How long will loose snus keep?

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  • littledog
    • May 2006
    • 44

    How long will loose snus keep?

    Having gone off the deep end with a snus buying spree I am now asking?
    How long can it be stored in the freezer? I have the rolls sealed in double ply freezer bags in the freezer. I read on one site that they will keep up to one year that way. I'm hoping for about 1 and 1/2 years. :shock:

    Well hey they were on sale so I stocked up. what more can I say?

  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    I imagine, like any food you keep in the freezer, the longer it stays in there the more it will lose its flavour and taste of freezer-burn. It's probably not a question of how long it will keep, but simply of how tasty it will be after a certain time. For year-and-a-half old frozen snus, i'd probably be happy to pay an extra few crowns for fresh...


    • littledog
      • May 2006
      • 44

      Originally posted by Zero
      I imagine, like any food you keep in the freezer, the longer it stays in there the more it will lose its flavour and taste of freezer-burn. It's probably not a question of how long it will keep, but simply of how tasty it will be after a certain time. For year-and-a-half old frozen snus, i'd probably be happy to pay an extra few crowns for fresh...
      Guess I'd better double or triple my snus use then... :idea:


      • TheCanuck
        • May 2006
        • 38

        Freezer burn is caused by evaporation of moisture so if you can stop that it helps a lot. I use a Tilia Foodsaver vacuum sealing tool to seal my snuff in bags and then freeze it. I would think it would survive quite well for at least a year and probably more, considering the snuff companies claim a year is okay for freezing, just in the snuff container.
        I just unsealed and thawed a box of Kardus I froze about 5 months ago, and it tastes and feels just as good as new.
        However, I agree with Zero, that it's always better to order it fresh as often as possible.


        • nzkiwi
          • Jan 2007
          • 141

          I have a frost free freezer, I'll triple bag the snus and it still dries out quickly, especially portions. :cry: :x. I like the foil sealed cans(lucky strike, rocker, etc). :idea:


          • rangerjr10
            New Member
            • Jun 2007
            • 7

            I just bought a roll of General loose. It should probably last me 3 wks - can I just throw the whole roll in the freezer or would the refrigerator do?


            • phish
              • Jan 2007
              • 265

              It depends in the expiry date. Normally you'll have at least a month to consume the snus depending on how fresh it is. You could always freeze half of them to keep them a bit fresher whilst you are using the other half


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