How to turn portion into loose?

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  • DidierDrigbi
    New Member
    • Aug 2014
    • 7

    How to turn portion into loose?

    I'm started snussing 6 months ago so I actually know a thing about snus.
    I prefer loose snus, as it is more powerful for me and gives me better chillout.

    But I still have some of the portioned one, because of my friend who bought it. My question is: if I tear the portion snus bag, what should I do to use it as a loose? Maybe should I moisten it?
    I tried to use it after tearing the bag and it tastes awful and is very dry...

    Have you ever tried that?
    What are your recommendations?
  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    The cut and processing are different for portions than for los.

    As such, regardless of what you do you will probably end up with an experience that is less than either los or portion.

    Play around with it........ but you are probably best just to order some los and work your way through the portions as a change of pace
    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


    • alopezg1
      • Jul 2013
      • 722

      I tried it once and wasted a whole can. The grind is considerably finer with los and i think there is more water and possibly a binding agent like glycol. You could in theory grind it up again even finer maybe add some water and glycol but that sounds like a lot of faff and would probably not work


      • vogi tobacco
        • Sep 2014
        • 78

        I have tried this as well, and it failed horribly. My suggestion is to double portion, if you bake big prillas (or hilbilly pinch). I know this is typically an american tobacco method, but maybe throw two in the lower lip, to confuse your gums.


        • tommybegley
          • Apr 2014
          • 101

          I have done this many a time... blending it up dry and then adding water is the best bet, its not quite loose, but its not bad. do make sure you don't add the water first though, it will just gum up around the side and not really blend enough.

          hope that works for you


          • whalen
            • May 2009
            • 6593

            Do make a fine little hat out of the leftover portion material! I think Chad has some examples on his blog.
            wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!

