Snus Storage Questions

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  • texasmade
    • Jan 2009
    • 4159

    v2 los ftw!! had a can of phantom brown that stayed next to my bed open for a month that i used for my morning and night snus and it was still moist


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      I keep my unopened cans in a freezer bag in the freezer, though I think they'd be just as well in the fridge. Opened cans I just leave out. But I only keep like 2 open at a time.


      • asidrave
        • Mar 2010
        • 195

        i always keep my snus in the fridge. ill take however many cans out for the day and when i get home i put them back in the fridge till i want them again. ive never had a problem with any of my snus drying out or going bad this way


        • Jonnymh1
          • Apr 2010
          • 86

          Originally posted by asidrave View Post
          i always keep my snus in the fridge. ill take however many cans out for the day and when i get home i put them back in the fridge till i want them again. ive never had a problem with any of my snus drying out or going bad this way
          Thank you all for your help! It sounds like there are many good ways to handle snus as long as it's kept cold. I plan to leave mine in the fridge unless I end up getting so many that I won't be able to get to them all within a month or two of purchase. I'm trying to avoid brands that won't be available after the PACT goes live... I'm afraid I'll find something I like too much and then lament how hard it is to get... One of those brands I'm curious about is the BlÄ Snus... Maybe I should try and then hoard some in the freezer...

          I have turned into such a SNUSHEAD in the past month! I've been chain snusing... I had never tried any kind of smokeless tobacco before.

          Thanks again for your help!!! Now to start snusing...


          • Robert81
            • Apr 2010
            • 35

            I read a thread the other day, I think it was the 'Pics of Snus Stash' one, and somebody said Snus should be stored under 46ÂșF. I've been keeping it in my mini fridge at around 50ÂșF and it's all good. I think my mini fridge is dying so it won't budge under 50 it sucks. But I just wanted to give you a heads up in case you get a mini frige and wouldn't know what to set it to lol.


            • Joe234
              • Apr 2010
              • 1948

              How long can I store 100 cans in the fridge?-freezer?

              Can someone direct me to the storage tips?

              How long can I store 100 cans in the fridge?
              I haven't ordered but am considering the
              possibility before the PACT Act.

              How about the freezer?

              When do the online stores raise their prices?

              thank you



              • lxskllr
                • Sep 2007
                • 13435

                Put them in the freezer; I use freezer bags. It'll last well over a year that way. Prices go up at the end of June due to tax collection.


                • snusjus
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 2674

                  Snus will stay fine until its expiration date in the refrigerator. In the freezer, it will last a few years. I usually keep one roll in the fridge and the rest in the freezer.


                  • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                    • Dec 2008
                    • 2781

                    I do the same as lxskllr. Put them in freezer bags and into the freezer. Great investment right now, do it


                    • chadizzy1
                      • May 2009
                      • 7432

                      Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
                      Can someone direct me to the storage tips?

                      How long can I store 100 cans in the fridge?
                      I haven't ordered but am considering the
                      possibility before the PACT Act.

                      How about the freezer?

                      When do the online stores raise their prices?

                      thank you

                      I like this video from the SnusCentral YouTube page. I actually learned how to vaccuum seal snus without buying the device to do it. It's a really cool method.


                      • Owens187
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 1547

                        If you use freezer bags or a vacuum sealer and freeze them, I don't see any way for it to ever go bad. I am currently using a can of General White that I froze back in September, tastes like brand new!


                        • texasmade
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 4159

                          Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
                          Can someone direct me to the storage tips?

                          How long can I store 100 cans in the fridge?
                          I haven't ordered but am considering the
                          possibility before the PACT Act.

                          How about the freezer?

                          When do the online stores raise their prices?

                          thank you

                          in the fridge maybe 6 months - 1 year

                          in the freezer....forever

                          i guess june 20th


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            FWIW, I have been using snus for over 3 years. I have occasionally had over 100 cans in the freezer. And I have NEVER put them into any type of baggie, they go in naked as the day they were born. NEVER a problem, I have had snus that is almost 2 years old and it was indistinguishable from a can that had been put in less than a week before


                            • Joe234
                              • Apr 2010
                              • 1948

                              Originally posted by sagedil View Post
                              FWIW, I have been using snus for over 3 years. I have occasionally had over 100 cans in the freezer. And I have NEVER put them into any type of baggie, they go in naked as the day they were born. NEVER a problem, I have had snus that is almost 2 years old and it was indistinguishable from a can that had been put in less than a week before
                              What's the ideal temperature?



                              • danielan
                                • Apr 2010
                                • 1514

                                Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
                                What's the ideal temperature?
                                Absolute 0 - you'll need a Kelvin thermometer.


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