Help... Need Baking Advice

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  • Grim
    • Jun 2008
    • 850

    Help... Need Baking Advice

    Ok its been a year now since my entry into the world of Los Snus.

    I love Los so much because it seems the nic delivery is slower and more steady than portions which just seem to punch you in the face then disappear.

    I was like most, I started with a Prismaster then went to an icetool while hand baking every now n then just practicing.

    I used zeros vid as a guideline then added in my own touches.

    My ONE and ONLY problem since ive gotten pretty good at handbaking is.... with General and Gotlands the pris wants to crack ever so slightly and then not go back into the shape i want.

    I use a pretty heavy palm bake at the start and gradually form it into a somewhat oval lil ball.

    Once i get that general shape I put it in the fingers and start to very gently mold it into an almost icetool-esque shape, but thats when it splits, even with very light pressure.

    Not always, but over half the time.

    I prefer a handbaked pris when I get a chance as its easier to place and feels firmer and doesnt crumble away, HOWEVER, it does seem to run in less time than an icetool pris which can last hours.

    Any help in techniques would be appreciated with what im doing wrong, especially from seasoned vets.
  • Pson
    New Member
    • Nov 2008
    • 12

    I think it's much easier to bake it like this: Take a reasonable amount between thumb and indexfinger, push against the egde of the can, so it gets some sort of triangle look. then carefully scrape it against the edge of the can to get of the small bits that probably will end up on the floor otherwise. Now you have two choices, just pop it in "alive" or start baking it with the indexfinger and the thumb of both hands until you get desired form and hardness. pop it in and done!


    • Jason
      • Jan 2008
      • 1370

      If I'm using a los that's hard to bake, I usually lick my fingers before I pinch it out of the tin. I know it sounds kind of gross, but the extra moisture is usually enough to keep the pris least long enough for the "trip to the lip".


      • NBSF
        • Mar 2009
        • 39

        try using a little saliva. Just wet your finger a bit and rub it over the crack.


        • ponysoprano
          • Jul 2008
          • 562

          Originally posted by Jason
          If I'm using a los that's hard to bake, I usually lick my fingers before I pinch it out of the tin. I know it sounds kind of gross, but the extra moisture is usually enough to keep the pris least long enough for the "trip to the lip".
          that's some solid advice, I agree. I kind of get a rough sphere started in the palm of my (right) dominant) hand, then use my middle and forefinger to sort of roll the pris into a better shape. As I'm sure you know Grim, there are a couple los brands that are finer cut/easier and good to practice with, like Roda and Goteborgs Prima Fint, those are the two I started out with.


          • Grim
            • Jun 2008
            • 850

            I apreciate the tips guys.

            And thanks also Pony for the snus brand tips but ive tried those and im not too fond of them.

            Seems im more of an Ettan, General And Gotlands Fan.

            Ettan holds up fine, General has problems with cracking and Gotlands Bakes very well but turns to mush pretty quick.

            I find its very easy to bake when cold but it cracks easy.

            When warm its best top use an icetool.

            Reason I asked is because I prefer Los, even at work.

            I always keep portions on hand for when at the bar or at work when we r really busy and dont have time to wash my hands properly as I work in a restaraunt and im the grill cook and im constantly touching raw chicken and beef.

            Lately ive been using the hillbilly method but ive grown accustomed to a more finely manicured pris so its icetool and back to t he boards with hand baking, which is why i love snus so mucH!!

            Its a tobacco experience unlike any other and im so happy ive had snus in my life before this current boom its going through.


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