Camel Snus compared to "real" snus and whats white

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  • Bona Fide
    • Apr 2009
    • 17

    Camel Snus compared to "real" snus and whats white

    I have been useing camel snus while smoking for about the last week. (because i had to do some construction inside a school and can't not smoke every 15 mins or i get pretty damn irritated) i have been smoking for about 15 years. ive never wanted to quit smoking though i have had to for some things like boot camp and baby being born. i smoke ALOT. but a few days ago i havent really wanted to smoke anymore and today i didnt even go buy a pack. its not that i want to quit but its just not appeling any more after trying snus. anyone else have this story. i have ordered a couple cans of skruf stark (high level? how high is high level?), claq qui (fruity flavor description sounds awesome), and general onyx. i went with the strong stuff because to feel this camel snus i use 2 portions. i dont know the mg per portion for camel snus so i didnt know which real snus to order. i read that it was 8mg per portion but i dont really feel anything from one portion. does anyone else know? have i purchased too strong of snus. i usually leave one in for 20 mins and one in for an hour. or i get light headed. i guess the basic question is does anyone know the mg of camel snus. damn the mellow flavored one tastes so damn good. DAMN SORRY FOR THE LONG POST GUESS THIS DOUBLE PORTION HAD ME ALL JUCIED UP. LOL... also what is the deal with white portion. what does that refer to. is there a black portion?
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    First Bona Fide, welcome to Snuson, you came to the right place.

    I too never intended to quit smoking. Started when iw as 9, was a two pack a day smoke when I first tried snus. I too got it so I could have it ast work, was managing a sales floor and I hated leaving it to go smoke. but funny thing happened those next three or four weeks. kept reaching for the snus more and the cigarettes less till one day, I just stopped buying them. I then realized how much money i was saving using snus and that really hooked me.

    White portions are made differently than regular portions. they skip the final wetting step among other differences so are dryer and cleaner than regular portions. the taste is a bit mellower and slower to come on. After a year of using snus, I suddenly switched to using mostly white, I just seem to prefer them more now.

    Play with the different strengths. Camel sucks at delivering nicotine. i suspect that even a regular 8 mg portion will make you feel much better. I use a bunch of strong in between regular as that just keeps a better nicotine level for me. but we are each different so experiment until you find what is right for you.

    And again, welcome


    • TBD
      • Jul 2008
      • 817

      Welcome to the board.
      Sage has pretty well covered your questions, except one. There are black portions, but they are just white portions in a pretty black bag. The tobacco is treated the same as white portions but the bag material is black.


      • Bona Fide
        • Apr 2009
        • 17

        well thank you for the warm welcome sir. thank you for helping me understand the white portion reference. i couldnt find that info anywhere for some reason. i will have to try skruf stark in white and original. ordered from a place called swedish then i saw people were talking about get snus is a little more expensive but i assume that the shipping will be faster because its in the usa as i am. so it looks like it will be awhile till i get to try the "real" stuff. no local tabacco shops i have found here in houston have anything other than camel so i shall keep looking and waiting. any recommended sites?

        and again thank you


        • Bona Fide
          • Apr 2009
          • 17

          thanks tbd i was kinna wondering about that one. all i could tell from supplier pics was some bags were whit or brown or black. thanks for the reply ill have to try them all. cant wait to find one i really like. i think i know alreadyy that i like strong tabacco taste, with maybe a hint of flavor not one ive tried flavored dip like apple wintergreen stuff like that. i dont know there so many ill just have to try em all. cant wait. oh also the portion containers, the silver on with the star. do they absorb flavors. i would ony be able to use my main snus in one of those right. doesnt seem worth it........ thanks guys


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            Originally posted by Bona Fide
            well thank you for the warm welcome sir. thank you for helping me understand the white portion reference. i couldnt find that info anywhere for some reason. i will have to try skruf stark in white and original. ordered from a place called swedish then i saw people were talking about get snus is a little more expensive but i assume that the shipping will be faster because its in the usa as i am. so it looks like it will be awhile till i get to try the "real" stuff. no local tabacco shops i have found here in houston have anything other than camel so i shall keep looking and waiting. any recommended sites?

            and again thank you
            Serious Cigars 6608 FM 1960 W, Suite D Houston 77069 281-397-9800

            Spec’s Liquor Warehouse 2410 Smith Street Houston 77006 713-526-8787

            Both sell a limited number of General products

            Getsnus is good, but they don't carry many of my favorites. Typical shipping for me from Sweden is about 5 - 6 days. And as you will learn, I horde, and never order when I have less than 20 snus left, so waiting is never a big deal for me


            • Bona Fide
              • Apr 2009
              • 17

              hmm i wonder if other specs have general. theres one right down the street. i never thought to check there. im allergic to ALMOST all alchohal, and pain killers too, sucks, so it never crossed my mind. i live in league city. i thought you were from NC howd you find that info...

              when you say u order when u have 20 snus. does that mean portions or cans of portions.


