Getting others to try snus

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  • spirit72
    • Apr 2008
    • 1013

    Originally posted by Monkey
    Dippers on the other hand....I will offer some snus to. A nice big wad of extra sterk los...right after they tell me how it won't be strong enough for them...heh heh heh.

    Poor suckers.

    Getting others to try or even think about snus can be a tough sell, especially with smokers. The fact that it isn't dip just doesn't seem to compute with most people.

    Even with the dippers, they expect it to be the same sugar-filled stuff they're used to, and snus ends up turning them off, especially when it comes to the salt.


    • fishmeat
      • Feb 2011
      • 767

      I too have in all honesty given up on trying to convert smokers to snus. I have one person a close friend that is going to try to quit using snus. But for the most part when people ask me, whats that? I tell them and yet everytime I hear "oh, its just like dip?" Tired I am of beating my head against the wall...sorry for all those that I will and might offend, but if you wanna smoke thats your funeral, not mine.


      • Monkey
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2009
        • 3290

        I usually tell people who don't use tobacco "For all intents and purposes let's call it dip and leave it at that."

        And they shrug and go "Okay....but that shit is nasty."

        And I tell them to F*** OFF. MY BODY...MY CHOICE.

        And I wonder why I have so few friends...


        • Monkey
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2009
          • 3290

          Originally posted by spirit72
          Poor suckers.

          Getting others to try or even think about snus can be a tough sell, especially with smokers. The fact that it isn't dip just doesn't seem to compute with most people.

          Even with the dippers, they expect it to be the same sugar-filled stuff they're used to, and snus ends up turning them off, especially when it comes to the salt.
          Jaks wintergreen got my brother in law to really consider snus. His wife is anti tobacco. He hides dipping from her and is not allowed to purchase snus online. Poor bastard.


          • truthwolf1
            • Oct 2008
            • 2696

            I find dippers listen but are still a tough sell and dont catch on even with harm info/free cans.
            Smokers give you that you are fricken crazy look and usually come back with I will try the gum like everyone else did and fail.

            Yeah, I am pretty much done also. A few friends who still smoke I think are a little jealous of my smoke free lifestyle and are ever so surprised have not lost my jaw yet.


            • russki
              • Jan 2011
              • 464

              Originally posted by Monkey
              I usually tell people who don't use tobacco "For all intents and purposes let's call it dip and leave it at that."

              And they shrug and go "Okay....but that shit is nasty."

              And I tell them to F*** OFF. MY BODY...MY CHOICE.

              And I wonder why I have so few friends...
              I am the exact same way...and I wonder that myself sometimes as well...

              I got tired of trying to spread the word about it to the select few who I think might be somewhat receptive. The social stigma attached to smokeless tobacco seems to be too much, coupled with that good old American 'stick to your guns' attitude.


              • fishmeat
                • Feb 2011
                • 767

                Originally posted by truthwolf1
                A few friends who still smoke I think are a little jealous of my smoke free lifestyle and are ever so surprised have not lost my jaw yet.
                ...and because of that and how safe I feel using snus, I told my close friend that I would give him $500 the day I get diagnosied with mouth or throat cancer.


                • WickedKitchen
                  • Nov 2009
                  • 2528

                  I think I'm making headway with a friend. I give him a can every time I see him and he loves it.

                  It's peculiar that even US dip has the stigma that it does. We're talkin' hundreds of years of exploiting the tobacco plant and even if US dip has shown links to diseases it still trumps smoking. By leaps and bounds. It must be the spitting part. I agree, that part is terrible, but that's even less intrusive than smoking near someone. Silly humans.


                  • ChaoticGemini
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 564

                    I have had good success getting people to switch, but I don't give a whole can. I make up little sample packs in baggies. I tell them right from the start that the flavor can change the longer it is in your mouth, but that they will not like all of them. I don't know if it is the variety that allows them to find just the right snus that they are hooked, or if it is that they have gotten used to snus by the time they sample all the varieties I give them.


                    • resnor
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 619

                      I work with a guy who smokes alot. We work in a residence where we have to have 100% supervision on the kids who live there. My coworker works from midnight-8am, so he can't go out for a smoke, as there would then be no staff in the building. I introduced him to Camel snus, and he has been using the Frost alot. Now that I got my first batch of Swedish Snus in, I gave him a Catch Eucalyptus portion, which I thought was delicious. He popped it in, and after a bit I asked him what he thought. The only thing he tasted was salt. LOL. He seems to just like the overwhelming sweet taste of the American Snus.


                      • angrylollipop
                        • Apr 2011
                        • 209

                        My fiancee believes the FDA. She doesn't like the idea of mouth cancer and no amount of medical reports are going to change her mind. I try to explain to her that cigarettes come with a risk of mouth, lung, throat, and pretty much all other forms of cancer, but those FDA warnings about GUM Disease and Tooth loss are just too much for her. Doesn't matter if cigarettes will do the same thing and then some, it's not written on the package so as far as she's concerned it won't cause mouth cancer! I try to explain to her that all tobacco products have to be labeled like that to be sold in the U.S.A., but she's not listening.. *Shrugs* I've pretty much given up on a giving a shit about it.

                        My father uses Cope and has for the last 42 years or so. He's really careful about it and doesn't like others to know he uses it. He almost always uses it in his car or when he's in places he won't be judged or spitting all the time. He likes the taste and flavor of the cope and I've never tried to offer him snus because the situation and relationship between us is complicated.

                        I offered it to a friend to try to quit smoking but she didn't use any of it. *shrugs*

                        Most of my other smoker friends seem to think it's just dip or chew and won't touch it because "dip & chew" is gross. No amount of education will convince them otherwise. They don't even listen at all...

                        Others have tried the camel snus and just think snus is low level nicotine.

                        I had one friend I gave a can to, he liked it quite a bit. Thought it would be really helpful to quite smoking but because he couldn't buy it at the gas station he wasn't interested long term.

                        So yeah, I enjoy it and everyone else can just keep smoking, It's not worth the hassle honestly.


                        • Randall
                          • May 2010
                          • 753

                          I've given away at least 7 cans to smokers. Not one of them has asked me for anymore.. or where they could get it. A total waste of good snus. I wish I had it back now with the prices going up!


                          • Monkey
                            Senior Member
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 3290

                            The one smoker I bought snus for sold me back what I bought him at half price last month.

                            SCORE! I picked some good shit for him.....

                            Sadly, I am stiill working on my brother in law....


                            • alexdal
                              • May 2011
                              • 74

                              My wife had only tried once.
                              She prefer chain smoking (and she is only 45KG -100 pounds, so 25 cigs for her is like 50 for a man)

                              For me, after a month I cannot say that is "GOOD", for example the snuss, for me, is really good and enjoying.
                              Instead I found that Snus have a bad smell (Los, original) But i close my nose and put in my mouth, but the taste is not so ugly.
                              Odens Lakrits portions have a nice taste, also the spearmint one.
                              I hope in the future to appreciate more, anyway I passed from 35 euro/week of cigarettes (or about 180 cigs a week) to 10 euro/week of snus+snuff (and a 5 cig a week because I really like smoking)


                              • truthwolf1
                                • Oct 2008
                                • 2696

                                One smoker friend who will try it periodically and asks for one but complains it makes him want to spit and gives him hiccups.

                                Everyone else thinks it will give them instant mouth cancer as they keep puffing away. I started preaching about 3 years ago to many of these same people but they have continued to smoke.
                                At most I think many of us here have planted the seed of snus for a option but it will take a wider public acceptance/education for the sheep to catch on.

                                but basically if you are not ready to quit smoking/dipping you never will.


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