Completely new to snus and I could use some advice

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  • RedChord14
    New Member
    • Feb 2009
    • 2

    Completely new to snus and I could use some advice

    Hi, I'm not really a smoker. I like the feeling tobacco gives me but smoking is too much of an inconvenience so I never do it. My friend is kind of the same way as me, only smoking very occasionally, but he told me today about snus and how you dont have to spit and stuff. It sounds pretty awesome and convenient and I'd love to give it a try. He purchased the Camel brand snus and he loves it. However, I'm kinda nervous because since I only smoke on a very rare occasions my body isnt accustomed to very much nicotene or anything. And also I have never tried chewing tobacco or anything cuz spitting is just as inconvenient to me as smoking. So, how should I expect my body to react? I've heard horror stories about people puking for hours after their first dip, and if that is what is gonna happen to me if I try snus, I'll just keep smoking the occasional cigarette :P And what are the health risks as opposed to cigarettes and other chewing tobaccos? Any useful information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a lot!!
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Welcome to the form RedChord14 and I am VERY glad you asked those questions.

    My honest opinion, please don't use snus.

    Right now, you don't seem yet addicted to cigarettes. The very inconvenience, as you so put it, has prevented it...yet. Maybe one day you will, but I don't think you are there yet. You start using snus, you WILL become addicted, I have no doubts. The method of delivery doesn't count, nicotine is about as addictive as they come. The fact that snus will be so much easier, so much more enjoyable maybe, will guarantee in my opinion you WILL cross that line.

    Having said that, and you chose to ignore that, start small. The camel is probably good, not much nicotine. Or buy Swedish through, or, but ONLY choose mini's, as they have the least nicotine. It will take your body time to adjust. As your addiction grows, you can then move up to regular snus. And eventually, will be a high nicotine "strong" snus addict like me. :wink:

    Again, welcome to Snuson. I appreciated the honesty of your questions. , I really recommend you don't go there. But should you decide you still want to, this is a great place to learn. And I promise, whatever you decide, no one will sit in judgment for you. Your life, your decision.


    • snusjus
      • Jun 2008
      • 2674

      My advice to you is: don't start! If you are not addicted to nicotine yet, why become a slave for life? I snus because cigarettes were impossible for me to quit. I'm an addict for life and wish I never started using tobacco. Tobacco is not going to fill a void in your life, it will simply create another one you must fill.


      • rsuelzer
        • Feb 2009
        • 135

        Agreed, best not to start. I would imagine that 95% of us were former smokers who found snus as a good way to quit. And as far as harm reduction goes it is great. But, that being said, as much as I want it to be good for me, I know that snus is not good for me. Although, it may not have the same devastating effects of inhaling massive amounts of smoke 20 times a day.

        that being said, if you do want to try snus, be prepared to hate it. most people don't like it. Camel Snus is not anything like sweedish snus (not that it isn't good, becasue it is, I have two tins right now.) but it is like the mike's hard lemonade of snus.


        • chainsnuser
          Senior Member
          • Jan 2007
          • 1388

          According to science, 100 prises of snus are about as dangerous as one(!) cigarette. I heard about snus just when I had started to smoke regularly, but at that time (in the late 80's) it was even more of a niche-product than it is today, and no one had a pris to offer. I wish I had further investigated snus back then.

          Besides of that, yeah, nicotine addiction sneaks up, sooner or later you'll be one of us, which is not a bad thing at all, but you should think twice, before you start ... and again, if you start, smokes are certainly the worst way (health-wise) to use nicotine.



          • jamesstew
            • May 2008
            • 1440

            Start using snus and be cool like us.


            • JBean
              • Jan 2009
              • 445

              Originally posted by jamesstew
              Start using snus and be cool like us.
              peer pressure is a b*tch...


              • texasmade
                • Jan 2009
                • 4159

                Originally posted by JBean
                Originally posted by jamesstew
                Start using snus and be cool like us.
                peer pressure is a b*tch...


                • Ainkor
                  • Sep 2008
                  • 1144

                  Originally posted by jamesstew
                  Start using snus and be cool like us.
                  See, all the cool kids are doing it. You know you want to!

