I recently found the wonderful of snus. I tend to be an informed buyer, and like to do a bit of research before making a purchase. A buddy of mine bought a roll of Offroad, decided he didn't like it, and has been giving me cans. I'm not too crazy about the quality of this product. Can anyone recomend some good quality snus? I've been considering General Ekstra Sterk...anybody with experience with this brand?
Welcome to the forum.
Offroad portions are disliked by some, everybody is different. Some flavors are OK some are so Ok. I like most of them. The tobacco is high quality, the flavors tend to be hit or miss.
Pretty much anything with the General name is going to be good snus. I can't predict you will like it, but it's high quality. Also try Ettan, Grov, Gotlands.
Welcome to Snuson Badfish74
Offroad is a unique snus, unlike any other snus out there. many folks are not big fans, it has some strange, offputting tastes to many folks.
The General ES is good, as is most of the rest of the snus out there (stay away from level, it tastes like bad dirt)
Best recommendation is to look at the top 5 thread that is stickyied, you will see many common favorites. Or get Northerner's Top 10 try out box. You will get some of their most popular snuses and have some good idea what you like and don't like, and we can better guide yo from there.
And welcome again.
Thank you guys for the warm welcome! Also thank you very much for the advice! I'm not so much put off by the flavor of the Offroad...it just doesn't last very long. I've read on this forum that white portion lasts a little longer. I'll try some of that. Also the advice on the "variety" packs was very helpful! I love this forum...very informative!!
Welcome!have you tried any other snus, than offroad yet? If not, they all have this distinct flavor of a salty tobacco. Offroad is a bit odd though, but i kind of like it.
My recommendation is to try any type of general. I love general snus....its a perfect snus imo. The extra sterk is a good choice, if you want a strong snus. The best general has to be Onyx, though. Its on the strong side, but not too strong.
Also if you want general white portions, getsnus.com gives out a free tin if you never ordered from them before. It was my intro to snus.
Welcome to the site, and snus! Try some General Onyx, it's my favorite. Also, General Ekstra Sterk is fantastic! Good flavor and nic hit. Next I love Roda lacket and roda lacket Claq qui. Ettan, Granit, Skruf Stark all three good snus. Hell, I couldn't live without every snus I've just listed..LMAO, well yes I could but I'd be unpleasant...
Thanks to all for the great advice! In the short time that I've been researching snus I've learned that it's a lot like wine...there are so many different brands and they all have they're own flavors! Everyone seems to have their own personal faves, but there's several that everybody agrees on! Thanks again for the helpful input!
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