Snus Storage Questions

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  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
    • Mar 2011
    • 7035

    Originally posted by lxskllr
    I notice no reduction in nicotine. Some snus doesn't age as well as others, but it's all still pretty good. The pay off for having /slightly/ degraded snus, is I paid MUCH less for it, and I still have some snus that isn't available at any price :^)
    Moralistik i agree With Lxskllr .... Technikly Will let My self to desagree


    • jmdkodiak
      • Mar 2011
      • 218

      Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
      Moralistik i agree With Lxskllr .... Technikly Will let My self to desagree
      Fridge it is... For now. I will probably order some more snus in a month or so. Shipping is a killer.

      BTW GN, I will finally try some GN snus on my next order. I think Odens Extreme. I haven't had any of your snus yet.
      I should have just ordered some with my order last week.


      • chainsnuser
        Senior Member
        • Jan 2007
        • 1388

        I never understood why so many people are totally uncritical when it comes to freezing (and the damages that freezing does to food). Also, I simply don't like frozen food. Therefore I didn't freeze the snus in my first 4 years of snusing and always placed orders in way that I was able to keep the snus in the fridge and consume all the cans within the best-before dates or shortly after.

        But 'thanks' to the recent developments in the EU with first signs of import-problems already at the end of 2010, I decided to keep a bigger storage of snus on hand, placed bigger orders and started to freeze the additional cans - in airtight plastic containers.

        Until now, I don't detect any difference after I let the cans thaw in the fridge for 1 or 2 hours. I also hardly taste a difference if the snus was always kept in the fridge and is 3 months past the best before date. To make it complete: 4 weeks at room temperature aren't a problem either. It's a good idea though to always protect the snus against drying-out. The product really is not very damagable overall.

        So, my simple philosophy in regards to snus-storage is, that the fridge is best to keep the snus, but there's also no problem at all to freeze it, if the space in the fridge is limited or if the snus must be stored for a real long time (long past the best-before-date).



        • spirit72
          • Apr 2008
          • 1013

          For myself(and I mostly use lös as well), I keep it in the fridge until about a week before The Date arrives, and then it goes into freezer bags. I squeeze whatever air I can out of the freezer bags, but beyond that I don't obsess over it. I'm working on my last roll of Ettan now, which has been in the freezer since sometime in May. No big difference, maybe a bit drier.


          • deadohsky
            • Nov 2009
            • 625

            For what it's worth, i only use los. I am currently using a can of roda los that 'expired' 3-8-10. It has been stored in the freezer since purchase, without being in a bag. Just stacked along with other snus. I haven't noticed any change in moisture, nicotine, or flavor. It seems just as fresh as the day it went in.


            • GoVegan
              • Oct 2009
              • 5603

              I stick mine in the freezer without sealing them. I haven't noticed any issues yet and I have had some of those cans in there for a long time. I also leave my open cans in the freezer as well. I am not really worried about spoilage, I just like my snus cold.


              • itchystiches
                • Oct 2007
                • 194

                Admiditdly this applies just for portions.. but I just stick them in the freezer as I get them... No ziplock bags or anything like that. I figure that the tin itself should be reasonably airtight and then you usually got the cellophane wrap ontop, just for some extra seal.

                One thing I would say is opening them straight outta the freezer seems to make the moisture content go a little off... I get much better results letting them thaw out in the fridge before opening but ofc your mileage may vary.


                • muddyfunkstar
                  • Aug 2010
                  • 967

                  I do much the same as itchystiches, just put the cans in a plastic bag and straight in the freezer. I let the can thaw at room temp, though, and never had a problem.

                  I don't tend to have huge amounts in storage, though. I tend to only buy a roll at a time, which lasts me about a month. It's not a deep freeze, either, just a regular one.


                  • rickcharles606
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 2307

                    I microwave my snus before using it, because I prefer my portions warm ;-)

                    j/k of course. I will freeze snus that I'm not going to use immediately, but not always. If I open a can of los it gets tossed in the fridge in between uses, but unopened/opened cans of portion snus, never see the fridge.


                    • GENERAL BILLY
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 528

                      I can taste a difference with snus that has been frozen. I stopped freezing. I will use snus 6 months past due from the fridge and, to me, it tastes better than it would from the freezer.


                      • olzeke
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 20

                        I agree with Gen. Billy. I order six rolls (usually GES portions or Onyx) at a time, generally, and leave them in the fridge the whole time until they're gone. Six rolls will last me about five months. Occasionally, when I get to the end of an order, I may have some cans that are past "The Date", but are still fresh. The only thing I freeze are cans of stuff that I use very, very sparingly. I have some GR #2 portions in the freezer that's dated early 2010.

                        Bottom line: freezing isn't bad, but fridging still keeps things freshest in my experience.

                        My question: how does Northerner, Buysnus, etc. store their inventory that sits around for awhile? Or are they able to keep things turning fast enough that they don't have to worry about it? Seems like Northerner has special deals on snus that is expired or is about to. I assume that's because it's been on the shelf for awhile. How do they store it?


                        • Crow
                          • Oct 2010
                          • 4312

                          If I have a can (or a roll), I'll just stick it in the fridge. When I do bulk orders, the rest of it goes in the freezer (with the roll's seal intact).
                          Words of Wisdom

                          Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
                          Crow: Of course, that's a given.
                          Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
                          Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
                          Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
                          Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
                          Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
                          Frosted: lucky twat
                          Frosted: Aussie slags
                          Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


                          • Owens187
                            • Sep 2009
                            • 1547

                            Always freeze everything, but once I bust a tin out of cryo, it never sees the inside again.....


                            • Los ßnus
                              • Jan 2012
                              • 79

                              Keeping it fresh

                              So like a newbie, I got excited and opened up 4 cans of los snus.

                              I have since had them in my fridge and enjoy a particular flavor every night. I have noticed however that they are drying up a bit in the fridge and was wondering what the best way to keep an open can of los snus is.

                              Typically I'd run through a can in a few days but since I have 4 open its going to be longer till I burn through them all.


                              • precious007
                                Banned Users
                                • Sep 2010
                                • 5885

                                Hey welcome to

                                Only open one can at the time.

                                And never make a huge stash in your refrigerator.

                                The snus goes bad after freezing it for more than 12 months.


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