I'm copying this response to a question to this new topic in order that newcomers to snus can see what all the strange terms (and a lot of Swedish words) that we use all the time here on SnusOn mean. If I've missed anything then please chip in and add below.
Snus comes in LÖS and PORTION varieties - Lös means loose as in just moist ground up tobacco and portions is where the snus is sealed in small teabags/pouches. Portion snus can be ORIGINAL PORTION (where the portions are moistened and brown with the tobacco juice) or WHITE PORTION (where the portions are dry and white). Occasionally you'll see it written is Swedish as VIT PORTION or just VIT.
A portion is easy, you just pop it under your upper lip and leave it there, but when you use lös snus you need to get it in to your face somehow ... First way to make a PRILLA or PRIS (these are swedish words for a pinch of snus) is to BAKE it sometimes known as HANDBAKING - this is where you take a pinch from the can (thumb and forefinger or thumb and first 2 fingers) and then squidge it together in your other hand to form a neat little elongated pill about the size of a portion and then you put that in your upper lip (see here for a great video of handbaking). Second way is to use a tool to do the work for you - you can either cut the end off an old syringe and use that or you can buy a specifically made device like an ICETOOL or PRIS-MASTER. The third way to use snus is the HILLBILLY PINCH where you take a pinch from the can and shove it straight up there ... this is tricky to do without mess - but is considered better by some as you get much more flavour and nicotine straight away as the snus is not compressed so much. If you're new to lös then you might experience MUDSLIDE where the snus gets moved too much and mixes with saliva before sliding down your teeth. Once you've been snusing for a while you will have developed a SNUS-POCKET which is where the constant presence of snus will leave a little indentation inside your upper lip and make it far easier to snus discreetly.
Other terms you might come across that describe the flavours of traditional snus are:
LAKRITS = Liquorice (the root of the liquorice plant - sweet and musty) ... not to be confused with ...
ANIS = Aniseed - often used in conjunction with liquorice sweets so easily confused Care needs to be taken writing both ANIS and SNUS as spellcheckers change it to something else!
FLADER = Elderflower - an aromatic wild flower
KANEL = Cinnamon
SALMIAK = Ammonium Chloride - a salt that is used far more in Scandanavia than elsewhere and has a distinctive ammonia type taste - often used with LAKRITS
TRANBÄR = Cranberry
Regular snus contains 8mg of nicotine per gram of snus. Stronger snus is called STARK and is in the region of 10-14 mg/g , EXTRA STARK snus is around the 18mg/g mark and the ULTRA STARK / EXTREME ones are in the region of 20mg/g or higher. In the past stronger snus was achieved by making larger portions and you used to be able to get MAXI-PORTIONS which were bigger. MINI-PORTIONS that are usually 0.4g of snus still exist and are marketed towards women mainly - however discreet, they are the most expensive way to buy snus.
Despite the plethora of brands and flavours - by far the most popular and numerous are BERGAMOT flavoured - Bergamot is a Mediterranean citrus fruit that yields an aromatic oil used also in Earl Gray Tea. Second favourite type is plain tobacco flavour like ETTAN the earliest snus brand still made today. Ettan literally means First - or Number 1 - and it was the highest grade of snus made by Jakob Fredrik Ljunglöf back in 1822. Other flavours are easily categorised in to traditional ones (herbal, floral, woody) or modern flavourings (mint, cinnamon, chocolate ... etc)
Snus comes in LÖS and PORTION varieties - Lös means loose as in just moist ground up tobacco and portions is where the snus is sealed in small teabags/pouches. Portion snus can be ORIGINAL PORTION (where the portions are moistened and brown with the tobacco juice) or WHITE PORTION (where the portions are dry and white). Occasionally you'll see it written is Swedish as VIT PORTION or just VIT.
A portion is easy, you just pop it under your upper lip and leave it there, but when you use lös snus you need to get it in to your face somehow ... First way to make a PRILLA or PRIS (these are swedish words for a pinch of snus) is to BAKE it sometimes known as HANDBAKING - this is where you take a pinch from the can (thumb and forefinger or thumb and first 2 fingers) and then squidge it together in your other hand to form a neat little elongated pill about the size of a portion and then you put that in your upper lip (see here for a great video of handbaking). Second way is to use a tool to do the work for you - you can either cut the end off an old syringe and use that or you can buy a specifically made device like an ICETOOL or PRIS-MASTER. The third way to use snus is the HILLBILLY PINCH where you take a pinch from the can and shove it straight up there ... this is tricky to do without mess - but is considered better by some as you get much more flavour and nicotine straight away as the snus is not compressed so much. If you're new to lös then you might experience MUDSLIDE where the snus gets moved too much and mixes with saliva before sliding down your teeth. Once you've been snusing for a while you will have developed a SNUS-POCKET which is where the constant presence of snus will leave a little indentation inside your upper lip and make it far easier to snus discreetly.
Other terms you might come across that describe the flavours of traditional snus are:
LAKRITS = Liquorice (the root of the liquorice plant - sweet and musty) ... not to be confused with ...
ANIS = Aniseed - often used in conjunction with liquorice sweets so easily confused Care needs to be taken writing both ANIS and SNUS as spellcheckers change it to something else!
FLADER = Elderflower - an aromatic wild flower
KANEL = Cinnamon
SALMIAK = Ammonium Chloride - a salt that is used far more in Scandanavia than elsewhere and has a distinctive ammonia type taste - often used with LAKRITS
TRANBÄR = Cranberry
Regular snus contains 8mg of nicotine per gram of snus. Stronger snus is called STARK and is in the region of 10-14 mg/g , EXTRA STARK snus is around the 18mg/g mark and the ULTRA STARK / EXTREME ones are in the region of 20mg/g or higher. In the past stronger snus was achieved by making larger portions and you used to be able to get MAXI-PORTIONS which were bigger. MINI-PORTIONS that are usually 0.4g of snus still exist and are marketed towards women mainly - however discreet, they are the most expensive way to buy snus.
Despite the plethora of brands and flavours - by far the most popular and numerous are BERGAMOT flavoured - Bergamot is a Mediterranean citrus fruit that yields an aromatic oil used also in Earl Gray Tea. Second favourite type is plain tobacco flavour like ETTAN the earliest snus brand still made today. Ettan literally means First - or Number 1 - and it was the highest grade of snus made by Jakob Fredrik Ljunglöf back in 1822. Other flavours are easily categorised in to traditional ones (herbal, floral, woody) or modern flavourings (mint, cinnamon, chocolate ... etc)