either, use before is like october 15th 2008. (wow just got the Daily show voice in my head :S) What gives guys? Any advice?
    The size of the pris is like a marble ball!
  • Janus2059
    • Jun 2008
    • 57

    paradoxically, try baking it tighter. my line of reasoning on this is that maybe then it'll get saturated sooner since it's denser. then the saliva that over-saturates it after that will juice it up.


    • pens86
      New Member
      • Jul 2008
      • 9

      Thanks, I'll try that.. !


      • soundslikesnoos
        • Jul 2008
        • 21

        milkin' the snus

        I found out a nice little helpful trick for portion snus. Up until the point I found out about my technique, I would wait until the flavor of the snus would go and then; thinking that it was spent, I would spit it out. Looking back, I've wasted so many cans doing that. NO NO NO!!! Not only is snus expensive but, wouldn't you wanna get the most out of it anyway? Anyway, I was at work one day last week and put in a portion and didn't get as much flavor out of it like I normally do. So out of frustration, I took the pouch from my upper lip with my tongue and began chewing on it like I was eating something.....that's how hard I chewed. Not so hard that u destry the portion and get little bits of ground tobacco all in ur mouth...but just chewed it firmly. And then shoved it back in my lip with my tongue while thinking, "take that u lil mothafuuuuu....."......and right when I thought that last word, my eyes got all big and watery from the intensity of the salt and lemon flavor.... I use General White, to the point of where I couldn't believe my taste buds. Just goes to show that you have to knead that stuff around in the pouch to cash ALL. Even if u have a portion in your mouth for 2 hours and the entire portion gets saturated and becomes slimy its so moist....doing this technique still gives you a burst of flavor before ur ready to chunk it. I'm sure you can do the same thing with loose but, you would have a big mess on your hands I'd imagine. So....snuson!.......and get the most out of your lil buddy.


        • Grim
          • Jun 2008
          • 850

          Honestly, if you wat flavor just command the S#!t.

          I tried it , with gotlands gul los at that, and it works.

          Just take a pinch out of the can and upper lip it.

          It feels as though its going to fall apart but it acutally stays there for just as long as a hand baked pris does.

          It hits you quick and there is no waiting on flavor.

          Just dont smile and youll be ok.

          Everyone should try commando snusing and post their opinions. I do it from time to time jsut for the extra flavor and nic kick

          now mind you, it isnt quite as comfortable when you first put it up there, but you get use to it.


          • ponysoprano
            • Jul 2008
            • 562

            Re: milkin' the snus

            Originally posted by soundslikesnoos
            I found out a nice little helpful trick for portion snus. Up until the point I found out about my technique, I would wait until the flavor of the snus would go and then; thinking that it was spent, I would spit it out. Looking back, I've wasted so many cans doing that. NO NO NO!!! Not only is snus expensive but, wouldn't you wanna get the most out of it anyway? Anyway, I was at work one day last week and put in a portion and didn't get as much flavor out of it like I normally do. So out of frustration, I took the pouch from my upper lip with my tongue and began chewing on it like I was eating something.....that's how hard I chewed. Not so hard that u destry the portion and get little bits of ground tobacco all in ur mouth...but just chewed it firmly. And then shoved it back in my lip with my tongue while thinking, "take that u lil mothafuuuuu....."......and right when I thought that last word, my eyes got all big and watery from the intensity of the salt and lemon flavor.... I use General White, to the point of where I couldn't believe my taste buds. Just goes to show that you have to knead that stuff around in the pouch to cash ALL. Even if u have a portion in your mouth for 2 hours and the entire portion gets saturated and becomes slimy its so moist....doing this technique still gives you a burst of flavor before ur ready to chunk it. I'm sure you can do the same thing with loose but, you would have a big mess on your hands I'd imagine. So....snuson!.......and get the most out of your lil buddy.
            HAHA I'm cracking up!
            Agreed, I take the portion and trasfer it via tongue,defly to the lower lip, then contract lower lip against the pouch and my bottom teeth, same concept, just sort of re-invigorating what tastes like a spent wad. Anyone notice how LONG a General Sterk portion lasts? I had a 2.5 hour conversation with my dad after dinner tonight and the thing would. not. quit.


            • soundslikesnoos
              • Jul 2008
              • 21

              milkin' the snus

              Ponysoprano, yeah same concept but totally different. Yeah I would transfer the snus to the bottom lip and tighten up my lip smashing the snus too and it does release a little extra flavor, but I'm telling u man, give it a couple of chomps with ur molars like u were chewing ona piece of gum. About 3 or 4 time and then slam it back in ur lip. Trust me, when u do this you'll be wanting my e-mail to keep in touch for other pointers in life...its that good. You'll go to my e-mail in ur contect book and say to ur friend while pointing at my e-mail...."see that e-mail addrees", and ur friend will say...."uhh....yeah"...and then you'll say, "he knows how to get the most outta life". Hahah joking. But yeah try it and tell me what you think. Be prepared to spit coffee out of your mouth when doing this tho. And I aslo suggest to only do this at the very end of the snusing session when it tastes and feels spent as not to waste it. Get the most out of you lil buddy!


              • Premium Parrots
                Super Moderators
                • Feb 2008
                • 9758

                I kinda thought that flippin around and givin a nearly spent portion alittle chew every once in awhile was common knowledge.
                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                • ponysoprano
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 562

                  I can only speak for myself, but I'm a total newb at only a month or so of snus knowledge and orders. It's thanks to the lofty enlightenment of you fellows, that things like that will become common knowledge in my snus lexicon..and I thank you.

