Lös Advice

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  • melly mel
    • Apr 2009
    • 92

    Lös Advice

    I've tried a few varieties of lös and rather enjoy the less salty flavor. The problem I have is mud mouth. The pris tends to break up so much that it runs everywhere. What is the secret to enjoying lös?

    I have tried hand baking and the prismaster. I noticed when I don't load the prismaster too much it stays together better.

    At this time, I don't know if buying an ice tool is justification enough and tea bagging is too much work. Any other suggestions that will help?
  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    How long have you been using?

    When I did los before, it took me a few weeks before the mud mouth stopped. I just had to learn how to leave it alone. I abuse my portions but you can't do that with los.

    Used the prismaster.


    • melly mel
      • Apr 2009
      • 92

      About 3 weeks in. Tried lös last week. I probably should've searched the forum before asking my newbish question. I found some good advice in this thread after I posted this one.



      • MrAbstracto
        • Dec 2008
        • 389

        My advice is to just keep at it.
        Practice does make perfect in this case.


        • Dgtl Dvnt
          • Apr 2009
          • 101

          I use a prismaster and fill it about 3/4 of the way then press it into the bottom of the can or lid until the juice just starts to come out. After I inject it as high as possible into my upper lip I mold it slightly with my tongue and then leave it.

          Because I have a small mouth the natural pressure from my lip wanting to close pushes a larger pris down causing mudslides.

          For me I get little to no mudslide with Skruf Stark Los, General Los, and Offroad Original Los (I actually can use these ones at work with relative discreteness).

          Gotlands Classic Yellow Loose on the other hand I can't keep together for more than 15-20 min. Too bad because I really enjoy the flavor!


          • spirit72
            • Apr 2008
            • 1013

            Re: Lös Advice

            Originally posted by melly mel
            I've tried a few varieties of lös and rather enjoy the less salty flavor. The problem I have is mud mouth. The pris tends to break up so much that it runs everywhere. What is the secret to enjoying lös? I have tried hand baking and the prismaster. I noticed when I don't load the prismaster too much it stays together better. At this time, I don't know if buying an ice tool is justification enough and tea bagging is too much work. Any other suggestions that will help?
            What brands are you using? In very general terms, the finer the grind, the tougher to keep together.

            Really, it's a matter of finding a balance as far as how tightly to make the pris, whichever tool you're using. You don't want it so loose that it falls apart in 10 minutes, but you also don't want it so tight that it feels like you just put a rock in your upper lip.

            It comes with experience. Keep at it.


            • spirit72
              • Apr 2008
              • 1013

              Originally posted by Dgtl Dvnt
              Gotlands Classic Yellow Loose on the other hand I can't keep together for more than 15-20 min. Too bad because I really enjoy the flavor!
              With Gotlandssnus, I've found that there's really no such thing as 'too tight'. I pack it into my Prismaster until I think it's tight enough, and then I pack in a bit more. Still feels great.


              • melly mel
                • Apr 2009
                • 92

                Re: Lös Advice

                Thanks for the replies everyone. I'll keep at it. :wink:

                Originally posted by spirit72
                What brands are you using? In very general terms, the finer the grind, the tougher to keep together.
                So far I've tried Ettan, General and Grov. Grov seems to hold together better because of the courser grind. My fav out of the 3 is Ettan as far as flavor. Nice and subtle, not overwhelming at all.

                My first lös was Offroad wintergreen long cut. I used to dip Skoal Wintergreen and thought it would be very similar in flavor. Man, was I wrong. I can't even give the damn thing away. Lol.


                • melly mel
                  • Apr 2009
                  • 92

                  Popped in a half a tightly packed prismaster of Ettan nice and high into the gum/lip without stabbing myself and so far so good. I'm about an hour in on this pris and no slide.


                  • Dgtl Dvnt
                    • Apr 2009
                    • 101

                    With Gotlandssnus, I've found that there's really no such thing as 'too tight'. I pack it into my Prismaster until I think it's tight enough, and then I pack in a bit more. Still feels great.
                    I'm going to give it another try right now and see how it holds up. Guess it can never be too tight :wink:


                    • Roo
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 3446

                      tea bagging is too much work
                      Just keep your back straight, and bend at the knees. Lower yourself slowly over the target, and keep steady.


                      • PassedPawn
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 319

                        I'm into my second week of los (Ettan, Grov, OR Cranberry, and Got Yellow) and those suckers are staying nice and packed. I usually fill the Prismaster to capacity, raise it up slightly, and then compress it a bit with my finger on top while pushing the lever. Then I insert it in my upper lip, more or less above the canine and bicuspid teeth. No mudmouth, as long as I don't laugh or something.


                        • melly mel
                          • Apr 2009
                          • 92

                          Originally posted by PassedPawn
                          Then I insert it in my upper lip, more or less above the canine and bicuspid teeth.
                          That's where I put mine. I tried the right side of my mouth and it didn't work out too well. I even tried lower lip from my dip days hoping it would work, it didn't. :lol:

                          I guess the upper left side is my "good" side for lös though I did double barrel last night with 2 half prismasters of General with much success. I just made sure my mouth was relaxed while watching the Heroes season finale. Had it in for a couple of hours before hitting the sack.


                          • Dgtl Dvnt
                            • Apr 2009
                            • 101

                            Originally posted by melly mel
                            Originally posted by PassedPawn
                            Then I insert it in my upper lip, more or less above the canine and bicuspid teeth.
                            That's where I put mine. I tried the right side of my mouth and it didn't work out too well. I even tried lower lip from my dip days hoping it would work, it didn't. :lol:

                            I guess the upper left side is my "good" side for lös though I did double barrel last night with 2 half prismasters of General with much success. I just made sure my mouth was relaxed while watching the Heroes season finale. Had it in for a couple of hours before hitting the sack.
                            My upper left is my good side too.

                            It also helps to wipe the inside of your lip dry with the back of your hand before you put the pris is.


                            • rickcharles606
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 2307

                              Originally posted by Roo
                              tea bagging is too much work
                              Just keep your back straight, and bend at the knees. Lower yourself slowly over the target, and keep steady.
                              I just soiled myself laughing at this....


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