Dipper's Guide to Snus

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  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752


    Glad you liked the post. I give snus to anyone who will try it. I believe that much in it. A couple of thing that I have found with dippers, (1) it is best to give them a portion or bake them a pris. Lipping snus is different from lipping dip. Thus if you just give them a can and they "dip" it they may be a little put off because they will lose more when they spit. (2) snus is a lot stronger than dip. I have sent many a seasoned Kodiak and cope users to the can with the shits. Now that is not all bad and it certainly has its merits but its not the best sales technique. I would recommend starting them on something like knox (or some other full flavored but regular strength snus) Or just hit their asses up with some thunder and sit back and watch the fun.
    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


    • Badfish74
      • May 2009
      • 1035

      Now that was a damn fine post Susdog! I would expect nothing less from a South Carolinian! I myself miss my days of fresh Copey goodness, of course with SC's outrageous tobacco tax, my last brand was Grizzly Straight. My lip, however, does not miss the harshness. It's been close to 6 months since i've had big hog leg, but since i dipped for nearly 20 years i do have a permanent pocket in my lower left as a constant reminder! Once again, this thread is finer than a pig pickin or heapin plate of chicken bog! And i do agree that this should be stickyed!


      • paulwall9
        • Nov 2008
        • 743

        I agree this should be stickied!


        • HK11
          • May 2009
          • 631

          It may just be me, but grov los tastes a lot like cope (at least the way I remember it). That might be worth mentioning to a cope convert.


          • paulwall9
            • Nov 2008
            • 743

            whoring again!!


            • rscott222
              • May 2009
              • 346

              Here is a link to the video:



              • Snusdog
                • Jun 2008
                • 6752

                Badfish wrote

                I myself miss my days of fresh Copey goodness, of course with SC's outrageous tobacco tax, my last brand was Grizzly Straight
                Thanks for the love badfish. Yea I had to put down the cope too due to price and taxes. I went from Red Seal to Timber Wolf and finally found snus. I love snus and would never (and have never) gone back. But still I would like just one brand that tastes and is cut like Copenhagen. Cause sometimes bro we southerners just gotta spit.

                HK11 wrote

                It may just be me, but grov los tastes a lot like cope (at least the way I remember it). That might be worth mentioning to a cope convert.
                HK11 I love Grov (in fact I got a pris of it in right now). However, it is a bit more subdued than cope and the cut while close is still not as conducive to dipping. By the way bro what happened to the old avatar? I always liked it (not that the new one is bad or anything).
                When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  Great find rscott22 . I added an update to the original post letting folks know you posted the link here on page two.

                  Thanks mate
                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • HK11
                    • May 2009
                    • 631

                    I dunno. I decided to go with a real photo. I like Mr Potter too


                    • jcarlson
                      • Aug 2008
                      • 82

                      Oh freakin great post. I wish this was around when I started snus last August.

                      I am an x-Skoal user, and I agree with everything. The price thing though never bothered me. I went through about 1 can every 4 days.

                      Some of your points are dead on. Most dippers I know stick to one brand, and one type in that brand. For me it was Skoal Spearmint, with maybe a mint thrown in every 2 months. The rest tasted like crap. With snus, I have about 3 favorites, and continually try new ones. I NEVER did that with dip.

                      I really don't get why people think Americans want their tobacco as sweet as candy. Did any of you x-dippers ever use the fruit flavors? God are they awful. Skoal Vanilla had to be the worst flavor ever made. Makes me sick just to smell it.

                      I made the switch because I had dipped for about 4 years, and the risk always scared me. Plus I hated the dip lip thing. I tried snus because I saw the new Camel crap at the gas station and decided to google it. Once I tried the Swedish stuff, I never went back.

                      I immediately fell in love with the subtle flavors, and I the no spitting was appreciated as well. And since I was a dipper, I was drawn to los immediately.

                      The one thing I will say, as much as I love snus, I do occasionally miss the feel of Skoal in my lower lip. I'll never do it again, but doesn't mean I don't have fond memories.


                      • Lucky Striker
                        • May 2009
                        • 280


                        Excellent info.


                        • rscott222
                          • May 2009
                          • 346

                          Bump until it sticks


                          • InFlames
                            • Jun 2009
                            • 113

                            Originally posted by jcarlson
                            Did any of you x-dippers ever use the fruit flavors? God are they awful. Skoal Vanilla had to be the worst flavor ever made. Makes me sick just to smell it.
                            That brings back a bad memory with the skoal vanilla. Remember trying that stuff when it came out, was one of those promotional deals where ya got 2 cans for a really cheap price. Had to be one of the worst dips i ever tried, the taste and smell of it would make me feel sick.

                            When i dipped i did like the skoal berry blend on occassion but was rare. Kinda like i'd have a can of it about once every 5-6 months then go right back to cope.That and peach timber wolf were the only fruit flavored dips i could ever use.



                            • Snusdog
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 6752

                              Inflames wrote

                              That and peach timber wolf were the only fruit flavored dips i could ever use.

                              Man I dipped Timber Wolf for over a year and I never even knew there was a peach variety. I’ve seen the Skoal peach but never the TW. Go figure. Any way I’m glad to have all of it behind me.
                              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                              • InFlames
                                • Jun 2009
                                • 113

                                lol and i've never noticed the skoal peach.Course i have'nt paid any attention to what the "Big name" american snuffs have to offer in several years as i had switched to the "value priced" offerings.

                                Only been snusing for about two months and have no desire to return to dip. The noticable improvement in mouth health i've experienced thus far is reason enough to stay with snus in itself. Better quality,more vareity and stronger nic delivery are some nice bonuses that make the switch all the more appealing.



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