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  • tomnou
    New Member
    • Jan 2009
    • 3



    I'm new.

    I recently came back from Sweden and bought some Grovsnus out of curiosity. Now I'm a bit hooked and have completely given up cigarettes (3 weeks so far, anyway).

    I have a few questions if anyone doesn't mind answering:

    - What's the difference between the normal and 'white' snuses.

    - I've tried Grovsnus, Lucky strike and knox. I like the taste of Grovsnus and Lucky strike as the Knox is a bit too citrusy, but its nice once in a while.
    However, the Grov and Luckies seem to give me a bit more juice and its not that nice to swallow - does anyone have any recommendations for tobacce-ey tasting (portion) snuses which dont have too much nasty juice to swallow? I see the Ettan and General seem to be rather moist.

    - I see the 'Wise' brand is a lot drier and can be stored without refrigeration, does anyone use this as a 'back-up' and how long could it be stored for; it seems like a good solution for my locker at work in case I forget/ run out/ lose my main tin.


  • sychodelix
    • Dec 2008
    • 280

    Any white or dry portions tend to be less juicy. Regular portions are sprayed with the juices to give them more flavor. Honestly though, you get used to the juice after a week or two and it won't bother you at all anymore.


    • TBD
      • Jul 2008
      • 817

      Wise potions are very dry. They do not need to be refrigerated. They would keep for quite a long time. Just be aware they are mini portions, with less nicotine than Grov or Lucky Strike.

      Welcome to the board.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        tomnou, welcome to the forum.

        If you are finding the regular's juice too much, definitely give whites a try. That is the biggest difference between the two. Personally, after a year of using snus, regulars just started coming on too strong and juicing too much for me, so I switched to largely whites this past year.

        White's don't need to be refrigerated as much either, so any white should do OK as a backup. Wise is unique, it is a "purified" snus (no one really knows what that means) and does not taste anything like a regular snus.

        Just keep trying different things. As you read more, you will discover that it is very common for people's tastes to keep changing regarding snus. Snus I loved 6 months ago, i now hate, and snus I didn't like, I now love. My tastes have changed numerous times in the almost 2 years I have been using snus.


        • tomnou
          New Member
          • Jan 2009
          • 3

          Thanks for the replies I've ordered a few white portions and will try them out. I'm starting to like knox most at the moment but will see how the others are..


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            Interesting tomnou, Knox is one of the few regulars I still love. I suspect you will like the whites, I think our tastes are very similar.

            Let us know when you get them!!


            • sychodelix
              • Dec 2008
              • 280

              Yeah, I really like Knox as well. It's cheap as hell, has a nice tobacco flavor and...I dunno, I just like it. It's not as good as Skruf, but for the price it's definitely worth it.


              • Jason
                • Jan 2008
                • 1370

                Knox is my all-time favorite, los and portions. Taste and price just can't be beat! The tin is boring as hell, but you can't have everything.... :wink:

                Like I said in the Skruf WP thread: if they ever make Knox in white portions, I'll be all over them!


                • tomnou
                  New Member
                  • Jan 2009
                  • 3

                  I've tried the white portions and do prefer them, but they are certainly a lot drier. In fact, I've been waking up with a dry/odd feeling top gum where the snus was the day before, as if the snus has sucked all the moisture in my gum out. It's not too unpleasant though.


                  • sagedil
                    • Nov 2007
                    • 7077

                    Many of us make a point of wetting them, sucking on them really, as we put them in. Will help make things a tad more comfortable. but I am glad you are enjoying them!!


                    • NonEntity
                      • Jan 2009
                      • 138

                      I currently have a can of Knox portions open as the "try something new" can. My summary would be: General with somewhat more pepper flavor. Am I missing something or would that be an accurate summary. Overall I don't think it is bad, but it does not seem to be unique in any way.



                      • sagedil
                        • Nov 2007
                        • 7077

                        No, that's fair. It isn't supposed to be unique, just an excellent implementation of a traditional snus. The noteworthy part is the price. $2.07 can at Buysnus today.

                        Very cheap and very good make Knox very popular.


                        • Jason
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 1370

                          I agree; Knox really isn't unique at all. It's my favorite because it is so close in taste to regular Skruf (which I like)....it's priced like a budget snus but tastes like a premium.

                          I also like it because I consider the portions and los to be equally good; something which is rather rare. Most people will usually like either one or the other. Between los and portions, I could easily use Knox all day without getting tired of it.


                          • NonEntity
                            • Jan 2009
                            • 138

                            Thanks for the feedback Sagedil and Jason. I guess I am developing some kind of taste if I can distinguish flavor families amongst snus. A discount price is certainly an advantage, maybe they will come out with a sterk!

                            I also have some Granit in the freezer to try, I believe I read somewhere that it also was similar to the General family.



                            • sagedil
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 7077

                              Although some folks here like Granit, I just never quite saw the point. Greatly preferred Knox.

