Snus Storage Questions

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  • cigator
    • Aug 2007
    • 96

    Snus Storage Questions

    I take a tin out of the refrigerator in the morning and carry it all day. I return the tin to the refrigerator at night. Will this method prolong the useful life of snus?
  • Zero
    • May 2006
    • 1522

    The more it's cold, the longer it will last. If your tin only lives for a few days then it's fine to leave it out - if you take two weeks to get through a tin, then keeping it in the fridge when not needed is probably a good idea.


    • bondzai
      • Apr 2008
      • 362

      Storage Topic Again

      With the shipping sale, I put in a second order this week. So now I have a dozen new cans and another ten or so coming. I also have about six cans of loose in the freezer.

      I am trying out new flavors of portions, so tend to want to keep them in the fridge. But some flavors, I know I liked so I have two more cans of those like Roda Lacket and Ettan White Portions.

      Do you recommend throwing these in the freezer? Will they stand up just as well in the fridge? Most of the expirations are in august or so.


      • Kerprodo
        • Apr 2008
        • 138

        I've never seen any reason to freeze, as long as you think you will use by best buy date it doesn't seem like freezing would be needed. I do see freezing as a good option if you just don't have room, but freezing anything will result in some loss of quality, as to whether it is detectable, that depends on the item and personal taste/perception. I've never frozen snus, but it seems others here have with varying personal results, just search "freezing snus" for plenty of info on forum.


        • victoryredchevy
          • Jan 2008
          • 303

          I've never been a fan of freezing my snus, either. Although, I've heard freezing is good for long term storage. I've just always kept it in the fridge and I've never had a problem with it.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            If you use in a reasonable time, then there really is no need to freeze. But I have been averaging 60 tins lately, so I do freeze cause I might not get to one for many months. And I have far more storage space in the freezer than the fridge. I don't think my girl friend would appreciate trying to deal with 60 cans in the fridge. :roll:


            • Starcadia
              • May 2008
              • 646

              If I had a girlfriend right now she's either laugh at me or slap me for my fridge/freezer situation. I'm an old bachelor, and I love it that way.

              The cans I have in rotation are in the butter compartment of my refrigerator door. About 15 of them. Much more in the freezer, mostly ones I overestimated.


              • Kerprodo
                • Apr 2008
                • 138

                Yeah, I now have about 25 cans of lös, so I may try freezing some since most have a Aug use by date, and I use portion during days I work, so 1 lös can usually lasts about 4 days (or more- hard to estimate since I usually keep about 3 open at a time to mix it up). I doubt I'll be able to really tell much of a difference, but we'll see.


                • Soupskin
                  New Member
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 3

                  Storage questions


                  I recently received a coupon in the mail for a free can of Camel snus. Well the tin I got was not only old, but way too sweet for my tastes. After doing some research online, I discovered what "real" snus is. Due to a lack of local tobacco shops, I tried a can of Triumph next that left me wanting to smoke even with one in my mouth. Yet again, I had been duped by another poor American excuse for snus.

                  I finally gave in yesterday and placed an order online. I now have a roll of General Original Portion and a can each of Offroad Liquorice, Offroad Coffee Vanilla and a free can of General Sterk on the way.

                  I am looking forward to being able to use tobacco in a safer manner than the cigarettes I have been smoking for the past 20 years.

                  My question is about storage. I plan on storing all unopened cans in the freezer but is it OK to keep an open can on me at all times or should it be stored in the fridge as much as possible?

                  Thanks for your time.


                  • moneymanmike
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 133

                    I take a can or two with me in the morning and when I get home at night put them back in the fridge. No problem at all.


                    • Soupskin
                      New Member
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 3

                      Originally posted by moneymanmike
                      I take a can or two with me in the morning and when I get home at night put them back in the fridge. No problem at all.
                      Cool, thanks for the tip!

                      BTW, do you know of a local retailer in the Greater Atlanta area? I live in Lilburn.


                      • moneymanmike
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 133

                        I have not found a local for anything but Camel and Triumph. I buy from getsnus, buysnus, and northener online.

                        FYI: Triumph is real swedish snus just not a very good one IMO.


                        • PennySD
                          • Sep 2008
                          • 47

                          Have a friend that used the same coupon. It was expired. he said it tasted like syrup. Now he's got a bad idea of snus. I have to go out and convince him otherwise.


                          • joshua
                            • Dec 2008
                            • 214

                            I bought a $75 mini-fridge from Wal-Mart just to put in my bedroom. I keep all my beer/snus in there except for what I take out of the house with me. One can on me all day, the rest of my open cans in the mini-fridge and my sealed cans go in the freezer.


                            • sagedil
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 7077

                              I used to always put my open cans back in the fridge. Now I no longer bother, unless it is something I am using like one a day of. Unopened, freezer, cause I often have over 60 cans in storage.

                              I have found no degradation of snus that is sued over several days when I didn't put it in the fridge.


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