Los double barrel

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  • tdeni8
    • Aug 2008
    • 27

    Los double barrel

    Wondering if any of you los users double barrel, i.e., one pris on upper right center, another one on upper left center. Just fully loaded the Prismaster tightly twice and put them both in. Slow flattening of both prises just starting, nice calm feeling coming on... I tried it (with smaller prises) on a 1.5 hr plane ride yesterday and no boxing lip (equally balanced bumps). And no mud mouth.

    I enjoy los way more than the portions. Ordered a los mix from BuySnus last week (Ettan, General, Grov, GR, GR Prima Fint, Phantom Classic Blue and Scruf Stark -- thanks for the recommendations SnusOn-ers), but both kinds of snus are better than the smokes. In the car today, I tried a Marlboro 27 for the first time in 3 wks. Couldn't finish it.
  • bakerbarber
    • Jun 2008
    • 1947

    I love double barrel loose.

    Usually while doing yard work or in the shower.

    The Icetool makes such perfectly shaped prillas for this.


    • cocsp2002
      • Jul 2008
      • 509

      I've never tried the double barrel with los, but today I used 3 Northerner energy snus at once...it was about the kick I get from a healthy pris of General.

      Oh, and the not finishing a cigarette? Definitely had that experience. And congratulations.


      • Xobeloot
        • Jan 2008
        • 2542

        I typically just stick to one side at a time.


        • Grim
          • Jun 2008
          • 850

          Yeah, i just only use one side at a time.

          I had a bad experience with double barrelling Los because it was Gotlands Gul and when that stuff starts to run there is no stopping it.

          So i just fat lip it one at a time


          • Mongrul
            • Aug 2008
            • 151

            Bakerbarber, I changed my pic ...for YOU!

            Props to the dude who came up with this, I thought about it long ago, but this guy did something about it!!!!


            Credit where credit is due!!

            Back on topic, I've doubled up a few times with los, no problem.
            When I do it with portions.....it gets to be a problem with my stomach. I'm not sure why, but los just doesn't mess with my guts like portions do. Weird.


            • chainsnuser
              Senior Member
              • Jan 2007
              • 1388

              I've double barreled portions a few times, miniportions - or original portions in situations when I grabbed two of them at once (by mistake). It's always strange to first think, wow what a big portion, then to realize it's two of them, then to fumble them apart with the tongue, then to put them on both sides of the mouth.

              One portion or one prilla is enough (and more enjoyable) I think.



              • bakerbarber
                • Jun 2008
                • 1947

                If Reagan snused he'd double barrel!

                Preach on Mongrul.

                This morning I mixed Skruf stark and Copenhagen long cut. I baked it into two fat prillas and double barreled myself into a dizzy fit. It was great.


                • Mongrul
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 151

                  If Reagan snused he'd double barrel!
                  nuff said!! 8)


                  • Condor
                    • Sep 2008
                    • 752

                    Originally posted by bakerbarber
                    If Reagan snused he'd double barrel!

                    If Reagan snused, he could blow bubbles with it.


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