How to bake a pris - video

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  • Madonio
    • Jun 2009
    • 118

    I just press it against the can so it doesnt fall appart and then i just pack it with my fingers for about 3 seconds and pop it in

    works like a charm


    • frizodanizzo
      • Feb 2009
      • 53


      i usually just take a bunch of it in my hand use my thumb index and middle finger to make it in the shape of a pyramid. i take that, hold it with 2 fingers, and rotate it around, an shape it with my other thumb and index finger, the pressure from the left thumb flattens it out on one side, starts to look like a bullet basically, then i flip it over to were the round side not facing my left thumb is against it now, after the slow turning process it comes out as a pretty well shaped cylinder, sometimes i smash the ends for an extra bit of flavor at the end since i make mine so compact. i can take 2 grams and make em look about the size of a gram from an icetool. after a while something that takes a couple minutes only takes about 15 seconds to 30 seconds


      • cstokes4
        • Nov 2009
        • 41

        This video was very, very helpful for me. I've been baking for about 3 days without incident and loving every minute of it.


        • lofat
          • Sep 2006
          • 154

          Re: How to bake a pris - video

          Originally posted by Zero
          Ok, I said I would do this for a long time now, so here it is :

          I went a bit slow and tried to show a few different methods and techniques that I use - everyone is probably a bit different, but since some people wanted a more clear video, hopefully this will help

          snus on 8)

          (stickied by request)
          Nice one man!


          • Zero
            • May 2006
            • 1522

            Originally posted by filip View Post
            Not to be negativ or something but that was pretty terribal. Even that you wrote you did i slowley on purpose.

            Just take your thumb and pointer (? finger next to the thumb) and push some snus togheter angainst the side, then you just put it under your lip. If you are new to snus you maybe whant it a littel thighter, do as i wrote but then you take your other hands thumb and pointer and push togheter, 4-5 times maybe. Throw it into your mouth and put it up to its right posistion. This way you have your snus in like 10 seconds.

            If you yanks take our snus i thing you should be able to do it right and also the esiest way. Sorry for my bad english also and enjoy the beauty of swedish snus =)
            First and foremost - I'm a Canadian, dude, not a "Yank" =P

            And, like I said, it was done VERY slow to show all the different ways somebody might decide is a good way to attack their snus. When I bake my own I do it in less than ten seconds, but it's hard to learn what to do with snus with a video only 7 seconds long. Lots of people bake in lots of different ways. For people who don't ever get to see how other people do it, it was a way to show different ideas. There are lots of youtube videos with crazy snusares baking amazing pris in 5 seconds but lots of people were complaining that it wasn't helpful in teaching them what to do. For me it wasn't about showing off how to bake the fastest, best pris in the world, it was to show different options and ideas.

            At the time I made it there were a LOT of people who were opening their first can of snus and had no idea what to do. After you have had a few cans and figure it out even just a bit then this video is not really useful at all. Soon you figure out how you like it and if you want to just grab a commando pris, smash it into the side of the can, and stuff it up your överläpp then why bother watching a vid, eh?


            • Mr. Snuffleupagus
              • Dec 2008
              • 2781

              I learned a lot from that vid!


              • resnor
                • Mar 2011
                • 619

                That is a massive prilla!! At least it seems it to me...I'm used to using the Camel Frost portions right now, and they're about 1/3 the size of that! It actually looks about the size of a pinch of dip I use...but I put dip in my bottom lip. You would put that prilla in your top lip?? Does everyone make prillas that size? LOL

                EDIT: maybe it's not that big. LOL. I just ripped open a Camel Winterchill...first thing, that Snus is DRY!! Anyway, the Winterchill is Camel's "large" portion, if you don't know what I'm talking about. Anywho, I put a little water on the tobacco to get it moist enough to try to bake. I managed to make a pretty good little pris, if I don't say so myself, on my first try. However, it is SMALL! So, perhaps one the size of the one in the vid wouldn't be that outrageous. LOL


                • JonasV
                  New Member
                  • Aug 2011
                  • 6

                  this is basically how I've done it the past 25 years


                  • chadizzy1
                    • May 2009
                    • 7432

                    Originally posted by JonasV
                    this is basically how I've done it the past 25 years
                    Much faster than me! Takes me like a minute.


                    • c.nash
                      Banned Users
                      • May 2010
                      • 3511

                      Video is good Jonas. I do it just about as fast but I don't use the palm of my hand. Just my fingers.


                      • sharesnusinfo!
                        • May 2008
                        • 477

                        This is how i make a Snus and how it is done in Sweden.



                        • YfirBaggari
                          • Jan 2012
                          • 103

                          Thanks alot for the video. Very helpfull!
                          Just got 2 cans of General Lös from a friend.
                          First time i'm trying actual Lös snus.
                          Yay me!


                          • Brand0n
                            New Member
                            • Aug 2012
                            • 13

                            I watched this thinking what the hell is he doing?
                            then i realized this is what real snuss is like! thanks for the video!


                            • Jmitchelliv
                              • Sep 2012
                              • 30

                              So I just took my first venture into the world of lös... and based off of the size of the pinch I took...

                              ... well, apparently I think I have the same size mouth as Steven Tyler. Whoopsie.


                              • lxskllr
                                • Sep 2007
                                • 13435

                                A little bit goes a long way. It takes awhile to be a good judge of size. For me, the size that looks right is always too big. I have to mentally cut it short to get the right sized pris.


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