Snus Storage Questions

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  • Monkey
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 3290


    What snus are they? Cardboard tins?

    I blow through a tin of los in like five days.....still using portions here and there. If I know I won't use it that quickly.....I won't open one.


    • crullers
      • Oct 2011
      • 663

      I've heard that adding a few drops of distilled water and giving the tin a shake, then letting it sit for awhile will work. I haven't tried it yet but I think I'll have to soon. Just got a big order and have 4 tins of lös open now.


      • Los ßnus
        • Jan 2012
        • 79

        Thanks for the quick reply all! I now know the error of my ways!

        Originally posted by crullers
        I've heard that adding a few drops of distilled water and giving the tin a shake, then letting it sit for awhile will work. I haven't tried it yet but I think I'll have to soon. Just got a big order and have 4 tins of lös open now.
        My first can of Los was a can of general that was expired at the local tobacco shop. I couldn't even bake it into pris because it was too dry. It was still moist but not clumping together like my Roda does.

        I added some water and it seemed to help but was kind of a pain in the ass.

        I have the following cans open:
        Roda Lacket
        General Extra Stark
        Rothbix yellow (aka windex)


        • Monkey
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2009
          • 3290

          Gotlandssnus cans are fantastic for keeping los fresh. A slice of apple helps as well.


          • Los ßnus
            • Jan 2012
            • 79

            kind of related... Does keeping an opened can out of the fridge keep it fresh? I figure keeping an opened can in the fridge is drying them all out. Any thoughts on this?


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by Los ßnus
              kind of related... Does keeping an opened can out of the fridge keep it fresh? I figure keeping an opened can in the fridge is drying them all out. Any thoughts on this?
              No, I'd say it keeps it less fresh unless you live in an extremely humid environment. Btw, I second the Gotlandssnus tins. They're the best tins ever created, and you should get some while you still can. Buy a roll, even if you don't like anis flavor. 10 tins should last you a lifetime of use, and if you don't like the snus, you can pack it in a jar, and put it on the exchange. Someone would buy it, or trade you for it. The snus is great though, and is in my top 5 favorites.


              • EricHill78
                • Jun 2010
                • 4253

                I have a few cans of los opened at the same time. I keep them in a small airtight tupperware


                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  When I open more than one can at a time....................I just send $10 to


                  and PP says a prayer for me....................then my snus stays tupperware fresh

                  Ok ..............I did when exactly does my cut "roll in"
                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • voodooman
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 255

                    nice one snusdog. but i think we haven't yet converted pp to the ways of los.


                    • jagmanss
                      • Jul 2010
                      • 12213

                      Welcome to SnusOn!

                      Here is a good place to get the real lowdown on how to store and keep snus fresh along with all you will need to know about other snus related issues... Look at post #13 for Freezing Snus and Storage...


                      Look all around this FAQ section from snus veterans and you will not see anything from anyone that ever indicated that snus ever goes bad after freezing it for more than 12 months...

                      As a matter of fact, I defy anyone to show me proof that snus ever goes bad after freezing after 12 months.... Not sure where that came from on this thread, But I can tell you I have had snus frozen way over year with a best before date of 1/2009 and have recently opened it out of the freezer and is just as fresh as the day I bought it and not bad.

                      As for opening multiple cans and staying fresh... Open as many as you want, You just need to store them in the fridge when not in use.... To retain moisture store them in a Tupperware container or zip lock bag... It is all in the storing of it that keeps it fresh...

                      I currently have 8 cans of portions open and 10 cans of Los open in the fridge with very little issues of it drying up, If i do i just Re Hydrate them by using many of the methods in the FAQ Moisture in snus... Post #23... Mostly I use distilled water in a small spray bottle and lightly mist the portions or Los and set for a couple days and the snus is now as good as new....

                      FYI: In order to have this many cans open at one time, I use Vacuumed sealed containers in my fridge that you can get from or just do a google search and they will pop up.... Well worth it... If you don't want to spend the cash zip locks will do with at least 10 cans open at any given time in the fridge.... Or as LX suggested use Gotlandssnus tins as they are mini Tupperware snus containers and great for keeping Los the freshest...

                      Don't buy into all this hype of never open more than 1 can or 2... It's pure BS... Some prefer only 1 can at a time... Snusgetter was proof that you can have as many cans open as you want and he taught me how....

                      I would however suggest that any cardboard cans of Los you have open to transfer them into plastic snus cans as this retains the moisture and will keep them fresh the longest or no matter what you do they will dry out a bit, But never fear you can always re-hydrate them...

                      Think of the FAQ section as your friend and the Bible of snus.. Read it! Study it! It was meant to help You! Me! and all who snus!


                      • EricHill78
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 4253

                        A little bit of runka doesn't hurt either!


                        • jagmanss
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 12213

                          Yep! Ya Gotta Runka with snus or it will never stay fresh


                          • Los ßnus
                            • Jan 2012
                            • 79

                            after googling runka I have to say that sounds like a good idea


                            • Monkey
                              Senior Member
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 3290

                              Originally posted by Los ßnus
                              after googling runka I have to say that sounds like a good idea
                              Put the snus in your mouth, runka elsewhere.

                              Let me just state: if you get some in there, it burns and is difficult to remove. I know.


                              • Roo
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 3446

                                but I was under the impression that precious always knows everything about everything. dammit.


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