If I decide to get a small cnc for the garage I just might go into bussiness. Right now I'm doing it on a manual lathe and it takes a little time. Not real long but between work and everything else I have going on it wouldn't be feasable. A cnc would make things a lot easier.
What do you think?(Custom pris tool. Final build w/ pics)
I hear that, man. Midterms were this week, and that was a bitch as it was. Having an actual job as a machinist in the military is probably rougher. If you ever get a chance I'd love to commission you for one of those. Just starting to get into los, and all I have is PrisMaster. It does the job, but nowhere near as nice as an Icetool or what you have. Cheers, mate.
Originally posted by nulle7Hi. I'd like to know if someone have made flat Icetool? I think that should be better,because the ''pris'' is flat and it should stay under the lip better? Simple vision [__] (top should be covered too).[/img]
I've actually been considering a tool that would shape a pris like a wedge like the Onyx portions. It would have to be a clam shell design where you would load the wedge pocket on one side with some los and then the other side would be hinged to the loaded side and you would simply close it and it would compress the pris. Then you open it up and you have a nice little wedge shaped pris. If only I had the spare time. Maybe one day.