Well, I finally ventured into the world of lössnus! I ordered and received the lös version of one of my favorite portionsnus offerings, Skruf Stark, along with a Prismaster.
I really like the lös version! It's so comfortable in the mouth, compared with portions - none of that intrusive "teabag" feeling. After a minute or two, I hardly even know it's there!
I have two questions about the Prismaster, though:
1) How firmly do you compress the snus in the Prismaster to make it stay together best? Should I give it a good, firm compression, or does the pris stay together better with a gentler touch?;
2) How big a pris do you take with the Prismaster? I've found that if I want to go for a really big pris and pull the slider all the way back before loading, I end up with this enormous vertical column of snus, the top third of which nicely tucks up between my lip and gum (nice!), the middle third of which covers my upper teeth (yuck!), and the final third of which drops off of my teeth onto my tongue (WTF?)! As a result, I just pull the slider back only a part of the way, but I can't help wondering why they would make the device so that you can pull it all the way back if making a pris that way is neither useful nor practical, unless your lips and gums are the size of those of a horse?
I really like the lös version! It's so comfortable in the mouth, compared with portions - none of that intrusive "teabag" feeling. After a minute or two, I hardly even know it's there!
I have two questions about the Prismaster, though:
1) How firmly do you compress the snus in the Prismaster to make it stay together best? Should I give it a good, firm compression, or does the pris stay together better with a gentler touch?;
2) How big a pris do you take with the Prismaster? I've found that if I want to go for a really big pris and pull the slider all the way back before loading, I end up with this enormous vertical column of snus, the top third of which nicely tucks up between my lip and gum (nice!), the middle third of which covers my upper teeth (yuck!), and the final third of which drops off of my teeth onto my tongue (WTF?)! As a result, I just pull the slider back only a part of the way, but I can't help wondering why they would make the device so that you can pull it all the way back if making a pris that way is neither useful nor practical, unless your lips and gums are the size of those of a horse?