I keep sealed and open cans in the fridge and only take what I need for the day in an empty spare tin...keeping the rest nice and fresh in the fridge...yummy
i've experimented and made a thing to keep snus cold. what you do is you cut open an ice pack and put some of the gel into a tiny bag. then you put that bag in another bag(to prevent leakage) then tie it with a rubberband etc. then you have your own snus ice pack. make sure it's small enough to fit in your can. also i will stress again that you must wrap it up good because i wouldn't imagine how bad that gel could be for you if you ingested it.
I recently made a great discovery for snus storage. Ziploc makes a new freezer-size bag, shorter than the big gallon bags, that is flat on the bottom. That is to say, the bottom edge is cut and fashioned so that it expands when items are put into the bag, creating a flat bottom that the bag can rest on when standing upright. When 8 snus cans are stacked and the long roll is laid on its side, the cans fit perfectly into the expanded bottom of the bag. I then lay the bag flat out on the counter, and roll the cans over the rest of the bag until I reach the bag's zip top, rolling tightly to press all of the air out of the bag and creating and incredibly air-tight seal.
I freeze most of them , and lately have been storing the cans I'm currently using in the exact same way, keeping a rotation of 5 to 8 open at a time in my fridge. I find that by keeping the dry refrigerator air entirely out of the snus, my portions and loose stay perfectly moist and cool, and I can enjoy up to 8 varieties at a time for weeks without worrying that some will loose moisture and flavor. Conveniently, when I leave for work I just grab the whole ziploc bag and throw it in my backpack, bringing with me a whole variety of snus to enjoy all day and to be returned to the fridge when I get home. Really, the difference in freshness is unmistakable, and it's all about the expanding-bottom shape of these bags.
The key factor in determining if snus needs to be refrigerated is whether it's dry or moist snus. Dry snus does not require refrigeration because is has a very low water content compared to moist snus, which has a water content of ~50%. The water in moist snus causes the tobacco to decay after extended amounts of time.