              • existone
                • Apr 2009
                • 42

                My guess is or Anyway, welcome to the boards. Good luck with your Snus endeavors. I quit smoking using Camel Frost and within a week got to try swedish snus and have not looked back thus far. P.S. If you like flavored things and are looking for medium nic, try the General Wintergreen. You might like it, might hate it, but I bet it is one of the types of General you will find at your local store.


                • sagedil
                  • Nov 2007
                  • 7077

                  Originally posted by Bona Fide
                  hmm i wonder if other specs have general. theres one right down the street. i never thought to check there. im allergic to ALMOST all alchohal, and pain killers too, sucks, so it never crossed my mind. i live in league city. i thought you were from NC howd you find that info...

                  when you say u order when u have 20 snus. does that mean portions or cans of portions.
                  Info came from Swedish Match store locator.


                  There is an even better one from Generals own site


                  CANS of portions. I had a traumatic experience 14 months ago back when i was dirt poor and ordering at the last minute. I had one Buysnus order go bad and was completely out of portions for 5 days. Horrible, terrible, badly scarred by the experience. Not long after, I collected $9100 from a motorcycle accident and filled my freezer with snus. I vowed then never to be without again. At my worst, I had about 95 cans in the freezer. Typically now, I range from about 30 - 60 cans, order new snus every other month.


                  • snussy
                    • Apr 2009
                    • 19

                    trust me dude, i know EXACTLY what your going through. I loved smoking. smoked for 8 yrs. tried to quit, couldnt do it. But snus just made me not want to smoke anymore. I didnt even have the mindset i was going to quit. I just magically didnt want to smoke anymore. talk about making it easy for you! Mind you ive tried numerous quit smoking routines and products. nothing worked. but snus.. i tell you its gotta be te greatest thing since sliced bread.


                    • lxskllr
                      • Sep 2007
                      • 13435

                      My stories almost exactly the same as yours. A buddy of mine went to Norway, and saw people using snus over there. A couple of months later, I saw a Camel display for snus, and was curious. I wouldn't have bought it otherwise, but it was a nice tie in from my friends story. I ended up digging it, and even though I had no intention of quitting smoking, I found I wasn't smoking as much. I figured wth?, I'll try to stop smoking. I had smoked for over 20 years, and it was kind of like abandoning an old friend, but in the end, it's best not to for health reasons. I still smoke the occasional cigarette, but I don't /have to/, and that's kind of nice. I can have a smoke, and that'll be it for a week or more until I have another one.

                      Btw, Welcome to the forums :^)


                      • Bona Fide
                        • Apr 2009
                        • 17

                        damn phone and internet got shut off. but im back online with my phone. i love these new phones.

                        so today I drove 30 miles, eachway to get to the closest snus retailer. they only carry general but I thought id buy a coupke cans.... so I go outside all kinds of excited to try the "real" snus. pop one in and its serioulsy disgusting. so im looking at it and it says best before 4.20.09 could it be that a few days past best date would sour this stuff or does general just have a taste that is kinna... I don't wanna say gross but kinna real sour and basicly rotten and gross. lol. sorry to general fans, if there are any... so is there anyway to infuse some flavor into this stuff like im thinking honey... I hope skruf and claq qui arnt this mismatched to my tastes...


                        • Bona Fide
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 17

                          also wow I thought some would say that they use snus to quit but I thought I was alone in accidently quiting. I too enjoyed a smoke once so far and it feels so damn good to not NEED one. awesome boss'em nova super cool.


                          • reshumate
                            • May 2008
                            • 94

                            You're in for a shock, because Skruf and Claq Qui are even stronger tasting than General. You may just be a girly snus (Camel) user.


                            • sagedil
                              • Nov 2007
                              • 7077

                              Originally posted by Bona Fide
                              damn phone and internet got shut off. but im back online with my phone. i love these new phones.

                              so today I drove 30 miles, eachway to get to the closest snus retailer. they only carry general but I thought id buy a coupke cans.... so I go outside all kinds of excited to try the "real" snus. pop one in and its serioulsy disgusting. so im looking at it and it says best before 4.20.09 could it be that a few days past best date would sour this stuff or does general just have a taste that is kinna... I don't wanna say gross but kinna real sour and basicly rotten and gross. lol. sorry to general fans, if there are any... so is there anyway to infuse some flavor into this stuff like im thinking honey... I hope skruf and claq qui arnt this mismatched to my tastes...
                              Do NOT take your first opinions of real snus as meaningful. First few days it will taste strange and rather offputting, but that WILL change as your body gets used to the salt, I promise. We have heard the same story a thousand times. After a week or so, you will understand what we mean.

                              Please, please, just give it some time to work it's magic.


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