Dipper's Guide to Snus

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  • tom502
    • Feb 2009
    • 8985

    It is like clay. It's like moisturized nasal snuff. I like the taste of of los, but I'm not a fan of the cut.


    • Snusdog
      • Jun 2008
      • 6752

      Originally posted by Jimbob_Rebel View Post
      I'm a long time Cope user exploring snus use. I like the taste of Grov, I just wish the grind were not so fine. Seems most snus is fine to the point that it feels like clay in the mouth.
      Jimbob, welcome to the forum mate

      I agree the grind takes a little getting used to. In this regards I think upper lipping it rather than just dipping it will help. There are also some brands that are better in this regards than others (Gotlands, Phantom, Skruf, and Knox come to mind)

      I also think there is a chemical difference that has as much to do with the feel as the cut (in fact I think if you simply changed the cut the problem still would remain in large degree). There seems to be something in dip that allows it to pack/bond in a way that snus cannot not (possibly a preservative that allows dip to need lest moisture but not go dry).

      Anyway whatever it is, I think the trade off is well worth it. Stick with it. Give yourself time to acclimate and I think you will find there is no going back.

      Keep us posted and again welcome to the forum
      When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


      • Jimbob_Rebel
        • Jun 2010
        • 169

        I apreciate the welcome snusdog. I actually take cope in the upper lip (known colloquially as a "top deck dipper"LOL!) than below. I do believe you're on to something in that it isn't likely all texture. The Offroad has the best texture of the stuff I've tried thus far(I prefer the cranberry which surprised myself). Regarding a possible chemical explanation, it is perhaps a byproduct of the flame curing process in american snuffs which also produces tsna's which as we all know are suspected carcinogens. If our government were honest brokers they might conduct a study taking into account the zero correlation between snus use and oral cancer and all tobacco products could be made safer.


        • Big L
          • Aug 2009
          • 151

          Welcome Jim_bob! Grov is awesome, and I agree that Offroad has the best texture for packing. I like Odens a lot too. Skruf works pretty well , as Snusdog said. Give it some time, you'll get used to the finer grind of snus. It took me a while, but now it's second nature to pinch it and throw it in.


          • Jimbob_Rebel
            • Jun 2010
            • 169

            Originally posted by Big L View Post
            Welcome Jim_bob! Grov is awesome, and I agree that Offroad has the best texture for packing. I like Odens a lot too. Skruf works pretty well , as Snusdog said. Give it some time, you'll get used to the finer grind of snus. It took me a while, but now it's second nature to pinch it and throw it in.
            Thanks for the welcome BigL. I enjoyed the Skruf I've tried, bit rich in the nicotine dept. though. I've tried Oden's but I don't like bergemot. Oden's cannel is intrigueing but though I love cinnamon it irritates my mouth.


            • LaZeR
              • Oct 2009
              • 3994

              Originally posted by Jimbob_Rebel View Post
              Thanks for the welcome BigL. I enjoyed the Skruf I've tried, bit rich in the nicotine dept. though. I've tried Oden's but I don't like bergemot. Oden's cannel is intrigueing but though I love cinnamon it irritates my mouth.
              Grab up a tin of oden's ES Kanel (if you can find it in stock) or regular oden's Kanel lös. IMHO, the cinnamon is not at all overpowering and holds a nice flavor and pack. Kinda reminds me of a good ol'e hunk of cope in regards to the pack. Even in the upper lip.


              • Jimbob_Rebel
                • Jun 2010
                • 169

                Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
                Grab up a tin of oden's ES Kanel (if you can find it in stock) or regular oden's Kanel lös. IMHO, the cinnamon is not at all overpowering and holds a nice flavor and pack. Kinda reminds me of a good ol'e hunk of cope in regards to the pack. Even in the upper lip.
                Thanks for the advice, I won't mind putting a can of the Oden's kannel los in with my next order............assuming there is a next order.........thanks congress.


                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  Originally posted by Jimbob_Rebel View Post
                  Thanks for the advice, I won't mind putting a can of the Oden's kannel los in with my next order............assuming there is a next order.........thanks congress.
                  Hey JbR,

                  A couple that I forgot to mention that really dip well are Gellivare and Landstroms. If you have not tried these I highly recommend that you pick up a few tins of each (even if you end up not liking them- they will be easy to unload on the exchange).

                  Both G&L are old school snus (snus like it would have been made 100 years ago), they are very natural, and both taste great and have one of a kind flavors (I know you said you are not a Bergamot fan- but it may not be a factor with either of these the flavor is that different/unique). They are made by a what amounts to a micro brewery of snus (literally a husband and wife team in Sweden).

