Dipper's Guide to Snus

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  • Badfish74
    • May 2009
    • 1035

    It sucks that since quitting Cope they've come out with some really tastey sounding sounding blends! If the whiskey blend tastes anything like the black did it'll be awesome! And also i believe they've got one called hickory or something like that...sounds great too. Oh well i enjoy the healthy gums and snus better anyway!


    • InFlames
      • Jun 2009
      • 113

      Snusdog, did it take awhile for you to get into the habit of having several different snuses in rotation or did you just jump right in?

      While i've been trying out different flavors of snus, i find that i'am still in the mindset of finding "the one" that i'am going to stick with. Wondering if i'am just stuck in the dipper's "one brand"mindset and if that's something that will fade away in time.



      • Kvlt
        • Apr 2009
        • 197

        Might be just me, but my left side of my mouth gets a texture based on the salt. I also noticed at after I take a snus out, there is a tobacco stain on my gum where the snus was. Not really an issue, but eh.

        Lately I've realized that I get pissy. Must just be the lack of nicotine.


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          Kvlt wrote:

          Might be just me, but my left side of my mouth gets a texture based on the salt
          K, sometimes when I fall asleep with a snus in I'll get a bit of salt texturing. But this is NOTHING like the dip lip one gets from American dip. The salt texturing is from abrasion/pressure. Dip lip is a literal chemical burn. Think of it this way: we have all fallen asleep on a quilt, sofa, or the likes and woken up with imprints on our face. Now imagine you spilled acid on your skin. The effects are completely different. In my experience the analogy is exactly the same. With snus it is an imprint. With dip it is a chemical burn.

          That said, my experience is with loose. I don't do portions enough to say one way or the other. However, just from reading the forum, it seems that some portion material is more abrasive and irritating than others. But again this would still be a friction/pressure matter and not a chemical one as it is with American dip.

          Hope this helps.
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • Badfish74
            • May 2009
            • 1035

            Great analogy snusdog! I remember atleast once a week or so i would run my finger across the inside of my lip and come out with a layer of dead skin! I'm about 50-50 with los and portions, but always use the los on the left side...no dead skin!


            • Lucky Striker
              • May 2009
              • 280

              I still get an odd taste for Skoal Citrus and Apple every now and again. I rarely dip anymore but maybe every six months or so I get a taste for some flavored Skoal. It usually goes bad before I finish it, though.

              The last dip I got was Copenhagen Whiskey (I think it's called Black now) which was a direct result of having ordered a can of Probe and getting pissed off because it didn't taste like Whiskey at all.


              • InFlames
                • Jun 2009
                • 113

                Do ya'll ever get canker sores from time to time in your mouth from snus use? I have'nt been using snus long enough to really know how it will effect me in that reguard. In the past with cope i'd get them about every couple of months. After switching to longhorn i did'nt seem to hardly ever get them, hoping it stays that way the snus as well.



                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  Inflames wrote:

                  Do ya'll ever get canker sores from time to time in your mouth from snus use
                  With dip all the freeking time. I would pop them between my teeth. With snus almost 2 years now and not one. I repeat, not a single one.

                  Well I take that back. A week or so back I ate a bunch of my kids candy and I got a gum zit (It was tropical fruit Nerds-don't ask and no I don't know what I was thinking- box gone. next day kid and then wife pissed. Off to Sams. Big freaking carton of Nerds. Kid happy. Wife really pissed) But from just snus not at all.
                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • InFlames
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 113

                    Is good to hear that as i really hate getting those sores.



                    • Snusdog
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 6752

                      Inflames wrote:

                      Snusdog, did it take awhile for you to get into the habit of having several different snuses in rotation or did you just jump right in?
                      John sorry I missed your question I don’t know why I didn't see it at first.

                      Anyway, for me the first order I placed was for three or four budget brands. I found one that I thought I liked and promptly placed an order for a roll. Three cans into the roll I was burned out on it. So I was defiantly in a “find the one brand” mode. Wasting money on an entire roll broke me of that very quickly. However, that said it is not a free-for-all with me. There is in me a “Blessed rage to order” and so I sampled and re-sampled until I got a rotation of seven brands down. Also I find that I offset these seven in the order I open them. Thus, I might have a strong flavored and a mild flavored open at the same time. Or a natural and a sweet.

                      Bottom line: snus is different from dip. Likewise, each person is different in their taste and expectations. You will find your way and come to the balance that is right for you. That’s why I think it is so important to start with a variety for your first 2 or 3 orders. If you eventually find that all you like is Roda don’t waist your money ordering 10 other brands (and there are plenty of folks on the forum who snus only one or two brands). At the same time, don’t be too quick to order 15 rolls of Ettan just because you think you need to find the one. Take your time. Sample and then sample again. Get an idea of what you like and then go from there, adjusting, changing and fine tuning with each order. Your taste will change but over time you will find more stable constants in your preferences.
                      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                      • Badfish74
                        • May 2009
                        • 1035

                        Bumpity bump!


                        • InFlames
                          • Jun 2009
                          • 113

                          Am noticing that my rolaide consumption has dropped quite a bit since switching to snus. Got heartburn off and on when i dipped and kept a jug of rolaides nearby as a result. I have'nt had any issues with the HB for around 3 weeks now. Hmmm, wonder if it was the dip that was causing the problem. Guess time will tell.



                          • Kitabz
                            • May 2009
                            • 72

                            Originally posted by InFlames
                            Am noticing that my rolaide consumption has dropped quite a bit since switching to snus. Got heartburn off and on when i dipped and kept a jug of rolaides nearby as a result. I have'nt had any issues with the HB for around 3 weeks now. Hmmm, wonder if it was the dip that was causing the problem. Guess time will tell.

                            Could be the sodium bicarbonate* in the snus that is helping rather than the lack of dipping (or maybe a bit of both).

                            * half a teaspoon in a glass of water works for heartburn BTW


                            • Snusdog
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 6752

                              Kitabz wrote:

                              Could be the sodium bicarbonate* in the snus that is helping rather than the lack of dipping (or maybe a bit of both).
                              I dont know what it is but I used to get torn up with heart burn while dipping. With snus, heart burn is a lot less. Now I'm not saying I can eat a monster toco right before bed. It just seems I have it a lot less now.
                              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                              • harpdog
                                • Jan 2009
                                • 114

                                Originally posted by slartie
                                Excellent and very sensible post. I have never tried dip myself, and from all the stuff I've read about it, it doesn't even seem worth the time.

                                I second the prismaster recommendation. It's a great and cheap tool that will get you lösing like a pro with little effort.

                                I love snus but was curious about Dip and got some last week. I would never used Dip full time as Snus is much better but having said that Dip is quite nice. But yes not as strong and you need way bigger pinches.

                                I wish they made more dip flavoured Snus, I like General Wintergreen for example.


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