                  All joking aside, just walk away and never look back.

                  Although you may enjoy it, once you are addicted, you're just nicotine's bitch.


                  • NonEntity
                    • Jan 2009
                    • 138

                    Just decide if you would rather spend $30-$50/month on tobacco or something else. I liked the way nicotine made me better at first too, now I need the nicotine to feel good at all.

                    I have gone eighteen months tobacco free twice and craved it nearly every day. Don't start.



                    • filip
                      New Member
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 9

                      If you only whant the feeling that the nicotin give you my advise would be not to start. That feeling will go over and you will only get the feeling that your angry when you dont have a snus in and normal when you have one in. But snus i good, relly good. I myself started because yeah i liked the taste of it when i was relly young and had always known i would start sooner or later. I know peopel that have thrown up after there first snus, now we talking lös snus not that mini girl snus. I had also i friend that thrown up when he tried to quit snusing. He was home from work a week because he felt sick and hade headache all the time. He relise at then snus was a part of him and now proberply whant to die with one in.

                      So dont start if you not relly like the snus taste or are an smoker.

                      Now i relly need to sleep and stop teching all of you how to use one of the finest things in the world, swedish snus.


                      • texasmade
                        • Jan 2009
                        • 4159

                        Originally posted by Ainkor
                        Originally posted by jamesstew
                        Start using snus and be cool like us.
                        See, all the cool kids are doing it. You know you want to!

                        All joking aside, just walk away and never look back.

                        Although you may enjoy it, once you are addicted, you're just nicotine's bitch.

                        nicotine is my makes me feel better lol


                        • Judge Faust
                          • Jan 2009
                          • 196

                          I disagree with the prevailing sentiments here.

                          The use of nicotine is not solely (if at all) an abhorrent addiction to be avoided like the plague - it is also a rational decision to introduce a minor drug into one's system. If a rational adult wishes to do so, why would anyone advise otherwise?

                          On this forum alone, people extol the virtues of nicotine many times each day. For some, it has a great calming effect, for others, it's a wonderful morning stimulant. For many, it's both. I, for one, am not overly concerned about the addiction - I like what nicotine does for me, and I have no intention (or wish) of ever giving it up.

                          If RedChord14 is at all like most of us, I wish him a warm welcome to the world of nicotine. I'm sure that, like the vast majority of us, he will find that the benefits of nicotine far outweigh any of its risks - especially when it comes to snus.

                          And in answer to your question, RedChord14: don't worry, you won't suffer a horrible death from nicotine poisoning. Start small by using mini or regular portions once or twice each day. If you wish, you can start increasing the dosage after a week or two. As long as you don't double-barrel extra strong snus on your first try, you should be just fine.

                          Edit: Camel snus have the nicotine content of a mini snus, so don't be afraid to try one. They don't last long, and you'll get less usable nicotine than you would from a cigarette.


                          • outsidelinebacker20
                            • Aug 2008
                            • 187

                            When I got to Germany, one of the kids asked me for some Skoal. Said, Nope. I would not gives you a lift in your day. For me, I look forward to every lip full. It gives me pleasure. Just like my pop (Coke). Makes life a little more fun each day. Sometimes, the thought of a snus and a soda can get me out of bed. For some, it levels you out and helps you through your day with something to reward you for the strain of living. I do think it can help those with slight chemical imbalance issues.



                            • sagedil
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 7077

                              Judge Faust, I have been more vocal than anyone about the good nicotine does me. As I have posted many times, with links no less, studies have now proven that nicotine is as effective as Rittalin in treating ADHD. So absolutely, an informed choice to make use of nicotine is a valid choice.

                              And I think I made clear in my response that it WAS his choice.

                              However, having said that, I don't think RedChord14 is looking at this as an informed choice to start using, and becoming addicted to, nicotine. I think he has simply been lucky so far and hasn't gotten caught. But from reading his post, I don't think he has thought near enough about those issues.

                              Thus I stand by what I posted. If he is not fully prepared to become addicted to nicotine, don't start using snus. Cause he WILL become addicted, in all probability, if he does.

                              But again, as I told him. His choice.

