Snus Storage Questions

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
    I have no idea about the temperature; it freezes stuff :^D

    I use EZ zip bags, and what I do is leave a ~2" hole, suck out the air with my mouth, then zip the bag shut while sucking. It vacuum seals it to some extent, but not so great tbh. I doubt doing it that way accomplishes much, but it's easy enough, so I do it :^)
    OK. thanks for the info.

    Who's your avatar? Mr Booth?


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      Originally posted by Joe234

      Who's your avatar? Mr Booth?
      Edgar Allan Poe :^)


      • Jimbob_Rebel
        • Jun 2010
        • 169

        If I'm not mistaken that's Edgar Allen Poe.


        • Jimbob_Rebel
          • Jun 2010
          • 169

          Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
          Edgar Allan Poe :^)
          beat me to the punch!


          • Joe234
            • Apr 2010
            • 1948

            Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
            Edgar Allan Poe :^)
            Right. Silly me. that is Poe. I'm glad.

            Do you think there's a slight resemblance?


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Yea, there is a resemblance. Interestingly enough, the Booth family lived right down he road from me :^)


              • ladysnus
                • Mar 2009
                • 601

                I've been vacuuming bagging my snus since day 1. I have snus over a year old and it's all been fine. My opened cans of things I don't use often are kept in freezer bags, they do tend to get a bit of freezer burn.


                • LaZeR
                  • Oct 2009
                  • 3994

                  Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                  I have no idea about the temperature; it freezes stuff :^D

                  I use EZ zip bags, and what I do is leave a ~2" hole, suck out the air with my mouth, then zip the bag shut while sucking. It vacuum seals it to some extent, but not so great tbh. I doubt doing it that way accomplishes much, but it's easy enough, so I do it :^)
                  Are you people trying to make me....

                  But seriously, I'm curious about some "freezing" techniques myself. My biggest concern is opening my snus in a year or so and finding it all frost bitten.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435


                    You don't disappoint LaZ. I was fully expecting that as I was writing the above :^D


                    • myuserid
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 1645

                      I'm just going to put this question here, instead of making a new thread.

                      So I opened a can of Skruf Xtra Stark Portions the other day, and they were really dry. I put some water in a bowl and dumped the can in and mixed with a spoon. Then I returned them to the can and put it in the fridge for a couple days.

                      Only thing is, I think I used too much water. The portions are really leaky now.

                      Would leaving them out of the fridge for a day or so to dry them out be a good idea?


                      • MojoQuestor
                        • Sep 2009
                        • 2344

                        Originally posted by myuserid View Post
                        I'm just going to put this question here, instead of making a new thread.

                        So I opened a can of Skruf Xtra Stark Portions the other day, and they were really dry. I put some water in a bowl and dumped the can in and mixed with a spoon. Then I returned them to the can and put it in the fridge for a couple days.

                        Only thing is, I think I used too much water. The portions are really leaky now.

                        Would leaving them out of the fridge for a day or so to dry them out be a good idea?
                        Yeah, I think so. I've only done it a couple of times, and not with portions, but in general it seems that if you over-hydrate, then you just let the correct amount of extra moisture evaporate, and you're back to good snus.

                        I would say just be sure not to let it go too far, because you're back to square one, and I don't know how many hydrate-dry-hydrate cycles a can of snus could take before it's just not that good anymore.

                        I think tom502 has done a bit more lab work with this. I really can't remember for sure, but it seems like some of his snus got to the point where he didn't enjoy it as much. Then again, it's likely different for everyone. So much with taste, and certainly with snus, seems to be perceptual. If you go into it thinking "this is gonna suck"--it's likely going to suck.


                        • Curtisp
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 189

                          Originally posted by myuserid View Post
                          I'm just going to put this question here, instead of making a new thread.

                          So I opened a can of Skruf Xtra Stark Portions the other day, and they were really dry. I put some water in a bowl and dumped the can in and mixed with a spoon. Then I returned them to the can and put it in the fridge for a couple days.

                          Only thing is, I think I used too much water. The portions are really leaky now.

                          Would leaving them out of the fridge for a day or so to dry them out be a good idea?
                          This thread is so on target, i was wondering the same thing. I have about ten cans open in my garage fridge. With the heat here some of my portions were feeling kinda dry. I am now keeping a small spray bottle with distilled water in the fridge near my snus.When i return a can, i just give it a spritz, close it up, and next day, just right moist. Seems to work pretty good, just my 2 cents..


                          • myuserid
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 1645

                            Originally posted by Curtisp View Post
                            This thread is so on target, i was wondering the same thing. I have about ten cans open in my garage fridge. With the heat here some of my portions were feeling kinda dry. I am now keeping a small spray bottle with distilled water in the fridge near my snus.When i return a can, i just give it a spritz, close it up, and next day, just right moist. Seems to work pretty good, just my 2 cents..
                            That's a good idea.

                            I may have to try that.

                            What's the temp been like in South FL? It's been a terribly hot summer so far here in Alabama. I'm ready for winter.


                            • EbenezerScrews
                              • Mar 2010
                              • 60

                              Leaving it open in the fridge will dry it out. I have no experience with snus, but I used to do this with moist rolling tobacco. Only if there is no food/smells in the fridge however, or it may pick up some taste. Very faint, but a lettuce and hard boiled egg snus? haha. Worked really well, need to check on it regularly though, and rotate to keep the process even. If you put em single layer on a plate I think they'd be dry in a couple hours, depending how wet they are. Or if you got the AC running, place em there, should do the trick.

                              If you are going to have an open can in the fridge for more than a few days, I would recommend bagging them.

                              I would think in Alabama/S.Florida just sticking a dry can of portions out your window for a second would moisten them right up, haha


                              • myuserid
                                • Jun 2010
                                • 1645

                                Originally posted by EbenezerScrews View Post
                                I would think in Alabama/S.Florida just sticking a dry can of portions out your window for a second would moisten them right up, haha
                                You're not far off there.

                                The humidity is a killer here.


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