Los Removal Issues

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  • Monkey
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2009
    • 3290

    Los Removal Issues

    Hi everyone! I am not much of a forum guy but here it goesM

    I've been snusing for about a month and a half and I finally tried los. I come from a 14 yeas smoking habit which I stopped when I was diagnosed with the very early stages of COPD. I was using American dip to quell the cigarette urges for about 3 months when I found Camel snus. A week later I had my first Sweedish snus and never looked back.

    Now I am halfway through my first can of los and many thanks to this site's wealth of information I have been able to bake a pris (General) with a degree of adequacy. I go for a 1-1.5 gram pinch mostly. The pris is lasting 2 hours + and is holding well.

    My main problem is removal. I read to puff out my lip to let it fall/ shaking my head, but it is staying glued to my gum. It is taking quite a few finger swipes and a healthy rinse or two to remove the pris and residue from my gum and makes for a mess unless I am at a sink. I also tried tissues, tp, and napkins but they tend to smear it more than remove it well.

    I find the flavor, texture and ritual of los very appealing and would like some advice on neatly getting it out so I can confidently los in public/work instead of hiding at home with it.

    Thank you.

    Mike 8)
  • RobsanX
    • Aug 2008
    • 2030

    Welcome to the forums!

    I'm not a los user for the reasons you listed amongst others. Love the flavor, hate the mess...

    I'm sure another loser will be along with some advice!


    • Raddleman

      I don't think there is another way of going about it, other than those you mention. I just - like you say - puff my lip, then a combination of rinsing and burrowing my index finger. I manage to get it ALL out, so I would suggest maybe more rinsing and 'manual work'. I know it's a pain, but the dividends of losing IMHO far outway the hassle.


      • btrip
        • Feb 2009
        • 96

        I don't experience this problem at all...

        I just stand over the trashcan/toilet or hold a paper towel, put my index finger up into my lip (side closest to the ear) and gently just push the pris out. It usually comes out in one whole piece and everything....


        • Soft Morning, City!
          • Sep 2007
          • 772

          I do the same as btrip. I don't often have trouble with pris removal, though when I first started using loose it took a lot of getting used to. But once I figured out my technique everything became hassle free. Stick with it. It only gets easier.


          • Jason
            • Jan 2008
            • 1370

            You may want to bake the pris a little tighter; if it's loose, pieces will break off and get stuck. Also, if you are using a prismaster, popping the pris out into your hand and baking the edges will make it easier to remove later.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              I usually use my tongue to pull it down, and then I spit it out. If more discretion's warranted, I use 1 swipe with my finger, and put it in a napkin, then eat the rest.


              • Monkey
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2009
                • 3290

                Thank you for the responses!

                It seems I need to bake my pris tighter which means practice which means more los which is a good thing!



                • Spijker
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 18

                  I also take los out with my finger, no problems at all.
                  I used to do it with a tissue, no mess at all but i dont always carry a pack of tisues


                  • Starcadia
                    • May 2008
                    • 646

                    Use use a forefinger/thumb claw technique, aiming inward from the top corners of the snus to loosen the whole thing, and pulling it down and out. After it leaves the mouth, a swift downward motion into the trash works great. Too slow and it sticks to the fingers.


                    • hoss
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 93

                      Being a former dipper I found the best way to remove Los is the same as American dip. Try for one smooth finger swipe through the lip with a little hook at the end. Comes right out with minimal clean up.

                      Hope this helps!


                      • Monkey
                        Senior Member
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 3290

                        Thank you for the advice.
                        I realized I was trying to get it out like it was going in, in a neatly formed pris. It took a little practice but the swipe is working much better.

                        Thank you all again!



                        • luckysealy
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 281

                          you can also try a paper towel or bandana to wipe away excess. they don't tear as easy. also some snus comes out better than others. i love gen lös but it alays seems to melt into my teeth a bit.


                          • ddandb
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 570

                            All I've been doing is taking a drink of water, swishing it around, spit. That takes care of the pris and some loose. Do it teo mode time and that seems to take care of it.


                            • texasmade
                              • Jan 2009
                              • 4159

                              a pris of anything v2 will not fall apart...trust me...i can run water on full blast over it...it wont turn to mud....lol i puff my lips poke it with my tongue and spit...


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