snus nic-fits.

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  • deebocools
    • Nov 2008
    • 661

    snus nic-fits.

    I'm quite lucky in that I'm not very forgetful and haven't had to go without snus, until a few days ago.

    I went out for an evening at a friends house. Almost all the way there I realize I didn't have my snus. I checked my pockets 2 or 3 times. There was alcohol involved, and I had to decide whether I'd just hang out for a few hours and drive back home for the night, or get drunk, crash there and go without nicotine for the next 14 hours.

    Considering I haven't had such a long period without, I went for the withdrawal out of curiosity. I got really drunk, went to sleep at about 1AM, and I shot up like a bolt of lightning at about 6:45AM. "nicotine" was literally my first thought. I carefully collected my stuff, so there was nothing impeding me and my trip to snus... I mean home. During the 10 minute drive, I had never been so wide awake. I really feel so. I was spotting every gas station that probably sold dip, but still keeping my head and not giving in.

    Finally I made it home and put in an LD black. It took another snus 40 minutes later to feel totally comfortable.

    how is your withdrawal?
  • dEFinitionofEPIC
    • Apr 2009
    • 146

    Re: snus nic-fits.

    Originally posted by deebocools
    how is your withdrawal?
    A walk in the park, actually.... gotta love that tired, spacey, shitty, I'm-going-to-punch-an-innocent-bystander-in-the-face-by-the-end-of-the-day kinda feeling....


    • sagedil
      • Nov 2007
      • 7077

      I have had to leave work before when i forgot my snus. I can make it maybe 3 hours, and then we have problems. If I was ever in your situation, i would just buy a pack of smokes. I occasionally still have one and buy a pack every 4 - 6 months anyways. So a night of using ciggs doesn't really bother me.


      • MN_Snuser
        • May 2008
        • 354

        I have gone about 4-6 hours without snus because of rushing out the door and forgetting my can. At the end of the 4-6 hours I was slighty grumpy, and it was just a little harder to stay focus.

        The nicotine withdrawl from snus, for me, has never been as bad as it was for cigarettes. IMO, the intensity of the withdrawl symptoms are directly related to speed of delivery.

        Cigarettes are a hard and fast nicotine hit. Thus the withdrawl symptoms are hard and fast.

        Snus is a medium-slow nicotine hit. Thus, the withdrawl symptoms are medium-slow.

        As always, the above is just my experience, everyone's different.


        • Condor
          • Sep 2008
          • 752

          I feel about the same. There are some days that I dont use snus, as Im simply not "into" it that day. Not in the mood. Probably about once or twice a month.
          When I was smoking, that was not at all the case. I could have severe bronchitis, and I would still smoke. Every day, smoking almost a whole pack. And when I wanted a cigarette, I wanted it RIGHT F-ING NOW!, but with snus, I can wait.
          I think I might try to quit all tobacco all-together by next year. Im sick of being an addict.


          • snupy
            • Apr 2009
            • 575

            What is so strange to me is, when I smoked, I HAD to have a cigarette FIRST THING in the morning. I do not have the need to snus first thing in the morning. I do not know what the difference is.


            • Maxpower05080
              • Mar 2009
              • 185

              Nicotine withdrawal is nothing compared to other substances out there. Yes, its hard to quit, because its so enjoyable. Coffee would be hard for me to quit too! But the worst withdrawel I get, is a strong craving for a cigarette or snus. Wow...big deal. Anyone can deal with this. Try to get off a benzodiazepine or an SSRI cold turkey, then come back and complain about nicotine withdrawal.


              • Shrewd
                • Feb 2008
                • 118

                For me snus withdrawal is definitely better than cig withdrawal. However, in the case you mention, when I'm hung over (you didn't say that specifically, but I implied it ) I need my snus right away in the morning. I never forget my snus at home, I always know if I have enough to make it through the day, but then again I'm a math-type person - I think type A personality, so it's never a problem. I also got a friend at work to pick up snus instead of chew, so in the absolute worst-case-scenario I have someone I could get snus from.

                One of the big differences I noticed is that I know a few smokers who wake up in the middle of the night to smoke, meaning they can't even sleep for an entire night without smoking, and I haven't heard of anyone like that with snus. I certainly haven't done a thorough study of this, but it seems to be what I see.


                • MrAbstracto
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 389

                  Originally posted by Shrewd

                  One of the big differences I noticed is that I know a few smokers who wake up in the middle of the night to smoke, meaning they can't even sleep for an entire night without smoking, and I haven't heard of anyone like that with snus. I certainly haven't done a thorough study of this, but it seems to be what I see.
                  If i dont fall asleep with a pris in, i wake up in the middle of the night and have to put one in.


                  • Maxpower05080
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 185

                    Originally posted by Shrewd
                    when I'm hung over (you didn't say that specifically, but I implied it ) I need my snus right away in the morning.
                    Oh man, I'm the complete opposite. When I'm hungover, nicotine is the absolute worst for me. I think the only thing worse than nicotine for a hangover, is more alcohol. A bad hangover cure for me is my bed, a bit of food, water, and vitamin water.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      You know whats weird is ive been using for almost 3 years both american dip, and snus but often times on weekends I stay over at my boys house and dont use any nicotene the whole time, ive gone for 2 weeks before ona vacation without it and ive never felt a withdrawl. How long did it take you guys to get addicted?


                      • deebocools
                        • Nov 2008
                        • 661

                        ok, to be more specific about things:

                        I've played around with drinking and snusing and it really tends to make me sick. I'm typically drinking enough that I forget about snus, but after a few hours I'll put a snus in for about 20 minutes. Then I have to spit it out, but I'm not withdrawaling hard.

                        as far as being hungover, a shit-ton of water, an energy drink and breakfast are higher priorities than snus for the time being. This scenario was different because I hadn't had a snus the previous evening either.