                  Be warned, they are a mess to work with and it will take some time (even for a seasoned snuser) to get baking them down- nothing to put you off of buying them though. They both have a unique grind and texture (which contributes to the difficulty in baking as well as to their more dippableness), They are very easy on the gums and if I remember correctly have the lowest TSNA count of any snus (don't quote me on that part.......it's been a while .......but I do remember reading that on one of the vender's sites)

                  Anyway, they are two that every one should try at least once for their uniqueness and they may be just what you are looking for. Two of my favorites and probably the two I would choose if I had to live on just one type of snus....................wait?.................on just two types of snus.

                  Give em a try
                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • Snusdog
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 6752

                    From another thread:

                    Originally posted by gambino View Post
                    Been about a yr now on the snus.
                    in a routine, done exploring...just gonna bullet point the highlights
                    -started off hand baking, said fuk that too messy and time consuming, tool seems kinda gay (not that
                    there is anything wrong with that) so i just pinch it in the can and bam off and snussing.
                    easy as cake, i never outlast the prilla it holds together for longer than i need it to.
                    -i tried all the various brands of loose...a few portions. Portions have there place, but they just
                    don't have that grit and bite that loose has. Ettan is my staple, i also like grov and genny.
                    occassionaly i throw in a roll of snicklefritz (welfare snus, usually phantom brown) to balance out the cost.
                    -consume about a can every 2-3 days...although i snus all day, i don't take heaping pinches.
                    doesn't hold together...i take a good two finger pinch about 8-10 times a day.
                    -pact act doesn't phase me...I order in three roll parcels, delievered to my door it's $105...that's two rolls of ettan and a roll of snicklefritz.
                    and every sixth roll is half off...so every second order i ditch the snicklefritz and get genny or grov and the bill is about the same.
                    that's less than $4 a can for premium tobacco...i don't see what the fuss is about, cope is over 5 a can.
                    -my teeth are still sparkling white...i notice after a long day of work and snus they will be a little stained.
                    comes right off with brushing my teeth...and one tooth does appear to have some gum recession above it, not
                    enough to make me concerned in the least.
                    overall seems a pretty innoccous habit, the only negs i see down the road is the nic hit's effect on BP, which i tested the other day (months ago) when i had a surgery...BP was a lot higher with a pinch in than without.
                    just thought i'd share sorry for the ramble
                    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                    • precious007
                      Banned Users
                      • Sep 2010
                      • 5885

                      Seems most snus is fine to the point that it feels like clay in the mouth.
                      That's the main disadvantage of snus...
                      I don't mind it that much with los... (it only gets muddy towards the end..)

                      However, portions are getting very annoying (rarely using portions) they're fu**ing slippery on the lip, to the point that I find myself with a disguisting slippery portion in my mouth... it falls sometimes right on the tongue.


                      • piks101
                        • Sep 2010
                        • 691


                        I am trying to convert a buddy that is heavy user of Skoal Mint 1-2 tins per day. What los/portion snus would you recommend?


                        • precious007
                          Banned Users
                          • Sep 2010
                          • 5885

                          Skoal Mint 1-2 tins per day.
                          huge .. ;|


                          • Snusdog
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 6752

                            Originally posted by piks101 View Post

                            I am trying to convert a buddy that is heavy user of Skoal Mint 1-2 tins per day. What los/portion snus would you recommend?
                            As a disclaimer..............I have never been a big mint guy (either with dip or snus) thus my range of recommendations might be a bit limited. Others may be able to chime in here and offer their mint suggestions.

                            That said I'll give you what I got....

                            The obvious choice would be something like a General mint or Thunder Frosted

                            However, you might try a less direct approach- something like: Gustavus, or Skruf, or Goteborg Rape (others might have some further suggestions)

                            All three of these are flavored and so will appeal to his preference for flavored tobacco (verses straight or natural tobacco). At the same time, none of these are mint flavored and thus will not be compared to his long time favorite. Too often Dippers are looking for snus that tastes just like their favorite dip. Often this leads to disappointment and false expectations. Dip and snus are two different products and should be approached on their own merits. That said, I certainly believe that snus is not only safer than dip it is also a superior tobacco product.

                            The point is: giving your friend a tin of non mint snus might get him to judge it on it's own merit rather than noting the way it is not like his favorite dip. On the other hand he might really take to the mint snus. Who know..............

                            Thus it might work best to give him one of each.........a mint and a non-mint brand

                            (if He likes Bandits give him portions. He he uses los give him los)

                            Anyway I hope this helps
                            When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                            • piks101
                              • Sep 2010
                              • 691

                              Not a skoal bandit user..haha. He uses los..bucket mouths it big time. Had him try Rape #2 and he did not like. Not familiar with skoal mint but I believe it's a pure mint rather than a spearmint. Is their a pure mint los available?


                              • tom502
                                • Feb 2009
                                • 8985

                                I'd say Thunder Frosted, if he wants to try a snus, and is a big Skoal Mint fan.

