Camel Snus compared to "real" snus and whats white

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  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681

    Originally posted by Bona Fide
    so im looking at it and it says best before 4.20.09 could it be that a few days past best date would sour this stuff or does general just have a taste that is kinna... I don't wanna say gross but kinna real sour and basicly rotten and gross. lol. sorry to general fans, if there are any... so is there anyway to infuse some flavor into this stuff like im thinking honey... I hope skruf and claq qui arnt this mismatched to my tastes...
    The date shouldn't be too much of a problem. It's not like milk so it should still be fine to use

    Although the initial taste of real snus might be a bit different from what you are used to I think - and based on a guess - that the General wasn't properly refrigerated. Throw it in the fridge for a couple of hours and see how it tastes then.

    The Skruf and Claq Qui might not be the right option for you. I would suggest the regular Röda Lacket White portions, Göteborgs Rapé #2 White portions and the Gotlandssnus Green portions. All are quite heavily fruit flavoured.


    • Bona Fide
      • Apr 2009
      • 17

      I got the claq qui because it was described as fruity. but it seems your saying its like general. ill definatly try the ones you listed as fruity I guess being from califorina im just a fruity guy. thanks for the info. I did put it in the fridge for a while and it did taste better... now that I think about it. they did have a genral fridge with lots of air flowing through it but it wasn't at all cold maybe even a few degrees warmer than outside the fridge. every can they had was past the best by date, and nine more expired rolls in the back. and they said they just received their delivry a few days ago. they did have some general wintergreen with best by date of 07.14.09 so I got one of those. I hate wintergreen dip but wanted to try it. don't really like the winter green in it but after that wears off I like it a lot.

      the "expired" general orig. is real dry and seems to not give me a nic hit??? but I pop in a winter green and feel it for sure. could this be due to the best by date?? im so lucky to have found this forum. sorry I have so damn many questions.


      • Bona Fide
        • Apr 2009
        • 17


        Do NOT take your first opinions of real snus as meaningful. First few days it will taste strange and rather offputting, but that WILL change as your body gets used to the salt, I promise. We have heard the same story a thousand times. After a week or so, you will understand what we mean.

        Please, please, just give it some time to work it's magic.[/quote]

        I definatly am going to give general a chance because I like citrus and tabacco tastes and I frickin love salt on every thing. maybe its the combo. it is getting better but I seriously think this general I got is rotton. well see when I get my package cause I got some general onyx. well see what happens.


        • sagedil
          • Nov 2007
          • 7077

          But snus never goes rotten. Worst case, will dry out, and flavor will be a bit less. But you can't have a can of snus go "bad"

          All the talk about refrigerating, or freezing, is just about maintaining optimal freshness, nothing more.


          • Bona Fide
            • Apr 2009
            • 17

            I hear ya on the not going rotten or the can would say expires on instead of best before... right. well I took some moistining measures and it tastes much better. I had one tin original portion and one tin white portion. the original was dry to the touch like cardboard and the white portion seemed moist compared to the original. so I steamed the original. tastes a lot better, pretty good auctuall. but I swear thers no nic hit. so im gonna make a nother trip up north to a store I found that has a fresh batch and see if theres any difference in the nic hit. ill update when I find some thing out.


            • harpdog
              • Jan 2009
              • 114

              Originally posted by Bona Fide
              I hear ya on the not going rotten or the can would say expires on instead of best before... right. well I took some moistining measures and it tastes much better. I had one tin original portion and one tin white portion. the original was dry to the touch like cardboard and the white portion seemed moist compared to the original. so I steamed the original. tastes a lot better, pretty good auctuall. but I swear thers no nic hit. so im gonna make a nother trip up north to a store I found that has a fresh batch and see if theres any difference in the nic hit. ill update when I find some thing out.
              You can order fresh snus from they have now opened a US warehouse so shipping is quicker and cheaper. to US residents.


              • sth
                • Jan 2009
                • 118

                i quit smoking like 2 years ago. when I went back to college after a year off, i found myself craving cigarettes hardcore, probably because I was drinking more. I didn't really wanna start smoking again, cause I had had sinus surgery and all kinds of stuff i'd rather not muck up by inhaling smoke; but I really wanted to smoke for the nicotine. well, I had heard of snus, and found out a cigar store in philadelphia sells it, so I went and tried it. Been snusing for a couple months now, although not heavily. keeps me off of cigarettes, and is cleaner and tastes nice.


                • Maxpower05080
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 185

                  Oh man....this makes me sad. How can you not like general? (j/k...we all have different tastes!) I love the stuff though...The first time I smelled it I was a bit grossed out, but as soon as i tried it I was blown away. Nothing in my life has ever tasted like it. Salty, spicy, and slightly sweet citrus. Fantastic stuff.


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