dr pepper and snus

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  • Norwester
    • Dec 2008
    • 178

    I'd prefer Dublin Dr Pepper but I'll have to settle for a case or two of Mexican Coke (uh Coca Cola) from Costco tomorrow. Wish they'd get the pepsi too.


    • luckysealy
      • Dec 2008
      • 281

      george dickel is good with a dr. pepper chaser also. i need to get a bottle i'm sure it would be great with some snus alo.


      • bakerbarber
        • Jun 2008
        • 1947

        Been a long time since I've had a flaming Dr. Pepper.


        • texasmade
          • Jan 2009
          • 4159



          • Condor
            • Sep 2008
            • 752

            Goat Rape and gin and tonic is nice.
            JUlssnus with Red wine (preferably Egri Bikaver) is nice.

            anything with Yuengling anything with Guinness.

            I wish the Oden's® ™ was more cinnamonny (technical term), as I think it would be good with the seasonal pumpkin beers.


            • deebocools
              • Nov 2008
              • 661

              after messing around with my beverage intake, strong tea of all sorts works well with snus. I remember when I first tried snus I thought it had a tea-like flavor.

              In the warmer months I'll try to get off the coffee(I've said that before) and get on the overstrong iced tea. I set high goals.


              • Raddleman

                Originally posted by glorfunk
                I'm a new snuser and i've noticed just about any drink is better with snus. Even water is better.
                Yep - water, funnily, tastes a lot better now. I'm on San Pellegrino as a write this.


                • Jason
                  • Jan 2008
                  • 1370

                  Teas and coffees most definitely. I've found that any hot drink goes very well with snus.


                  • harpdog
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 114

                    So i got some Dr Pepper.

                    I have small noiseless fridge which i keep my snus in however there is plenty of room for cans of drink.

                    So 6 cans of Dr Pepper sat there to chill. So relaxing evening watched a movie called Dark Floors (made by the metal band Lordi) not a great film however.

                    During the movie I did a double barrel of general sterk portion. and started sipping on my Dr Pepper. ! min later WOW the nic hit was amzing. the Dr Pepper was really enhancing the hit. It compliments snus so well. I would also recommend it.

                    Thanks to the OP of this thread.


                    • fugitiveinkblot
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 93

                      Originally posted by MrAbstracto
                      Originally posted by rsuelzer
                      Originally posted by MrAbstracto

                      Oh god. Have you tried that, the idea makes me want to vomit.

                      "lending a unique roasted aroma and flavor."
                      I bet... Can you imagine mixing miller lite in your coffee in the morning? that is what i think about this idea.
                      lol, miller lite in coffee would be gross, but this stuff isn't anything like that. Its a porter. A lot of porters/stouts have distinct coffee undertones, this one just uses real kona coffee to really bring it out. yum yum.
                      No, the Kona Piple is great.


                      • dland125
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 17

                        I see a lot of tasty sounding combos. But have been thinking about this one for about a week now. I've never tried licorice snus, but I think it would be a perfect match with Jager, or Jagerbombs, maybe even straight red bull. Any thoughts?


                        • Norwester
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 178

                          I just read that Snapple is dumping the HFCS and since they're owned by Dr Pepper it makes sense that they won't be far behind. Also Pepsi and Mtn Dew are launching a trial of sugary goodness launch date April 20. Come on Coke,that $20 a case Costco Hecho In Mexico stuff is killing me!




                          • MN_Snuser
                            • May 2008
                            • 354

                            My Dad told me that when he was younger, they used to warm up Dr. Pepper and drink it. I am not sure how hot he meant by "warm up". I have never tried it myself. Maybe one of you guys could try it. Could be a regional thing. While I live in Minnesota now, my clan hails from North Central Wisconsin.


                            • Hoovie
                              • Nov 2008
                              • 109

                              Originally posted by Norwester
                              I'd prefer Dublin Dr Pepper but I'll have to settle for a case or two of Mexican Coke (uh Coca Cola) from Costco tomorrow. Wish they'd get the pepsi too.
                              Funny you should say this, I was in Dublin and bought a case last weekend.


                              • bakerbarber
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 1947

                                As far as I'm aware.

                                HFCS vs. granulated refined sugar comes down to taste.

                                Mexico lifted it's ban on HFCS importation from the US last year btw. Doesn't necessarily mean they will make a switch in soft drinks.

                                While refined table sugar is a disaccharide and HFCS has free sugars, both have similar levels of fructose and glucose.

                                Most refined granulated sugar is from beets. Being a corn product HFCS is substantially cheaper in America. (aside from the volatility seen last year in commodity prices.)

                                The FDA allowed for "natural" claims to be made on products containing HFCS late last year. 7 up being a notable product to attempt the claim before the decision.

                                The taste difference is undeniable. The health difference is debatable.

                                Excess sugar is bad for you.

                                I could ramble on...

                                I have no preference personally either way in my food. I just happen to know some of the bullet points from the exposure I have to the debate in my industry.

                                Ultimately consumers will get their preference. If it happens to be refined sugar food costs will increase.

                                If you can discern the taste difference and prefer HFCS free sodas Jones Soda Co. has made the switch already.


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