Another new Snuser post?!?!

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  • Coolidge
    • Sep 2008
    • 18

    Another new Snuser post?!?!


    So, I have been lurking for awhile and have only tried Camel Snus. I had the Original and the Wintergreen. Both were good, but I really liked the Original flavor. After reading these forums, I have to get the "good stuff" now.

    The most logical choice would be to get the "Swedish Match Tasting Kit" which includes:

    Tre Ankare
    CatchDry Cassis Menthol
    Catch Licorice
    CatchDry Licorice
    CatchDry Eucalyptus
    Göteborgs Rapé
    General White

    This is $27.97

    However, Eucalyptus, Menthol, Licorice, just don't appeal to me. Maybe I am dead wrong and someone will chime in and say "OMG!! Those flavors are GREAT!!"

    So, if I get 8 tins for $27 and hate 3-4 of them...kinda stupid.

    So, I was thinking maybe I should just pick out 4-5 tins which will be around the same price, but may be more suitable for my taste.

    I was thinking:

    General Mini White Portion
    Göteborgs Rapé Mini White Portion
    Lucky Strike White Mini Portion
    Tre Ankare Mini Portion
    Mocca Mint Mini Portion


    Ok, so, if anyone made it this far into the post...watcha think. I know it is totally personal opinion, but any input, comments, suggestions?

    Thank You!

  • RobME
    • Jul 2008
    • 387

    Welcome to the forums Dave. Many of us have tread a path similar to yours in getting here. Personal tastes are always a crap-shoot, and your tastes will change (become more refined) over time.

    I'd suggest you going to the top 'Snus & Snus Accessories' forum and reviewing the two stickies... "Top 5 Favorites' & also the "Personal Tastes Compared' threads.

    You may get a sense of what generally most highly regarded. Order a few tins of those. Better that way than a tasting kit, IMO.

    Good luck with it and post back your experiences.



    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      You're selection looks pretty good, but I would suggest getting at least 2 full sized portions, maybe General and Lucky Strike. Minis are quite small, and not very satisfying imo. It's all personal preference of course, but I would give the different sizes a try.


      • jamesstew
        • May 2008
        • 1440

        Sounds like a good selection provided you are not a smoker. If that were the case I'd recommend getting regular sized portions with a couple of strong varieties. I'd also throw in one of the awesome but cheaper priced brands like Retro, Gustavas, or Granit. They are all really, really good but priced competitively.


        • Coolidge
          • Sep 2008
          • 18

          Hmmm, I am a smoker. Are Camel Snus mini or regular size?


          • cocsp2002
            • Jul 2008
            • 509

            I agree with what everyone is saying, but remember there IS another option. Buysnus has random pick bags, as well. They have a random portion roll, a random loose roll and a mix. If you're dead set on minis, this isn't really the way to go, but if you're open to experimenting with regular sized portions, or loose snus, these are great values.

            My first order was the mix roll, and I got everything from big name (ahem...high price) Swedish Match flavors, all the way down to the "value priced" snus like Offroad and Phantom (which is gaining support every day it seems). I liked it because not only did I get some great snus, but it seems like they tried to give me a loose and a portion for each variety whenever possible. It gave me a chance to try both versions and decide which I liked better.

            The other thing I found out is that low priced snus aren't necessarily low value snus. I mean, I did find some I didn't care for, but don't use price (or swedish market share, for that matter) as an indicator of quality. They're all pretty good, but you'll find you like some varieties more than others.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by Coolidge
              Hmmm, I am a smoker. Are Camel Snus mini or regular size?
              I think Camels are a kind of extended mini now. The old ones were true minis, but I think the new ones are bigger. Another thing to remember is Camels are heavily fortified with artificial flavor and sweetener. The Swedish makes are much more subtle, and don't put out as much flavor as the Camels in the same size.


              • Coolidge
                • Sep 2008
                • 18

                Somewhere on this site, I saw a pic of some portions next to a quarter or something. Can't seem to find it now. I'm a little worried the regular size portions would be to big. I don't want a huge lump in my lip. Anyone have a pic of a mini next to a regular. Better yet, a Camel next to a swedish portion?

                Oh God, what have I gotten myself into.


                • cocsp2002
                  • Jul 2008
                  • 509

                  Ah yes, welcome to the wonderful world of Swedish snus...

                  Where the forums are as addictive as the portions!


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    A regular portion is about twice the width, but almost the same length as a mini. As I said, Camel has changed their shape fairly significantly, so I don't know how the Swedish snus compares.


                    • iowasnus
                      New Member
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 8

                      My experience

                      I started on snus a few months ago by buying a few cans of this and that, but eventually hit the motherload with Northener's huge portion sample box. I think it's around 24 different cans for $50. I suppose you could do something simular with a smaller order of Buysnus's random can option, but I'm not sure they would all be different varieties. Anyway, with that many selections I quickly found what I liked and didn't like and then sort of narrowed my tastes with these forums. For instance, I liked whites the most and specifically Ettan, which I heard was comparable to the cheaper Kronan (now my workhorse snus). 24 cans seems like it could be a lot of hit and miss, but one of the greatest things I've found about snus is that my tastes change from week to week. I have a little cooler I take with me every day to work and along with my standard rotation (Kronan, Tre Ankare mini, Lucky strike, and Metropol licorice) I'll add a few random cans from the sample box for variety. I'm amazed how my tastes change. For example, when I first got the sample box I thought 1847 was horrible. Just today I gave it a second (or perhaps third) chance and just loved it. By the way, this type of unexpected surprise revisitation is the only reason I haven't thrown the can of Onyx from that sample box in the burn barrel. I can not possibly imagine it ever not tasting like earwax, but I suppose it could happen.

