DON'T get overzealous

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  • vogi tobacco
    • Sep 2014
    • 78

    DON'T get overzealous

    Greeting everybody,

    This might need to be transfered into the newbie section, so I apologize ahead of time.

    I am not new to snus, but new enough. I used snus to quit smoking, and the first time, suceeded, somewhat. I live in America, where sweedish snus is hard to come by. We have camel. That is a scary thought, an american company, with american tobacco that refuses to give out the stuff that they put in there. So I found a place that sells General Mint.

    I bought a box (tin?) and used them all in about 2 days. I went back and bought out the remaining 5. After the last portion was used up. They told me that the snus was not selling fast enough to keep fully stocked, which forced me to buy a pack of smokes. I imediatly went on line and found and made a huge order. 20 cans of strong/extra strong mixed portions. I fell in love with snus and decided that after 15 years of smoking, this was the way to quit.

    I recieved my package FAST and started using the snus right away. I noticed that I used far less, due to the nicotine difference. I finished my last tin, and ran to the gas station to pick up the general. I blew threw that can with in a day. I started to research. My now go to snus was 20mg and the general is 8. More then double the nicotine. I switched back to the average nicotine strength, and still have not smoked since. This was about a year ago. quiting smoking after 15 years with snus.

    WORD TO THE NEW SNUS USER. Buy ONE can of extra strong and a few cans of the regular portions. In the morning, start with one strong, and then the rest of the day use the normal stuff. After diner, or before bed, pop in an extra strong. Snus is safer, but if you switch from low to high nicotine, you can waste money on the habbit when you dont get enough nicotine. Just something to keep in mind, if you do not always want to use such a high nicotine snus. The normal strength will help you quit smoking. Trust me.
  • rickcharles606
    • Mar 2009
    • 2307

    Sound advice! Welcome to the site :-) I always like reading stuff like this ^^^^ because it's almost exactly like my experience with snus many many moons ago. Congrats on finding Swedish snus and look forward to having your continued input on the site.


    • AFSmoker
      • Jul 2009
      • 33

      Man, many of you guys must have had one hell of a nic addiction to tolerate sterks. I smoked for 10 years and regular strength snus was more than enough to get me off the cigs. I tried some really strong stuff only once and couldn't really take it. I can certainly understand howi f you get used to strong stuff it would be hard backing off. Interesting post and good advice!


      • vogi tobacco
        • Sep 2014
        • 78

        Originally posted by AFSmoker View Post
        Man, many of you guys must have had one hell of a nic addiction to tolerate sterks. I smoked for 10 years and regular strength snus was more than enough to get me off the cigs. I tried some really strong stuff only once and couldn't really take it. I can certainly understand howi f you get used to strong stuff it would be hard backing off. Interesting post and good advice!
        Yea. I was a pack a day smoker for 15 years. (also I use nasal snuff, smoke cigars and pipes from time to time, and dipped back in my younger days.) The reason I quit smoking, was because i loved the nicotine, but the smoke was killing me (literally and figurativly)


        • psychicferret
          • Jan 2015
          • 418

          Regular portions are more then enough in my holiest of oppinions. Everything else is overkill, you can get a good buzz just by moving the portion towards the back or around the lower side of the mouth, prob not kosher but does the job. Im still waiting for my minis and los. but when they come ill move down to a lower strength.

          I think i went from smoking to regulars straight up to extrastarks then tried ecigs now back on regulars. You might have a few sucky days but youll get used to a lower strength, just power through.


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