GEERRRRR help a noob!

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  • Winter Wooskie
    • Aug 2008
    • 78

    GEERRRRR help a noob!

    im starting to get frustrated because i keep trying to make a Pris, and i do, i feel pretty okay with making those they are nice, BUT! when i put it in my lip smashes it and then its all gone to hell and goes everywhere! and then i have to go rinse my mouth out! this i ettan im snusing by the there maybe a longer cut snus that stays together? i don't know, any opinions would be nice...Ive tried a bunch of different sizes of pris's too...

  • Jason
    • Jan 2008
    • 1370

    You might not be spending enough time on it; I usually bake a while before I put the pris in. The shape could also be the issue, as you want it in a rough cylindrical shape for the pris to hold together when it's compressed between the lip and gum.

    I would get a prismaster if you don't already have one; it makes a tight and well-shaped pris and is cheap. Everyone swears by the icetool, if you want to splurge... 8)


    • Winter Wooskie
      • Aug 2008
      • 78

      Thanks i think i might, haha i always feel bad posting noob questions, because i feel like i am just asking questions that have already been asked like 10000 times before! Thanks for your patients guys!


      • cocsp2002
        • Jul 2008
        • 509

        it's all part of mastering the art of the snus...haha, anyway, I agree; when you order more snus, get yourself a prismaster, it will give you an idea about how tight you like your pris. Plus they're a buck fifty, if you don't like it, who cares?


        • jamesstew
          • May 2008
          • 1440

          Roda Lacket and Prima Flint are very finely ground and stay together very well. You may also find it easier to shape the pinch into a ball shape also.


          • KarlvB
            • Feb 2008
            • 681

            Ettan is not the easiest to bake...

            I'd suggest watching the video demonstrating how to bake a pris a lot and refining your technique..

            But the key thing is everyone is different. Some people prefer to create a pris exactly like the one Zero does but there are various forum members who have found that a pris that is smaller or longer or more conical shaped works best for them...

            Ettan is also great for doing a "bonde" or farmer. Being used to dip it may work for you...

            Here are some threads discussing it...along with a How to photo series by Xobeloot




            • Soliex
              • Jul 2008
              • 58

              I have managed to get some 3ml syringes here at work and was wondering if thats a good way to make a pris? I just got my first pack of lös today and am interested in trying it. It's Skruf Stark.


              • Jason
                • Jan 2008
                • 1370

                Heh, I don't think I've ever been able to get a pris baked as well as Zero has... :lol: Mine come out looking more like a lopsided diamond shape; works for me, though. Everyone does tend to have their own style and preference.

                From what I hear, the syringe trick works well; I'm going to try it one of these days even though I generally prefer hand-baking.


                • jamesstew
                  • May 2008
                  • 1440

                  I can get mine looking pretty much like that, lots of experience rolling other things in my youth, but me finds it works better when the ends are tapered instead of flattened. Also jamesstew finds that crumbling is less of a problem if he balances the pris on top of his index finger while pressing it gently into place.


                  • cocsp2002
                    • Jul 2008
                    • 509

                    Personally, when I handbake, I put the snus in my palm and squeeze it in a few different directions pretty firmly (like until it's one cohesive lump), then I use my index finger, or index and middle finger from my opposite hand to gently smoosh it into a rough cylinder shape. I either will do that by rolling it on my flat palm, or use my fingers and a cupped palm. Then I just use my fingertips to support the barrel shape and flatten the ends a bit and I hold it with my thumb and forefinger lengthwise and stick it under my lip. I give it a quick poke with my tongue to get it in place and wiggle my lip around a bit to get it set. Then I forget about it.

                    It sounds a lot more complicated typed out, but the bottom line is 3 or 4 quick squishes to get it to stick, roll it over a couple times, stick it under the lip, poke it with the tongue and leave it. (The whole process takes about 35

                    I find that after 45 minutes to an hour it'll be all flat like a stick of gum almost and it will have a sort of skin on the outside, so I just swipe it out with a finger and start over!


                    • bakerbarber
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 1947

                      OK Noob,

                      Here is what I found out. Snus is not dip. Put it up and leave it alone. Don't try to pull on it or squeeze it with your lip to get juice. Don't poke it with your tongue or push on your lip with your finger.

                      I was in the same boat you are a few months ago.

                      Start with small, tight prillas. Get them up as high as you can. Leave them alone.

                      After a month or so your lip will stretch and you can start putting bigger prillas in. Be patient. Everyone started somewhere.

                      And like someone else said try Roda Lacket or Prima Fint. Also Phantom bakes really well and stays together like you wouldn't believe.


                      • ponysoprano
                        • Jul 2008
                        • 562

                        True that re: all of the above Wooskie. To piggyback cocsp2002, if you don't have a prismaster, order a couple next time around, they're less than $2 and they work very well, and if you lose one out on the trail/run over it with your car etc, no big loss. They work best for me if you sort of dig at your can at an angle and once the desired amount is loaded up, use the can lid to press against the exposed wad while gently thumbing the slide forward; insert and enjoy. I feel your pain though brother, as many have said, the hand bake is a personal and acquired artform. I've baked a couple decent ones but the prismaster is easier for me, and cheaper than an icetool. Best of luck.

