Learned why not to bottom lip!

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  • Winter Wooskie
    • Aug 2008
    • 78

    Learned why not to bottom lip!

    Well, i just got my first can of snus today in the mail; Ettan los. Upon opening i noticed the smell, which i really enjoyed, for some reason it reminds me of cookies! Haha, who knows. But i also noticed something very interesting...it is extremely fine cut!!! i would say even more fine than Copenhagen snuff, and wetter, so it is like a little mud disk inside the can; very dense.

    So i popped it in my top lip, and it wasn't bad...i enjoy it. Then i tried it in my bottom lip for the hell of it...and noticed that i didn't get much flavor really at first, and when i tried to squeeze it with my lip to get it goin' like i do with Copenhagen...it basically instantly collapsed to mush, so i had to rinse my mouth out!

    so yeah. that was my first experience...i enjoy it, but don't know really yet what to say about it, i need to try more than just ettan i believe.
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    My first lös was Ettan, and I didn't get too much flavor out of it. I haven't had it since, so I don't know if my opinion's changed at all. Give Gustavus a try. It has a General type profile, but I think it's better. You should get more flavor from that. If you're will to get an IceTool or Prismaster, you could try Landströms/Gellivare(I think you'd really dig these) and Gotland yellow. Those are my top favorite snus'.


    • cocsp2002
      • Jul 2008
      • 509

      @ winter: I haven't had the courage to bottom lip...keeping a pris in the top lip for a couple hours is tough enough! Funny story though, I showed a coworker my Knox loose (one you might like, if you liked Ettan. Try General, too.) and he smelled it and said, "Huh. Smells alright..." and with that took a MONSTER pinch and threw it in his lower lip before I could say anything. Well, he saw my reaction and said, "What?" and then instantly you could see on his face that it had suddenly spread through his WHOLE MOUTH. He ran to the bathroom and came back a little red faced. I just laughed at him. He hasn't tried it since.


      • Winter Wooskie
        • Aug 2008
        • 78

        hahaha that's good...yeah i wonder how it is that my dad chews Copenhagen snuff as it is, being so fine...but this stuff is a step further... it just doesn't hold very well at all unless your a master Pris maker...and bottom lip is out of the question.


        • cocsp2002
          • Jul 2008
          • 509

          I don't know about "master pris maker", but you might make a mess or two before you get YOUR technique down. I don't think any two people on here who use los bake their pris the same way. Just keep practicing.


          • bakerbarber
            • Jun 2008
            • 1947

            If I'm in the shower and I know I can spit and rinse easy I'll bottom lip a fat pris. I figure my bottom lip has more surface area and will absorb nicotine faster.


            • cocsp2002
              • Jul 2008
              • 509

              Ha...I never thought about that. Maybe the Offroad LC will quench our collective American bottom lip fetish. We shall see.


              • jcarlson
                • Aug 2008
                • 82

                I am a fairly new snus user (about a month now). I tried bottom lipping it the third try....very bad idea...fell to crap in about 2 minutes. Never tried it again.

                I was a skoal user for about 3 years, and i believe this is the only reason I thought that bottom lipping it would not be a problem. Snus and American dip are two TOTALLY different things.

                As far as Ettan goes, I am a minority here I think, as I do not care for it at all. I would try a bunch of different ones though, as they all taste different. I am a HUGE fan of Skruf Sterk, smells great and tastes even better. Goteborgs Rape is really good, too. General original is another one I really like.


                • jamesstew
                  • May 2008
                  • 1440

                  WW, you may want to give Prima Flint or Roda Lacket a try as they are very easy to hand-bake and keep their shape for a long time. I usually use portions but use loose when I'm at home alone, no girlfriend around. Usually use Gul by Gotlandssnus but bust out the Prima Flint or Skruf from time to time.


                  • kevin32
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 106

                    You should perhaps try portion aswell. First time baking, it can be kinda hard. You won't get the same density and durabillity that someone's who's trained baking it can, thus you might not be getting the 100% experience. With portion its a lot easier, no mess, no collapsing. But by all means, try a few different brands, try a few different preperations, try it in your side upper lips aswell. As with all tobacco its an aquired taste, but once aquired its much better then American dipping tobacco, and that's something 99% agree on. I still think American dipping tobacco smells better though.

