Snus Storage Questions

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  • ChaoticGemini
    • Jun 2010
    • 564

    I keep a can of my regulars (N&J and Taboca) out until it is gone. If I want something else, I go to the fridge. In the summer, I will only bring a few portions in an old can with me when I go out because I don't like the taste of them after being in the HIGH heat we have here.


    • snusjus
      • Jun 2008
      • 2674

      My advice: use one can at a time. While it requires a bit of self-discipline, you will appreciate having fresher snus and the pleasure of anticipating new varieties. Alternatively, limit yourself to having two opened cans at a time.


      • precious007
        Banned Users
        • Sep 2010
        • 5885

        Originally posted by snusjus View Post
        My advice: use one can at a time. While it requires a bit of self-discipline, you will appreciate having fresher snus and the pleasure of anticipating new varieties. Alternatively, limit yourself to having two opened cans at a time.

        That's what conclusion I came up to.... I had like 30 cans open ......... now I only have 3 and I will stick to just one because the snus tend to try up........ both the los and portions and I hate to have to rehydrate it so often.


        • muddyfunkstar
          • Aug 2010
          • 967

          I don't think your storage system is odd, it's what I do. If it's open, it's at room temperature. Consistent temperature is the key - I feel that putting them in and out of the fridge several times a day isn't the best for snus. I only ever have one or two open at a time, and I've never noticed any problems at all.


          • WickedKitchen
            • Nov 2009
            • 2528

            I think you're spot on dude. I don't think four or five days will dry it out that much regardless. I keep an open can with me on my person at work all day but it's always Grov white so a little drier is harder to notice. This can is gone in four or five days but almost never hit's the fridge. I put the can in the pocket of my car door when I get home and leave it there until I get back to work the next day. In the hot weather I'll take it in and put it in the fridge w/ the rest of them. My Sterk (N&J) usually takes me close to two weeks to kill and lost takes me about four weeks to kill a can. The sterk, los, and an OP stay in the fridge but I've found that if you keep them in the butter part of the fridge, behind that little door, then they stay right as rain. The los is moist even after a month there.

            @ lincoln, I was going to say that your taste buds might be broken, but I realize that I haven't tried General ES yet, at least in the los. I'm still fearful of ES los 'cos I tried that Makla stuff and whew...need a seat belt for that. The GES portions are even borderline nuclear for me too but I am going to order some los with the next order.


            • Mordred
              • Dec 2009
              • 342

              I have a "go-to" snus that I use throughout the day and that can stays in my pocket. Then I have 2 or so other cans in the fridge that I only use occasionally. The rest is in the freezer.


              • nicodude
                • Jan 2011
                • 688

                I currently have around 20 open cans in my snus fridge, and wouldn't have it any other way. There are a few that I use every day, several times a day but most are once a day or less. If I find that I am not using a certain can very much I will put it in the freezer to keep it fresh.

                Now granted you have to use alot of snus for that to work, but I just like variety. While at my house I will not use the same snus twice in a row, and when I leave I pick one kind that I like enough to use back to back, and sometimes throw a portion or two of another kind into the catch lid.

                All my snus remains in the fridge or freezer while I am at home, I pick a can when I leave and return it to the fridge when I get back home again. Never had a problem with anything drying out except half a can of general los because of the poor seal on the cardboard can.


                • initb2009
                  • Jul 2010
                  • 30


                  When I freeze snus the lables seem to "pop up" in about three or four places and look like they are coming off the can. Is this normal? or am I doing something horrible wrong?


                  • Randall
                    • May 2010
                    • 753

                    never had that happen. is the snus still tasty?

                    oh. it's not Granit cans is it?


                    • nicodude
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 688

                      Never had that happen either. Try putting the cans in ziplock freezer bags, thats what I do...


                      • Monkey
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 3290

                        Never had that happen to me.


                        Maybe it is posessed?


                        • angrylollipop
                          • Apr 2011
                          • 209

                          I wish that happened to me! would make it easier to get the damn labels off.


                          • bakerbarber
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 1947

                            Mine are vacuum sealed. Only problem I've ever had is some of the fiberboard cans collapse and get soggy.

                            I reorganized my stash the other day, and stuff I vacuum sealed last May was as fresh as the day I got it in the mail.

                            No wonky labels. Are you letting them thaw in the fridge before you take them out to room temp?

                            The frost free cycle may be your culprit too. You don't need to vacuum them or even ziplock them, but it helps.

                            I wouldn't worry about the label as long as the snus is still usable. I've used snus that is three years old out of my freezer and never worried about it. In the fridge you're good for at least six months.


                            • Lcarvone
                              • May 2011
                              • 425

                              Clarification on storage

                              So I received my Snuson order today (hooray!). There are varying best buy dates for each of the cans and it made me that based upon a particular storage condition? They obviously arrive at ambient temperature and I assume the date refers to best buy at ambient temperature as long as they are sealed. The freezer scenario many adhere to for unopened cans extends the life past the best buy date and the freezer or fridge scenario extends (just not as long) for opened cans. I am on the right track?


                              • StuKlu
                                • Feb 2010
                                • 1192

                                You are on the right track. When freezing, ideally vacuum seal or at least use freezer bags and it will last a long time past the dates.


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