working with people and hiding snus...

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  • Detonator
    • Jan 2015
    • 20

    working with people and hiding snus...

    Every day I am working with people so i am kind in concern on how to hide my snus portion - in my mouth that is... on how does it look like and similar.
    And being from EU country where there are no snus users (we know why) doesn't help aether...

    I noticed sometimes i don't like to show my teethes because they are maybe brown color. OK, i could just wipe my teethes or simply use dry snus!
    Than one time a granny looked at me like ''whats that bulb on his lip''. Thank god it was just a granny, not some smoking hot blonde... lol

    What i do and i think it's working pretty well - to be less visible is to put the portion under my lip (folded almost in half) and than push squash it from the outside into the gum.

    I am beginning to think i should carry small mirror and check myself from time to time.
    I am also beginning to think nasal snuff could be better choice.

    Last edited by Detonator; 17-02-15, 08:01 PM.
  • joserra
    • May 2014
    • 191

    From my experience (as in my country, oral tobacco is something non-existant), the longer you snus the better you are at hiding that bulb in your lip and at talking without people noticing it. I use portions up to the point that they break and tobacco starts to get all over my theet but a sip of water will take care of that.

    A mirror sounds too much, I just use the front camera of my cellphone


    • halocog
      • Oct 2011
      • 649

      Eventually a "pocket" will form in your mouth and it's not really noticeable after that.
      Originally posted by Frosted
      I knew he was committed as an actor but I think he went too far in his latest role as Princess Diana


      • codyg140
        • Jan 2013
        • 705

        Originally posted by halocog View Post
        Eventually a "pocket" will form in your mouth and it's not really noticeable after that.
        +1 for this


        • psychicferret
          • Jan 2015
          • 418

          or you could just move it to the back of the mouth, Gets exhausted quicker and you get a bigger nic rush, or their are slims or minis that might be more appropiate.

          My swedish dentist told me to use my whole mouth not just the front top lip.


          • Burnsey
            • Jan 2013
            • 2572

            Originally posted by psychicferret View Post
            or you could just move it to the back of the mouth, Gets exhausted quicker and you get a bigger nic rush, or their are slims or minis that might be more appropiate.

            My swedish dentist told me to use my whole mouth not just the front top lip.
            I've been using General Long portions a lot lately, very discreet, very satisfying...........


            • PlatinumC
              New Member
              • Jan 2015
              • 1

              Yeah Minis would do the trick, at least maybe on the beginning, until you do not notice that bulb anymore .

              Should loose maybe be an option too, or it would be too messy in different ways?


              • joserra
                • May 2014
                • 191

                Originally posted by PlatinumC View Post
                Yeah Minis would do the trick, at least maybe on the beginning, until you do not notice that bulb anymore .

                Should loose maybe be an option too, or it would be too messy in different ways?
                Lös is terrible for work, at least for me. I wouldn't take the risk of having a mudslide in the middle of a meeting haha.


                • snuffthailand
                  New Member
                  • Feb 2015
                  • 8

                  Get mini portions. Place it toward the back. They're the best solution for work situations or meetings. Pouches of snuff will produce too much saliva, and are to fat and chunky to do an upper-decker! Try general mini mint portions.... no one will notice!


                  • addola
                    • Jun 2015
                    • 16

                    Don't worry about brown teeth. I get those from coffee, and I believe people get them from smoking, which is... ahem... more socially acceptable


                    • Polluted
                      • Dec 2014
                      • 120

                      I never had a problem, as a cook I would snus all the time at work, no one said a thing. I work in a brewery now and same deal, but now my job as a cellerman is pretty solitary. Unless the head brewer is talking to me or the master brewer, I don't worry about it in the slightest


                      • Polluted
                        • Dec 2014
                        • 120

                        I do notice all our gums are different as well. I had a buddy and the way his mouth was set up had the portions practically falling out of his mouth. I have this "ridge" in my gums or allot of bone that kind of locks the portions in place away from my teeth. Especially a slim portion. Maybe the good Lord saw this habit of mine from birth =p

                        Despite this there is now way in hell I would risk using los at work. Just buy white portions and leave it alone. It always feels like it's more visible than it is


                        • piks101
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 691

                          If you want total discreetness you should use a mini "no drip" snus such as one will know you have a snus in at all and there is no drip to worry about.


                          • captncaveman
                            • Jul 2008
                            • 924

                            +1 for mini no drip snus.

                            If I had to hide my snusing then I would find a different place to work.


                            • StraightFlushJedi
                              New Member
                              • Aug 2015
                              • 6

                              I work in a theatre box office and spend most of my day talking to the public. To be honest, nobody ever seems to notice that I got my little pillow of nicotine comfort in my mouth at all including my workmates. I give the gnashers an occasional wipe and no one seems any wiser. I do have the tiny dip on the inside of my upper lip now though. Well, it's either that or my face is so bumpy, it doesn't make any difference.😳
                              "People think that I must be a very strange person. This is not correct. I have the heart of a small boy. It is in a glass jar on my desk." - Stephen King.


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